Author Topic: Why bother calling the HTC MA a sim?  (Read 661 times)

Offline ispar

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Why bother calling the HTC MA a sim?
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2001, 05:48:00 PM »
Ooh, have to dispute the range of the P-38... they could make it just about as far as the P-51. The problem was that they were too unreliable to push all the way to Berlin - not to mention the fact that strikes couldn't immediately go into the heart of Germany without being destroyed. Start small  :).

Offline DanielMcIntyre

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Why bother calling the HTC MA a sim?
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2001, 10:16:00 PM »
Personally I think speed is the dominating factor in AH and RL aerial combat - you have speed, you control the fight, you can expect to win and p51d at the right alt is real difficult to beat.

Offline dsrtrat

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Why bother calling the HTC MA a sim?
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2001, 10:48:00 PM »
I hope all that writing wasn't about wether HTC should call this a sim or not? The fact is, too realistic will chase people away. Personally, I love the fact that I can come online and hammer away with 200 hundred other GAMERS. Show me any other game that does that!

As far as Killshooter goes, It is the lesser of 2 evils IMHO. I have played games where friendly fire was enabled and all it took was for some clown that wasn't havin fun and didn't respect others trying to game to screw it up.

Like someone said, this is the product that HTC is selling! If ya don't like it, go somewhere else and try to find it. I bet you are back here in 3 days!!!

I think HTC should be applauded for creating such a fun game and in general, givin the customer what they ask for without bowing down to meets a small groups wishes!!!!

HTC, keep up the good work.

Now if we could just get a spit MkVIII, clipped wings with a merlin 66 series engine, the world would be a better place! LOL

Offline Duckwing6

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Why bother calling the HTC MA a sim?
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2001, 03:21:00 AM »
In a SIM i fly a one engine out ILS to minimums at night with a 15knots gusting 25 cross wind..

Is it fun ? yea.. if you'r into that kind of thing...

In the AH - MA i'm to fight PEOPLE in A/C modeled after WW2 A/C.

I guess that's pretty much the design goal for the MA or am i wrong ?


Offline Apar1

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Why bother calling the HTC MA a sim?
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2001, 03:25:00 AM »
I agree with you Streakeagle, I wouldn't call it a pure simulator either, but does that mean we cannot comment on it at all?

I think it should be a "healthy" compromise between gameplay and realism. Realism at least for the flight models and damage models. Don't get me wrong, I do like AH, far better than any other "combat flight simulator", I call it that because I think that is how it started out in the beta version. I have wandered around allot of flight sims and I stuck to AH because of the certain amount of realism in the FM, I consider it a challenge to fly planes and fight in them as realistic as possible and even more to compete with other online simmers.

Further more allot of people act like every post is a "whine" and I don't agree with that. I think that HTC DOES appreciate the feedback (positive or negative) on the game because it helps them to improve the game/sim and develop it and asure it will be valued by a large community not only now but also in the future. That means that concessions will be made between realism and gameplay to accomodate the largest part of that community. I'm sure that everybody knows perfectly well that this game/sim is owned by Hitech and we can take it or leave it.  But everybody that sells a product tries to reach a customer community as large as possible, trying to do so inherently needs feedback from that community to determnine the wishes of that community.

To all who say "stop whining and have fun, take it or leave it", why don't you stop reading the forum and complain about the "whining"? The same reasoning for saying stop whining surely applies to you as well.

I personlly enjoy reading people oppinions on the game/sim and there feedbacks and suggestions. As far as I'm concerned it is not a questions whether this is a pure sim or a pure game, it is about finding the best ballance between the 2. "Best" being determined by the community and not only by HTC.
I can asure you that if a "more realistic" combat flight sim comes out more than half of the so called loyal AH community will switch to that new product. Therefore it is in the interest of both HTC as in the people that like AH that AH keeps evolving to the wishes of the people that fly on-line sims in the first place.

Is it necessary to prove every flaw in AH with hard scientific evidense? That requires all on-line simmers to be experts in the field of historical facts on WWII planes and tactics, aerodynamics, control, damage models, etc, etc. That assumption alone is BS in my oppinion. It is what this community and the use of this forum by that community makes of it. I do like to see somebody to start a discussion in general terms and the few knowledgeable around to follow up filling the gaps and give the scientific prove to that flaw.
Furthermore I think that HTC is very capable in translating genereal flaw discriptions into scientific terms and be able to change the code to accomodate the repair of that flaw if they decide to do so.

I say, "whine" as much as you want. It DOES help to develop the game/sim.

[ 09-19-2001: Message edited by: Apar1 ]

Offline lazs1

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Why bother calling the HTC MA a sim?
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2001, 08:27:00 AM »
For me... it is a game using simulated WWII AC.  

More important thatn absoute "realism" or accuracy is...  that the planes perform accurately in relationship to each other.   That is the basis for most peoples "whines"  A zeke should be able to outurn a Hog but a Hog should be able to stay with it for half a turn... A 109 should be outurned by a spit  but roll better etc. etc. etc.  

I think AH does the best job of this with the planes (buffs excepted) and their gunnery/damage model, FM of any sim out there.... As a bonus... the numbers seem to be pretty right on too.

Offline hazed-

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Why bother calling the HTC MA a sim?
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2001, 08:30:00 AM »
well BLOODY said Apar <S>