Author Topic: help with using webspace to post....  (Read 1013 times)

Offline hazed-

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help with using webspace to post....
« on: March 30, 2002, 09:40:04 PM »
...AVI's and zipped films?.

I have had 'some' experience making web pages using similar programmes to front page like 'hotdog' etc but ive often seen web pages with just files on the screen.
This is basically what i want, just blank page with a few films on so i can post links to them here.

could one of you guys just give me a rundown on how to go about it and what program you use to do it?


Offline AKDejaVu

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help with using webspace to post....
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2002, 10:30:35 PM »
That's a default setting hazed.  Create a directory and put the files in it.  Make the directory "listable" and when someone accesses the directory, it lists the files in it.  Make sure you have it set for read only.


Offline hazed-

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help with using webspace to post....
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2002, 11:14:17 PM »
deja im stuck at the moment as i was using a trial version for 30 days with the hotdog pagewiz.Unfortunately that has expired so i was looking for a recommendation on what software to buy or use for trial again :(

As im also a real novice in the web page dept. im pretty unclear on what youre talking about too. I think i understand setting up the file as i did this a long time ago to store some pictures i think but to be honest ive forgotten most of it.Once i got the page up and added a picture and a few lines of text i lost all interest in making pages.
Only now that ive started to learn about making avi's etc and i need to use my web page space have i begun to look into it again.without much success i might add! :(
I cant even find a demo program for uploading!
I did find uploader 3 but it crashes when i use it.

my webpage is and its really crap :D lol me and a friend (xup in AH btw thats his aeroplane on his site-click on pic for link) both put up a simple page and tried out a few things like adding pics/visitor counter/linking our pages together but that was about it.
uploading files for others to see and then linking it somehow to here is totally new to me.
If you can give me tips and perhaps let me know what software you guys use it would save me wandering the net looking for stuff i dont even know the name of ! :D

the web is the greatest tool for finding info on everything you dont want to know about ! drives me nuts personally , and after a few hours of it i give up and play games :D

if you can help id appreciate it. thanx
« Last Edit: March 30, 2002, 11:17:33 PM by hazed- »

Offline AKDejaVu

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help with using webspace to post....
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2002, 12:47:04 AM »
That page is on a server somewhere.  On that server, make a directory like and put the files in there.

Get that far and see what happens.  I can help you go forward from there.


Offline hazed-

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« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2002, 03:32:41 PM »
ok after trying 4 different FTP uploaders and failing with all of them i used internet explorer and dragged the file onto it.

now im not sure if i needed to make a file or whatever but it seems to be on there..and i stress 'seems' :D

gonna try a link to it:

i wonder if this will work?

seems not.
well the file is on the site but how i get to see it or make a link to it i dont know :)
« Last Edit: March 31, 2002, 06:13:47 PM by hazed- »

Offline AKDejaVu

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help with using webspace to post....
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2002, 03:34:56 PM »
Doesn't work for me.  You put this in that web site's root directory?


Offline hazed-

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« Reply #6 on: March 31, 2002, 06:39:06 PM »
ok this is how i put the file on the website:

first access the page using internet explorer uploader.
you do this by puting your username plus user password in internet explorer like you was entering a normal web address like this: (ill use xxxx to replace my password :) )


this brings up a page with all the stuff on my site which includes:
a folder called 'graphics' (containing 2 jpgs and a html document,1 jpg is the pic on the page and the other is not used)
'counter.data1' file (for visitor counter)
'index.htm' (html document)

i then dragged and dropped the avi file from desktop to the page and it was uploaded.the page then showed the 'sicily2kills.avi' file alongside the others.
I guess this isnt the way its done but some (dumb assed?) tech help guy at bt said this was the way to upload stuff.
but all i seem to have now is a file taking up room that i cannot access! when i ring back to ask the guy what exactly i do to use the thing he say'well we dont really support questions like that, we only have to make sure its working'...great help.
well im wading into a book on web page stuff but its so big i doubt i'll manage to read much! too much to learn :D

Im more your 'just tell me how to do it' type! :D I dont want to fathom it out myself, thats far too dull.

what have i done wrong deja?
« Last Edit: March 31, 2002, 06:46:09 PM by hazed- »

Offline Wotan

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help with using webspace to post....
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2002, 06:47:20 PM »
hazed get real producer.

it will set a page up for you

heres a link to my squads media page


to see how the text is laid out hit view on your browser then click on source.
Hope that helps.

