Winning the War
The war is won when any country is reduced to one field. At that time, the arena is reset, a different terrain is rotated in with the country territories randomly set, and a perk point bonus is awarded to players that have been in the winning country for a minimum of 12 hours prior to the end of the war.
While doing some testing on a new terrain for h2h I came across this.
The terrain was setup with Knights vs Rooks but had 1 Bishop field ( airfield) available for capture to get a strategic position on the map to help in more field caputures.
Knights: 1 port, 1 airfield, 1 vehiclefield, 1 cvtg
Rooks: 1 port, 1 airfield, 1 vehiclefield, 1 cvtg
I placed 2 fields for Bishop off in the corner of the map away from the main fighting area. By fuke both of these were placed as Vehicle fields.
When A1 was caputured the war was over even though both the Knights and the Rooks had 3 fields.
Further test seem to show that a war will be one once all enemy Airfields are captured reguardless of how many ports or vehicle fields are still under their control.
This maybe some new changes with this 109 version?