Author Topic: how long for real torque efect ?  (Read 582 times)

Offline J_A_B

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2002, 03:17:32 PM »
Actually all I said was the guys who think AH's torque is wrong and want it changed, need to find more than opinions to back up their claims.

Personally I don't know if it's right or wrong or whatever.  I've never flown a 1500+ horsepower plane.  

And ok minus, you're not French.....what nationality are you then?   You don't appear to have English as your primary language.


Offline Tac

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2002, 03:24:36 PM »
lol JAB, as a foreigner that tutored american-born and raised students in english so they can pass ENG. COMP I and II.. let me tell ya, I find that comment hilarious! :)

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2002, 03:36:15 PM »
hitech ,  and ? what have fiziological function due with that ?

Offline hitech

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2002, 03:59:05 PM »
Minus if you wan't a realy answere here it is.

Give me any data , not some broad based discription, but data on alt performance, or torque, then we can discuse if things are correct or incorect, untill then you are just making noise. And quite frankly extreemly rude noise.

Performance to alt curves are listed on our web pages for every one of our planes, AH hits those curves, exatly which one of those curves do you have data on showing they are incorect?

So far when people think they have found problems with it, it's has been  do to unclear specs they are reading. When you dig deaper you find what the varence is in the test data. See the 190 f8 thread. We have seen report data that has been requoted down threw the years that is so obviously wrong,but none technical types just take it for granted. (the 205 comes to mind)

Im alway looking at ways to make inprovements, but some numbers I have no doubt about, torque is one of them.

Torque is one of the easy things to caculate, it realy is as simple as Torque = HP/(prop rmp) this would give you an absolute max torque to be applied to the airframe. The torque applied to the air frame would be slightly less do to the gear box friction. We ignor the gear box effects when caculating torque on the plane, so if you wish real torque we could acctuly lower it by 5 - 8 %.

Just a question to you minus, what effect does increased torque have on an airplane ?
If you wish to discuse the technical aspects of AH I just wan't to make sure we have a clear understanding of terms.

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2002, 04:01:19 PM »
hitech , and ? what have fiziological function due with that ?

That was a deffinition of torque. I assumed thats what this disccusion was about?

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2002, 04:03:32 PM »
realy ??, so you profite on my poor knowledges in english langue ??

i dont waiting miracle , just some more precise answer,    please

Offline Weave

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2002, 04:07:04 PM »
:D Lol HT, thanks for brightening up my day!:D :D

Offline minus

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2002, 04:07:21 PM »
HT if you say , yes  i will push the frekin AH to the extrem modeling  to be the most complex and realistic , will aplaud  next 6 month , and probably not alone ;)

Offline easymo

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2002, 04:55:27 PM »
find a pre 1.03 version. You will be surprised

Offline hitech

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2002, 04:57:18 PM »
Minus: Name one person in the WWII flight sim industry who over the last 7 years has done more to push the flight model envlope than me.

Just your implication that I won't continue do so is an extreemly nieve post. Now if you expect me to stop all other development just to implement every flight model thing i've been researching and working on, you are so totaly clueless as to the realities of business development that you are not even worth teaching the realities of life. And quite frankly minus, im not even sure you could be a valid judge of what is more real.

Make no mistake, I know the short commings in our flight model better than anyone else,Ive always been my own worst critic.
I also know the right on the number pieces. You just happen to pick two things to whine about that realy are right on the numbers,and by doing so made yourself look like a total clueless whining dolt.

If you think your assumptions are so correct, get off that duff of yours, do a little research and learning and prove me wrong. Ive done my research, how about you doing yours.

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2002, 05:42:25 PM »
i was ONLY asking  , right HT ??

if i any  time put question on your knowledges ???

why you see only whines all around ????

we olways just whine , hmmmm

about my research , and your research , they can be diferent

the world was  quadrate at 1944 in usa and probably flat plate  swiming on ocean for us in europe :rolleyes:

be hapy  HT you just puted me on the other side ,   for long time :(
« Last Edit: March 29, 2002, 05:45:02 PM by minus »

Offline Doberman

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #26 on: March 29, 2002, 05:59:41 PM »
Originally posted by minus

about my research , and your research , they can be diferent


Your "research" has consisted of NOTHING.  That's the problem.  

HT is willing to listen to anyone who can give ACTUAL DATA.  Not just words like. "I think it should be like this."

That's what you're being asked.  Give some actual data that shows torque should be different than it is.  If not, shut up.


Offline hitech

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #27 on: March 29, 2002, 06:04:37 PM »

game stil not have corect torque efects !!!

performances for the planes at diferent altitudes are marginal in AH , that is ridiculous, dont try rewrite history please

planes fly to well in at 90 degre bank roll , HUH ?


I was ONLY asking , right HT ??

Bull, now your trying to back out, exactly which one of these statements whas a question.

Offline 214thCavalier

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #28 on: March 29, 2002, 06:20:35 PM »
Question for HT really and no i dont take a stand on this torque thing being wrong just got me curious and i wish to be educated.

Regarding torque being HP/ prop rpm.

The resultant torque would i assume affect the aircraft quite differently at low and High speeds due to the lift the wings can generate to counteract torque effects ?

For aircraft with constant speed props i expect that you have HP figures per rpm for the engines and are utilising this?

For any aircraft without constant speed props, (not checked i assume some must be) then I assume if prop speed varies the efficiency of the prop will alter and hence the capability of it to transmit torque to the airframe ?

Of course my assumption that constant speed relates to the prop speed could be wrong and it may refer to keeping the engine speed constant ?

Can i also assume that the reason with combat trim off that i keep adjusting aeleron trim is due to differing torque effects at varying airspeeds ? or is it more an airframe airflow effect ?

I also realise its probably nowhere as simple as the above and propwash on the fuselage, wings and rudder would also have differing effects at different airspeeds.

Also if you wish i can run all replies from this point back and forth through a translator leaving some words out and try to amuse people :)

To Minus, part of the problem is we get the general meaning of your posts but i feel we often fail to understand everything you mean.
We know you want to question the torque effects in your 1st post, but some of the others just leave me thinking what the F*k are you talking about.

I know English is not your 1st language but believe me sometimes you may as well post in chinese for all the sense it makes.

Personally i blame the French, as you are living there I think they can be held fully responsible for your actions :)
« Last Edit: March 29, 2002, 06:36:15 PM by 214thCavalier »

Offline minus

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how long for real torque efect ?
« Reply #29 on: March 29, 2002, 06:22:24 PM »
told ya be hapy

you are right and i em just a stupid whiner who back  up and cant prove anything

  what more ?

about datas ???  why to show  things that u see already ?/

anyway  sory again HT you are right and i shut up

even plz delete all trehead ,