Real producer is free just check the other threads in here (hblairs I think theres a link.

You can embed the film so it runs when you click on the page or link it like I did.

Offline hazed-

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« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2002, 08:53:08 PM »
real producer plus is $199 !!!
im trying to do this as a past time not to lose beer money over! lol
sorry but id rather do this with free stuff or trial software.Im really surprised noone can recommend a simple FTP programme or something similar to hotdog pagewiz?
isnt there loads of these things?
ive managed to get my avi down to 5.5MB with a little joke sample of an old german war song thrown in over the top of it.
hehe the singers even shout 'sieg heil' at the end to really annoy the allied guys hehehe
basically its my 2 sicily kills plus the 2 assists in black and white.
but the thing is its not so good as to warrent all this trouble.Its basically a test for me.I thought posting stuff was simply a matter of loading an uploader programme in and uploading the  blink movie file, then pointing people to it with the address its stored at? nothing is ever simple is it? :D

wotan do you mean i should look at the source file and see how it calls up a file?

i see this:

The following are a series of Real Media films were created using the Aces High Film Viewer. 

-- Comment Text Created By RealProducer Web Page Wizard - 3/30/2002
-- Caution: Do not make changes to this comment section.  Any local file
references that appear here are automatically updated when uploaded to a
remote web server. Alterations to this section or any file references
listed below or contained in the associated RAM or RPM metafiles may cause
errors when publishing your web page to a remote server. These values should
not be altered.
-- pagelayout="pop-up"
-- serverpath="3jg2image/"
-- mediafile="190f82.00.rm"
-- metafile="190f82.00.ram"
-- pagelayout="pop-up"
-- serverpath="3jg2image\"
-- mediafile="jabo.rm"
-- metafile="jabo.ram"

190f8 Jabo  

190a5 Stalingrad 

but although i can sort of see what its doing or wildly guess, would using the same html on my page work if i replace your file names with mine? Im sorry mate but Html is dutch to me! thats why i use page wiz's :D

« Last Edit: March 31, 2002, 09:29:37 PM by hazed- »

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #9 on: March 31, 2002, 09:51:43 PM »
ok heres how I do

create a seperate directory and store all your films images there

my images/films are in a directory labeled 3jg2image

I create a html document and link the films here


3jg2image/190f82.00.ram">190f8 Jabo

the bold is the link where the film is stored

what I did was make the media page then used real produce to make a html page containing the following (rp will do it automatically)

-- Comment Text Created By RealProducer Web Page Wizard - 3/30/2002
-- Caution: Do not make changes to this comment section. Any local file
references that appear here are automatically updated when uploaded to a
remote web server. Alterations to this section or any file references
listed below or contained in the associated RAM or RPM metafiles may cause
errors when publishing your web page to a remote server. These values should
not be altered.
-- pagelayout="pop-up"
-- serverpath="3jg2image/"
-- mediafile="190f82.00.rm"
-- metafile="190f82.00.ram"
-- pagelayout="pop-up"
-- serverpath="3jg2image\"
-- mediafile="jabo.rm"
-- metafile="jabo.ram"

190f8 Jabo

190a5 Stalingrad

I copy and pasted the above to the media page I created.

loaded up your file right but the host may not allow avi file to be dl'd from there.

run your films through real producer and save them as .rm. Then they will probrably load to ur site correctly. if you use real producer to set up an html page go into tools the create web page.

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #10 on: March 31, 2002, 10:00:06 PM »
oops now you cant just copy what i did because you will need to run your film through real producer to make it .rm then when you click create web page you select the .rm file you just converted when its finished creating the web page you will have a .ram file.

the .ram file is the one you need to store in your "image" directory

mine are stored in 3jg2image file.

you will also have a html text file this is where you copy the text from.

Offline hazed-

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« Reply #11 on: March 31, 2002, 10:24:01 PM »
wotan i have no programme to change the HTML mate.

please understand i dont 'know' html.I just messed around with a programme that asked me for a JPG or a line of text i wanted to put in and the size.Thats made all the html for me.It was more like using a graphics programme.

I didnt know i could even look at the source code until you mentioned it.

when you say make a folder you mean make a folder on my desktop and drag and drop it into my IE page editor same way as i uploaded my AVI?

I just did it and the file is there(at least it seems to be) i then deleted the avi and re-uploaded it (well another smaller bink film (.bik)) into that folder.I can now see it in the folder.but as to how i make a html text document?

you're losing me badly!

btw i couldnt get a trial version of real producer either, only the full version was on the site and im not about to buy it.

sorry I think its 'give up' time :D
« Last Edit: March 31, 2002, 10:30:09 PM by hazed- »

Offline Wotan

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help with using webspace to post....
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2002, 12:49:57 AM »
HTML Editor

This is a free editor dl load it :)

ok once you go through the real player process (convert to rm the using create web page you will have a .ram and a html document titled what ever title you chose)

Remember where those have been saved.

Open Evrsoft 1st page 2000 click Easy and the start manager will pop up just click close.

then click file open the chose the path to where you saved the html document generated by real producer and open it.

You can know edit it easy enough. Either use this as your page or if you know of a web page that you like you can copy and paste that source to a new html document in the editor. (dont take someone elses page but modify and make it unique to your use)

Just hit cntrl n in the editor. paste ther copied source code. Experiement a bit with it. once you get a good idea of the tags etc do you can modify the page and customize to how you want.

Theres also tons of free html templates out there so search and look and you may find something you like.

I not gonna go into how to start a webpage from scratch but theres a help and a tuturial within evrsoft.

once youve done that copy and paste the real producer stuff I told you about in the other post.

Create a file in like "my Documents" (or anywhere) label it my page.

Then save the html document you just created as "index.html"
to the file you created (my page or what ever you call it).

In that same file (my page) create another file and name it images.

now real producer once you coverted your avi to .rm and then used the "create web page" produced a file  hazedfilm.RAM

Copy or drag that .ram file into your mypage/image file

Now test it out in the mypage file you should have an html document you created  (index.html) and the file you created (images)

images/hazedfilm.00.ram">Hazed 1st film link (add a description here of your film)

your link to your film will be on the page make sure you edit to to show where the film is (images) then the correct name of the film (hazedfilm.00.ram)

Now just go into your mypage file and double click on the index.html. It will pop up like a web page then click on your link to your film. the film should pop up.

Now you need to upload you page. so everone else can see it.

up load the the index.html and the upload the image file you created using your favorite ftp uploader

Thats it.

now type you web addy in the address bar and it will pop up the index.html you made. Now click your link to the film and it will pop up.

Now when you want to add more links and more films

got eversoft open up the original index html doc and go through the real producer process and copy and paste the following
for each additional film.

-- pagelayout="pop-up"
-- serverpath="C:\My Media\"
-- mediafile="190f82.00.rm"
-- metafile="190f82.00.ram"

Just paste that directly under the paragraph that starts

-- Comment Text Created By RealProducer..blah blah blah

then copy the link

p>images/hazedfilm2.00.ram">Hazed 2nd film link (add a description here of your film)

for every additional film just do the same.

Let me now how ya do :)

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2002, 12:54:18 AM »
web page generated by real producer

ok heres what the page looks like coming out of real producer (using the create webpage under tools)

check the source.

Once you create your own you can use that as a template it self but as you can see its plain.

Offline llShadowll

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help with using webspace to post....
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2002, 03:23:45 AM »

If you'll post the name of you file (complete file name), and the location of the directory it is in(i.e. "index.html"), AND the name of your server location(i.e. will write up the html you need to post your file.

Then you can copy/paste it into 'Notepad' and save it a .html extension, then upload it the way you did the movie file.

Is that what your are looking for?