Remixed the Type 99 cannons on both the N1K2-J and the A6M5b
Decreased volume on the 109 series flaps
Increased pitch on the 190 A5, A8, and F8 engines
Altered the N1K2-J engine start slightly
Modified the A6M5b engine run
Changed out the VYa-23 cannons with a different sound
Modified the La5 and La7 cannons
Played with the La5 and La7 engine sounds
Modified the P-38 .50 cal guns again
Reverted back to the original Tempest and Typhoon engine sounds (much clearer ones too)
Modified the TBM guns slightly
Modified the B-26 .50 cals again
Altered the P-38 engine start and engine off sounds
One note for those getting the full install; you need the patch too. Due to a SNAFU on my part (blew two sounds royally) you have to patch the full install. At least if you want to fly the N1K2 or the Zeke. It was their 20mm guns I FUBARed. For those with 2.5 already installed, just run the patch and all will be fine.
Read-Me and Download Links-----------------------
Flakbait [Delta6]
Delta Six's Flight SchoolPut the P-61B in Aces High"For yay did the sky darken, and split open and spew forth fire, and
through the smoke rode the Four Wurgers of the Apocalypse.
And on their canopies was tattooed the number of the Beast, and the
number was 190." Jedi, Verse Five, Capter Two, The Book of Dweeb