Originally posted by Seagoon
I understand you need to be a member of a special events squadron in order to participate in special events and TOD.
The requirement to be in a squad only applies to the TOD events, currently held on Friday nights and Saturday afternoons.
How does one become a member of such a squadron and would this interfere with my regular MA squadron membership. Also, is there a special handshake?
If you are interested in participating in one of these events, post a message in the TOD forum asking if you can be a guest in one of the participating squads; alternatively, if you are already in a squad in the MA, get together with your squad buddies and see if they would like to participate in future TODs as a squad in their own right. However, being a guest in another TOD squad has no impact whatsoever on your MA squad.... and No, there is no "special handshake"!
For further information on TODs, how to signup your squad, etc, see:
http://events.simladder.com/tod.php or for the Saturday TODs: