Author Topic: Wondering  (Read 100 times)

Offline Viper17

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« on: April 11, 2002, 10:17:36 PM »
What does a person have to do to get baned? I mean how many people get baned monthly?:confused: :confused:

Offline Nash

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« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2002, 10:59:14 PM »
Well, it's pretty hard to get Baned lately, as he aint around much anymore. But for a while there, people were getting Baned nightly. For example, during tour 12, 274 people got Baned. I hope this helps.

Offline Kieran

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« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2002, 11:03:37 PM »
As a teacher, I cringe at these types of questions.

Is it because the student is unsure if he/she is misbehaving?

Is it because the student wants to know where the boundaries are?

Is it because the student wants to know just how far he/she can  push things before getting kicked out?

Sadly, the answer is usually the third choice.

I think there are ways to get kicked, not a single way. And if I was in HTC's shoes, I wouldn't say. The minute you define a list of offenses that can get you banned, some joker will come along and do something just ]<->[ far inside the lines and dare you to do something about it. Sad, but true.

I do know that the ones I know of that were kicked were surely asking for it. In some cases it was a long string of abuses (the usual manner), sometimes it was an intense and brief episode. It's fairly safe to say if you conduct yourself in such a way as to jeopardize the company and the way it does business, you are gonna get canned. Abusing other customers falls into this too, because if you are allowed to abuse customers, they leave, and HTC loses image and money. Not meant to sound mercenary, it's a business. The last person to be kicked asked for it with his inability to control his public tirades, and his last post here was apparently the icing on the cake.

Sometimes people learn from a temporary ban; sometimes they don't. We have some standup guys here that have been banned before, and it is a witness to the patience of HTC that they have been allowed another shot. Usually, these guys understand the deal and behave.

I suppose my summation would be that once HTC is convinced you are not here to play the game, rather you are here to be asocial, disruptive, or hack it's time for you to go.