Author Topic: "My" Flightsim  (Read 185 times)

Offline Effdub

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"My" Flightsim
« on: August 01, 2001, 08:36:00 AM »
Below you will find some ideas to the question: „What would I do if I had to design a flightsim?“.

Note: since there is „nothing new under the sun“, my ideas are variations of solutions i‘ve come across in other games to date.

Main Arena
I‘m not a great fan of icons, yet I understand why they are in use.
My idea would be to use a combination of icons, camoflage and insigna to identify between friend and foe.
Icons display range data only. Camoflage and insigna are country specific.

Example 1: Country „A“ has planes with red tail/nose markings, County B‘s markings are yellow etc. One could either use a non historical way to mark the planes, or actually stick with the wide variety of historical markings that would fit the roster. (I‘m thinking of historically red nosed P-51‘s, or yellow nosed Me109‘s - obviously this will only work if they had yellow nosed P-51‘s and red nosed Me109‘s at the time too...  :)

Example 2: Camoflage is different from country to country (European theater camo vs Desert camo etc. note: this may be unbalancing if one countries camo sticks out more than anothers in a certain terrain).

Example 3: Countries represent actual nations e.g. Country A = USA, Country B = Germany etc. The USA in this example woud use regular camo/markings for its own aircraft, foreign countries aircraft would display camo/markings as applied by the americans in WWII (I‘m thinking of how the americans painted/marked the Spitfires they flew, or how they marked captured German/Japanese planes used for test flights). What I don‘t like about this Idea is the fact that people would identify too much with their country being „US“ or „LW“, thus imbalancing the Main Arena - hmm, on the other hand... a.) I could be wrong and b.) since when was the MA balanced? :P

Icons no longer play a dominating role. SA now involves identifing friend/foe by camoflage/markings. Players have a better chance of using their camoflage to engage/disengage the enemy. A larger variety of camoflages for any given plane.

Duelling Arena
ok... whilst the above ideas are a variation from the slightsim „skyfighters“, the upcoming idea is just plain „stolen“ from that sim...  :D
User editable plane skins
The romance behind dogfights in general, and duelling arenas in particular is fighting man against man - just like the knights back then on horseback. Now, just as they had unic and beautifully coloured garments and armour, I want to be able to design my own camoflage. Furthermore I want to download other peoples camo designs. Why? Because every man is an artist! I fondly recall the great camo designs by „Skyfighter“ veterans like Storm, Nash, Hedgehog to name a few.

Player personalities are enhanced, not only be the art of how they fly, but also the art of how they look while doing that  :)
It gives me something to do when it gets boring at work...  ;)

Speaking of work, the boss wants me to do the same *sigh*

I‘m not saying AH should have these features - these features would be the ones I‘d implement if I had the 20 years to programm a flightsim of my own  :)

Offline skernsk

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"My" Flightsim
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2001, 09:41:00 AM »
I like the idea of "Country Camo"

It would be too hard to ID enemy or Foe over long distance so I still think Icons would have to be used.

I too would like to see "personalized" skins.  The downside (as I understand it) is it would choke your PC.  In that case I'd rather have Nate and Fly's skins.

Good post!

Offline Effdub

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"My" Flightsim
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2001, 07:27:00 AM »
To Skernsk,

I agree that it would be hard to ID planes at long range, but how far out do you really "need" to ID planes?
1.) When they are far out, they should pose no immediate threat
2.) You could use the AH-style clipboard to check for red dots in the general area of that plane
3.) One could programm "clues" that show far away planes in their country colour, instead of black dots as are now in AH
4.) one could have a radio command function. Press a key and the nearest friendly tower identifies the bogie for you (ID of bogies are more inaccurate the further you are in enemy country, unless there is a friendly plane in visual range of your bogie - the tower would then submit the info from that friendly)

personalized skins
they may choke the PC if you have to many, but that is why I'd only implement this feature for the duelling arena.
From my experience with Skyfighters:
1.) Skin file size is rather small
2.) You don't "need" to download personal skins from every player (planes are shown in their default camo then).
3.)  I remember ending up with over hundred personalized skin files but since the files are quite small it diden't hurt much and when you fly in the duelling arena ony a fraction of those files are used so game performance should not be affected.

Glad you liked my post  :)

cya in the skies sometime  :)