Author Topic: cmorris – Tale of a goon driver.  (Read 135 times)

Offline Zippatuh

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cmorris – Tale of a goon driver.
« on: April 04, 2002, 09:28:17 AM »
I know that there are probably a few in each country who fly goons at a regular schedule like it was a route from Dallas to Cincinnati but I think I should point out one in particular.

Lately I haven’t been online as much as I used to and last night I had about 30 minutes or so to kill.  I jumped on line to find Mindanao and with luck we were not the southern country.  I figured I’d up heavy toward A32, probably a one way trip, but would be about all the time I had.  Loaded up an F4U-D, de-ack and GV load out with rox and 500’s.  Off I went.

It appeared that a few had organized some bombers to 32 and had knocked it down pretty good.  Unfortunately by the time I arrived on target at 10K there were still 3 or 4 hi cons picking at the bombers.  Loaded heavy and lower than the bombers there was little I could do.  I decided to drop to the city, make sure it was down, and do a pass for GV’s that might be poking around.  To my surprise I didn’t see anything on the ground but the hi P38 decided he would drop in and say hello.

I dumped ordinance and headed for the water.  I’ll drag it out and get his energy state equalized to mine.  I had him glued to me at about 2K steady and hit “strat” on the map.  The FH’s were up now.  “Well, the fighters will be up now for sure”.  As I see the DAR bar grow across the grid red.  I knew it would be a one way trip but I’m not turning with the P38 and let the others frenzy on me.  The 38 turns.

I pull up and gain altitude heading east about 10 miles north of A32.  I hit the map and behold a loan green dot is heading straight for 32.  The P38 that turned away I can still make out his dot climbing in the distance.  Heading for the friendly and looking around in circles I saw nothing until I dipped my wing.  Who do I see, cmorris.

“Damn, he’s low”, I’m thinking as the initial aircraft identification was B26.  A few seconds later, nope, not a B26, he’s in a goon!  I pull hard south and down a little to see if any that had up’d are low at the town.  Quick observation no.  In the distance the P38 icon appears at 5.9K.  I look back left and cmorris is 3.7K.  I need to intercept before his icon lights to the P38.  I radio “cmorris, troops out?”.  He says back “out and looks good”.  The P38 turns and we engage.

As I seem to do more frequently now I miss-judge my turn and end up with the 38 firmly saddled on my 6.  I nose over and do a rolling dive to the deck trying to get him to compress, he keeps control of it.  Once on the deck I cut throttle and turn into a rolling scissors.  He cut throttle to match, I’m wildly hitting my flaps but my airspeed is still too high.  Then I hear them go out, 3 notches.  Great, I turn into the last scissors and get inside his turn.  Burst and off comes part of the wing.  Just enough at low speed that he augers in the water.

System:  Kill number 1 by Zippatuh VMF-323 ~Death Rattlers~ MAG-33
System:  Field 32 has been captured by the Knights

Now this was long and mostly about my time but after I logged off I started thinking.  That was not the first time I have found myself in the same situation with cmorris.  I haven’t checked his stats and will only make the observation from the times I’ve been online, but there are some guys that will just amaze you flying that goon.  Will I do it, first to confess no.  What ever drives these players to jump in that coffin and help out the team deserves a .

  Great capture cmorris and thanks for being a Knight!
« Last Edit: April 04, 2002, 09:30:45 AM by Zippatuh »

Offline Ripsnort

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cmorris – Tale of a goon driver.
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2002, 09:33:16 AM »
Great report~!  I always make it a point to "thank" the goon driver in any missions I post, they sometimes die, sometimes never even get a chance to drop due to heavy opposition, but they're always willing 'to give it a try'...

Offline VWE001

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cmorris – Tale of a goon driver.
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2002, 10:38:27 AM »
I was the B-26 over 32, almost got that P-38... my tally was 1 FH, 2 ammo bunkers and 5 fighters. That was a good run... :)

Offline Curval

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cmorris – Tale of a goon driver.
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2002, 11:32:22 AM »
Hey cmorris,

Does the C stand for Chris?  If so you have a VERY cool name.

Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain

Offline Elysian

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cmorris – Tale of a goon driver.
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2002, 07:09:23 PM »
When I saw the title of this thread I thought to myself, "Oh man, what did I do now?  I musta screwed up some base capture."

Nice AAR Zip, was a good read :).  Cool to have someone post something positive about me, ty.

I remember looking at the map before that sortie trying to figure out what I was gonna do next.  I saw that there were some nits and reds in a32, but not enough to constitute a furball.  A32 is an on the deck base, so I thought, "What the hell, goon flight will be all downhill, I'll give it a shot."  Just happened to be one of those times when all the pieces fell together right.  Plus you did a good job keeping that 38 away from me (and eventually taking him out).  

It's funny, my squad was talking about possibly switching to rooks...  But posts like this put another nail in the coffin for that idea (at least for me).

Big to zip and the knights :D!

Oh yeah, and Chris is my 1st name, thanks Curval.

Offline Curval

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cmorris – Tale of a goon driver.
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2002, 07:52:12 AM »
Hey no sweat man.

But now I know why I couldn't get cmorris as my handle.  :D

I was in school in the UK for a while.  After leving I noticed that there was a BBC reporter named Chris Morris...I'm sure that people I didn't stay in touch with probably think that it is me.

Some will fall in love with life and drink it from a fountain that is pouring like an avalanche coming down the mountain