Author Topic: Tell here your...  (Read 299 times)

Offline RAM

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« on: April 19, 2000, 10:29:00 AM »
Funniest moment in AH. When did you REALLY fell to the floor and started rolling laughing out loud? What was the most funny moment?

For me was 2 days ago...I was flying when I started to see that the people of 101 ECV were getting a lot of kills, and I asked them in spanish if they were vulching. I was in RW and one of my squadmates (who speaks spanish quite well) asked me the spanish word for vulching, and vulture. The word in spanish is "buitre" and "vulching" is "buitreando"...more or less...My squaddie started to say funny things and jokes with that and, dont ask me why, I started to laugh a lot...and each joke I laughed more and more...I even had to ask him to stop, as I was really ROFLOL...those were nearly 20 minutes of laughing, first with his jokes, and then, me alone...may seem a bit stupid (it is  ) but for me that was the funniest moment in AH...

Now...what was yours?  

Ram, out

Fw190D9? Ta152H1? The truth is out there
JG2 "Richthofen"


Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2000, 10:45:00 AM »
Here mine, 4 or 5 JG2 members (Forgive me, for  I had forgot all who was  there except Udie) were sitting 1 mile off a runway in Tanks.  Fighters and bombers constantly trying to pick up off.  Finally, a lone B17 launches, and flies at 500 feet right thru the middle of our "Armoured ring of fire" zone.  As soon as my first HE round hit his wing, about 4 or 5 more HE rounds and .50 cal plinked  this pathetically slow target to the point that I saw the following fluttering down (briefly, he was 500 feet) 2 separated wings, a tail section, what appeared to be a parachute (died  instantly since there  was a wall of steel in the air) and a fuselage that was quickly disposed of before it impacted.  I laugh my butt off on RW on that one!
Moral of the story: NEVER go low in a buff towards a tank, you're just a target drone!
JG2 Communications Officer
Aces High Training Corps
JG2 "Richthofen"
Turning Spitfires into Bud Lite cans since 1992

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 04-19-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Ripsnort (edited 04-19-2000).]

Offline Mox

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« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2000, 10:53:00 AM »
RAM,  I think you need to get some more sleep!


The Wrecking Crew

Offline Mighty1

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« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2000, 11:28:00 AM »
My biggest laugh came when I was in a ammoless F4 leaving A1 with 5 cons hot on my tail when I started calling for help.  

My call was answered and was given instructions to fly thru a canyon to the NW.

As I started to dive thru the canyon I looked back to see a P-38 getting within D1.2 when I looked forward I was just below the canyon wall and noticed 6 M16 ..3 on either side just as they started to fire on the P-38.

The P-38 must have seen them and tried to pull up but it was way to late.

I started to do a slow climb and noticed a 109 coming for me but he went right thru the middle of the M16s....BOOM!

In all they ended up getting 3 of the 5 cons on my tail before getting wiped out.

I wished I could remember the name of the guys in the M16s.

It was a perfect trap and I laughed all night thinking about it.

The New Baby Harp Seals

"Come try to club THIS Seal"
I have been reborn a new man!

Notice I never said a better man.

Offline SC-GreyBeard

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« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2000, 12:08:00 PM »
this happened monday..
                    Was tanking today...
                    Rooks had grabbed V61 (close to biship's HQ)
                    So I jumped in a good old PanzerIV to go wreak havoc...
                    not wanting to follow the old well worn path I decided to climb a huge hill and attack field
                    36. (5,000 ft steep hill)

                    1st Gear only,,, (3 miles and hour) but the tank kept veering off the up slope as tanks
                    are wont to do.

                    Anyway,, this 1 poor Bishop pilot decided I wasn't gonna get up this hill....

                    Comes after me with a P-51, no damage,, he slams side of hill I get kill #1...

                    AGain,, same result.. Kill #2

                    brings a P-38 with bomb.. Near hit wounds my driver, P-38 goes down from damage from
                    his own bomb.. Kill #3

                    Still climbing this damned hill..

                    Panzer shows up at crest of hill,, I kill it with last 4 AP rds... Same guy.. Kill #4

                    P-51 comes back... same result... Kill #5

                    P-51 comes back drops bomb that takes my left track. I'm stopped dead but he slams
                    hill.. Kill#6

                    Panzer shows up.. Using HE I'm pinging him but has very little effect..

                    He comes barreling down side of hill towards me.... closing so fast I can't keep my gun on
                    him... and promptly ROLLS his tank as he gets close... Kill #7...

                    He salutes me and says he's gonna let his brother in law try....

                    Alas, HTC decided to reset the host and so I was disco'd while waiting for kill #8....

                    But watching that PanzerIV go bouncing end over end past me was hilarious........

GreyBeard, Squadron Leader
Commander, "E" Flight, Aces High
Senior Staff Council
"The Skeleton Crew"
"Fly with Honor"[/i]
"Keepin' the Faith"

Offline snafu

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« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2000, 12:43:00 PM »
"Cat Downs C47"

The other week Just before the latest version I was returning from an unsuccessful troop drop and after evading several cons had settled down to a nice steady 30ft alt to avoid radar (Terrain was flat all the way home). I switched to Auto and went for a beer. I walked back in just in time to see "Molly" (Our cat) jump onto the keyboard.   During the amble across the chair she managed to 1st lower the U/C (at 190mph - Bang), 2nd cut the engines and finally knock the autopilot off. Me with bottle in one hand and glass in the other could only watch as my trusty ship hit the deck 4 miles short of the runway.  
