The perk-affecting variables should get fixed shortly. It's unfortunate we CM's don't have the power to change those, but that's life. As for those who say, "This set up's too unbalanced; I won't fly in this one." all I can say is...okay, that's your choice. But I've flown both sides in this tour (more IJ than Allied) and have had a good time. Bases have changed hands, kills all around. I still prefer it over the MA, even with this perceived imbalance. Interestingly enough, the only A/C I really fear to go against when I'm flying Japanese A/C is the Hellcat. The other's are a challange, but I face them with confidence. In the end, if you're having fun then don't worry about whether the N1K2 should be perked or not, or whether the Allies can carry too many bombs and rockets. If you're not having fun, then play in the MA. But don't just look at the set up, or play 30 minutes, and decide not to fly in the CT.