There has been a lot of complaining lately.
Much of it has been directed at the CMs.
Guys, put yourself in the CMs shoes!
Try and look at it from their perspective:
All you have to work with are the planes and maps of AH that are available NOW.
You have CM privileges, you can adjust some things, but you can't work magic.
All that you can do is choose EXISTING planes and maps, and choose settings and perks.
You are human and you make mistakes.
You have a life other than AH.
You are not paid.
You do this for FUN.
You must spend time learning all the CM tricks and codes.
The time that you spend CMing is time that you are not spending playing.
People squeak about everything and you can never make them all happy. ("Turn this up!", "No! Turn it down! " Add this plane!" "Why did you add that plane?!")
If you lose your temper (which you deserve to do because of all the BS you put up with) or make one little mistake, EVERYONE notices, and everyone rags on you. Some even complain to HTC.
As far a plane balance in any set-up goes, what do you do?
Let's look at the current Pacific set-up.
In R.L. the Hog had an 11:1 K/D over the Zero.
I think the Tubby-Cat was even higher (14:1 comes to mind).
Mid and late war U.S. planes are faster than their Japanese counterparts and can be expected to dominate and dictate the fighting if flown properly. In classic E-fighter vs Turn-fighter fights, the E-fighter stands a better chance.
The U.S. planes also have better jabo capacities.
So, what do you do?
Do you really think that you or your ideas would make everyone happy?
*You can ask for all kinds of new planes, but there not going to appear right away. HTC is doing as much as we can hope to add more planes.
* Same with maps.
* You can give the Japanese: Allied or German planes and kill immersion.
* You can not run Pacific scenarios and avoid complaints about how bad the Japanese have it. But, then folks will complain how biased you are toward the ETO, or that they are getting bored with the ETO. and want to go south.
Folks, let's give out volunteer CMs a break.
If we keep up all of the whining, they will most likely quit. (I know I would.)
If our CMs quit, they may not be replaced, or may very likely be replaced by someone who is less qualified, or has less time to devote, or is less enthusiastic, or is less tolerant of whining.
Even if they don't quit, they deserve our gratitude and respect.
Please do not ask CMs for things that they can not possibly offer.
Please do not ask them to alter other players attitudes or styles or whatever. They can't do this.
Please do offer feasible suggestions geared toward game-play with reasoning behind your sugestion. (I.E. "In order to equalize jabo capabilities, I think the Allied CV plane-set should be limited to the F4U-1 and TBM only. Land bases should also net them the B-26, a good counterpart to the KI-67 in both bomb load and defensive guns.")
Please do realize that your ideas may seam flawless in your mind, but put to the test of actually being run in the CT, it might not go as smoothly as you envision.
Thanks CMs!