Hello Folks,
This will be my first attempt at a CT setup, so bear with me. First, let me apologize for the late notice, I'll do better next time. So without further ado, here's the skinny.
This setup is meant to be a "Quasi-Historical" pacific setup on the Mindanao Terrain. I have made some significant deviations to try to enhance a balanced gameplay for both sides. My focus here is a balanced arena, please help me by submitting any concerns you have with the matchup by explaining how one item unbalances another. FYI: I don't plan to make any changes to the terrain setup for this week unless I see a gross imbalance. Again this is not a pefectly historic setup, and I wanted to make sure the Axis had more options than just the default Japanese planeset.
The arena will be setup along mostly the default MA divisions. The SE country will be neutral. The W country will be Allies (U.S. w/1 Brit CV) and the NE country will be Axis (Japanese).
Bases are:
Allied: A1, A4, A5, A6, A7, *A8, A9, A10, A11, A12, A13, A16, A19, A20, P14, P19, P34, V66, V67
Axis: A25, A43, A44, A45, *A48, A49, A50, A52, A51, A54, A57, A58, A60, A61, P55, P62, P39, V73, V74
Allies have:
B26, F4U-1, F4U1-D, F6F, P38L, P47D-11, P51B, TBM, C47, M16, M3, LVTs
Axis have:
A6M, N1K, KI61, KI67, ME110C (KI45), JU88 (BETTY), TBM, C47, M16, M3, LVTs
Perk Planes are: P38L, F4U1-D, N1K (PERK 2pts)
CV ONLY aircraft are F6F, F4U1-D, Seafire, and LVTs
CVs will have TBMs/LVTs and have limited aircraft available. CV15 F6F, CV18 both F4U-1s, CV35 Seafire, and CVs40/56/63 A6M. CV downtime will be 1 hour. A8 and A48 will be flight/gunner disabled to create a "bigger ocean". They may be captured for rearm/landing spots. Captured CVs will be fully disabled for aircraft/gunners/GVs. CV15 and 35 will be located next to CV18 at arena start and CV56 and 40 will be moved next to CV63. M16s and M3s will be enabled at all ground sites. Ground lethality will be set to .7 for allied and axis bases. All other bases are neutral and ground lethality will be increased to 2. Neutral bases are intened not to be captured and will be manually reset back to neutral country by CMs as needed.
I hope this 1st try ain't a disaster
CT Staff
P.S on brit CV the Hurri 2c is available instead of the TBM