Author Topic: Roling Plane Set in Main Arena  (Read 587 times)

Offline Nefarious

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Roling Plane Set in Main Arena
« Reply #45 on: April 18, 2002, 08:09:11 PM »
No RPS for MA.

RPerkS Axis vs Allies CT!!

Here's an example. For a Luftwaffe RPerkS.

1939-41 Channel Front

Stuka (when available)
He-111 (If it ever becomes available)


190A-3 (when available;))

I definatley see this working when the time comes In the CT. But for now with some holes in PS, Its not even worth arguing about.
There must also be a flyable computer available for Nefarious to do FSO. So he doesn't keep talking about it for eight and a half hours on Friday night!

Offline Kieran

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Roling Plane Set in Main Arena
« Reply #47 on: April 18, 2002, 09:21:16 PM »
The only thing I can tell you is what I have seen with my own eyes. Sure, RPS will let you fly early-war planes- but what happens? People will gravitate to the best early-war plane, therefore defeating one of the main values of RPS-variety.

Yes, it's a different "uber-ride", but there is always a dominant fighter.

Combine RPS with an Axis/Allied arena and you have 75% one side, 25% another. This in not just me talking, this is evidenced by WB over months of play. Needless to say many players found this to be less than enchanting.

FWIW, I am all for early-war, and find them the most fun to fly. I'll do you one better- I love WWI better than WWII. That doesn't matter though. Consider this; AH has grown by what percentage over the last six months? Has a lack of RPS hurt growth? Could it possibly bring more people through the door? Is it far more likely to push people out the door?

Offline Steven

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Roling Plane Set in Main Arena
« Reply #48 on: April 18, 2002, 10:07:14 PM »
<> -Kieran

I'm not sure who you are trying to argue with, but if it's me, I never said an RPS should replace the MA.  How will having an RPS (MA style or Axis/Allies style) chase anyone away?  I think you read with blinders on or something and just like to argue.  Oh wait, there's "always a dominant fighter"...I missed that part and now you've convinced me that an RPS is unnecessary.  I mean, if the LA7 is always dominant, no sense in letting the Zeke be dominant for a little while.  ;-)

Nice name though.  I don't know how you pronounce Kieran, but I am gonna guess it's similar to the "Kirin" beer I'm drinking right now.   Banzai!

Woohooo on the Wildcats, HTC!

Offline Kieran

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Roling Plane Set in Main Arena
« Reply #49 on: April 18, 2002, 10:56:15 PM »
Uhh, I think you are misreading my "tone". I am not trying to argue, just explaining my point of view.

I disagree with RPS in general. I don't happen to think it is a good idea anywhere. Far better to do what has already been done in the CT, ie select a time frame, set up a map and drop in the nearest a/c to match the time and place. And far, far better to never bring it the MA at all. This I say to all as much as I say to you, so don't take that personally.

RPS did more to hurt WB than it did to help, bank on that.

I will point out you are ignoring the part of my argument I am trying hardest to make- RPS creates an imbalance. This is one of the supposed reasons to use it, and it fails- worse so in a CT-like environment. And as many others have already stated, many people will not stand for RPS, ergo you are shoving them out the door.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2002, 11:00:40 PM by Kieran »

Offline Wotan

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Roling Plane Set in Main Arena
« Reply #50 on: April 18, 2002, 11:20:45 PM »
An rps in a three side war with all countries having access to the same planes would by bs.

As soon as 1 plane shows it self to be better, or is thought to be better almost everyone will be flying it. The when the next stage comes along the next best plane then the next.

Some of the same hanger queens we have now will be hanger queens then.

I hope the main never has an rps. I only really like to fly a few planes in the main and to put them to the point where I get 2 or 3 days a tour to fly umm would be enough for me to say cya.

I would be too complicated to cycle an rps through a reset cycle and pointless to run by 1/2 or 1 hour segments.

The ct has an axis allies set up and focuses  around certain time frames and theaters. As the planset expands it may be possible to set up a virtual online war cycling through different time frames over a theater. example next ct setup Pac war start to finish over a ct tour. The next tour a Med set up then cycle through it for a tour.

But as it stands we dont have the planes for even a half way decent rps even with the ones coming in 1.10.

Keep the main a fast paced meat grinder and lets develop the ct to be where the historic match ups take place. This we we have a place for both.

Offline Taiaha

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Roling Plane Set in Main Arena
« Reply #51 on: April 19, 2002, 06:46:29 AM »
I liked the rolling plane set in Warbirds, but I think it was certainly one factor in the decline in popularity of that sim.  It didn't appeal to all tastes and all skill levels (I personally found it a real challenge to fly those early-war aircraft, but for many people challenge is not what it's all about, and that needs to be recognized, much as I don't personally approach the game with that mentality).  So I think no RPS in the MA.

