I do maps completely different from the rest of the clan. I have most of my information made, Elevation,tiles,Bmp's, and Clipboard map made before i even open the TE. I've posted my "formula" before, I'll repost it if you want.
then i open the TE make a new terrain name it what I have my other information, then drag that information into the TE folder and whalla, it over writes the defualt stuff and all i have to do is place feilds,strats,depots,roads,ships,maprooms,ent points, HQ,barracks,sacrifice 2 chickens to the TE gods,rivers,roads,ack,adjust elevation,hue,tiles,size,hangers,twrs,VH,runways,boat ent, ammo,factories,cities,radar,mountains,trains,barges,convoys,...
easy as pie ( rollos eyes)
Originally posted by wantok
as i recall it was this:
- open Terrain Editor for the first time after installation;
[do *not* create a new terrain with standard File- New- Open- close app - copy bmp- open app technique]
- select an area in the Terrain Editing Window;
- select a terrain type and hit Set Type;
- TE crashes.
i believe i also tried to set altitude on a selected area, after restarting the editor, which also caused a crash.