I also don't think it should be implemented in the CT.  The kind of specialized scenarios that are being offered now are great, and offer a lot of variety in terms of what you are forced to fly.

As the customer base grows, it may be possible down the line to envision another arena (and this may not be very far off), which features a combination of an RPS, no-icon environment, and no killshooter.  Given how sparsely attended the CT is at times, however, I just feel the sim needs to grow a little bit more in order to achieve a critical mass for anything else other than the MA.  The continuing success of this sim is going to be founded on two interrelated things: growth, and choice.  And, again, much as I really like RPS, it presents an inolerable restriction for too many people for it to really work in anything more than a specialized context.

Offline lazs2

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Roling Plane Set in Main Arena
« Reply #52 on: April 19, 2002, 09:39:08 AM »
well... a few have said that i complain without offering sugestions to fix the problem.    I see a lot of complaining about the RPS and the lack of a viable place for early war planes and the fact that late war perk planes are so expensive but... I see very few solutions except my "area" arena.

Sure... if there aren't enough good planes in each area people will be flying the one or two good ones but... I don't see having any problem modling at least 4-5 very comparible early war planes that would all have strengths and weaknesses against each other.   More in the mid war area and about the same in the late war area.   Really rude... wouldn't you love to fight against planes with equal abilities?   No more calling you a sissy runstang pilot?  

I don't want the CT to be the only place we can fly early war planes because it is allied vs axis and it is deserted most times and... no one in my squad even considers it.   And... they are mean to me in there.

So let's hear some solutions... Or... I would love to hear why people wouldn't like an "area" arena with three seperate areas in the same arena.   One  bitg communityu where anyone could fly any plane they liked anytime simply by clicking on the appropriate field.   Early war planes available in all areas, mid war in mid and late areas and late in late war only areas.

Wotan......Again... axis vs allied exagerates the "best plane" concept.   giving you no choice but to be B&Zed to death or to swithch sides.  MA style let's the strengths and weaknesses of all the planes work for us.   The fast plane can't B&Z your slower plane with immunity as much becaus an identical plane to his may run him  down for doing it.   An area arena would have at least twice as many viable planes in each "area" as an allied vs axis would have in it's simular "time period".   Plus, you could simply click your way to another era and set of viable planes.

I would start by simply having an early war "area" in the current arena.  

Online CAV

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Roling Plane Set in Main Arena
« Reply #53 on: April 19, 2002, 11:08:44 AM »

The one thing I remember about WB was....

It had a MA that had a open plane set and never had anyone playing there.

And there was an WW2A that had a RPS and was alway full. The only bad thing about a axis vs allied plane set was.... No axis heavy bombers.

Also in WB was Fighter Ops (EZ mode)... They ran a RPS but, wasn't axis vs allied, it was 3 or 4 sided like the MA. I was never a great fan of EZ mode but, the RPS did work there and it worked well.

But at this time I think AH has to few planes for a working RPS,,, read this as to few Early war planes and to many late war planes.

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG301

Offline Hwkeye

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Roling Plane Set in Main Arena
« Reply #54 on: April 19, 2002, 07:50:06 PM »

The reason the MA in WB was empty is that everyone who liked that enviroment, and disliked the WWII Arena (I predicted it would be a squad killer and I believe history of WB will prove me right) moved to Aces High.  Those who constantly complained about 'strategy' and 'realism' think the WWII Arena is/was the best thing since sliced bread.  The MA was viable but to really be able to furball and fly you were FORCED to fly the WWII Arena (ie where there were people flying)

Aces High truly is, for the greater population of online sim buffs, an excellent sim both in it's entertainment value and it's monetary value.

I say let HiTech Creations fulfill their vision.  Let us, as true enthusiasts, participate in their vision and find excitement and challenge in this great undertaking of theirs.  Look at the numbers on WB vs. AH on any given night and I think everyone will appreciate just how well HiTech et al are doing in providing us with a well balanced, online flight simulation.

The constant sniping and trolling by folks is so god-awfully boring and tedious.
Lets go fly!


Offline Wlfgng

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Roling Plane Set in Main Arena
« Reply #55 on: April 19, 2002, 08:14:35 PM »
I feel like we should have trumpets blaring and light show to go with this   :p

Offline Thrawn

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Roling Plane Set in Main Arena
« Reply #56 on: April 19, 2002, 09:11:19 PM »