Author Topic: Country Reset Perk Points  (Read 210 times)

Offline Midnight

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Country Reset Perk Points
« on: April 18, 2001, 05:33:00 PM »
Right now, the country with the most fields at reset wins extra perk points. This is a great idea and I like it.

However, I do think there a small change would help the loosing country.

When your country is forced into the corner, especially on this map, most of your strat targets are hammered into dust, your HQ is bombed to hell and no matter where you go, you are getting gang banged.

The problem arises when the other two countries stop concentrating on the reset, and trying to get the most fields BEFORE the reset occurs. This can put the loosing country in the hole for very extended periods. As was seen the other day, the Rooks were down to 2 or 3 fields for a couple of days.

So, my suggestion is to award bonus perk points to a country for holding off the reset. Say, once a country is down to less than 4 fields, if the reset doesn't happen within (4 hours?) then that loosing country gets the bonus perks.

If the loosing country were to re-capture fields, then the (4 hours?) timer would be reset.

I think this could really help alieveate countries being left in the hole for so long. It would force the other countries to either go for the reset instead of leaving 1 country crippled.

Midnight CO
412th FG "Nightmare Mustangs"[/i]

"You tell them I'm coming.. And Hell's coming with me!" -Kurt Russel Tombstone

Offline Fidd

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Country Reset Perk Points
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2001, 08:38:00 PM »
Interesting post. I'd be interested to see a log of at what times of day (real-life) resets occur. I've been playing for 2 months now, and have only seen 2 resets, both of those at around 4am UK time. I'm forming the opinion that the great majority of resets occur roughly between 9pm and 1am EST. This (if true) would seem to place non-US based players at a disadvantage in regard to gaining perk points, despite the fact that perhaps these resets are at least partially the result of non-US squads earlier in the day. (Last night may well have been an example).

Perhaps it would be fairer to say:

If you belong to the country that "won" a reset, and have been "in" that country for the last 72 hours, then you gain your perk points when you next log-in, regardless of if you were on-line at the actual reset.

I'd be most interested to see a record of what times of day the last 30 resets occurred.


Offline AKDejaVu

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Country Reset Perk Points
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2001, 08:43:00 PM »
In the off-peak hours I noticed that its easy to get very lopsided in regards to numbers.  Usually when that happens one team sweaps through a country's bases.  There are plenty of perk points to be had then too.


Offline LaVa

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Country Reset Perk Points
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2001, 09:44:00 AM »
Does this sound familiar? Your country is winning the war and has 5 more bases than the second place contender, then all of a sudden your country stops attacking the "weak country."  

Usually the second place country will attack the first place country when a reset is near, thus forcing the first place guy to load-share his resources in order to protect his flanks.

Meanwhile the "weak country" is left with rouge attacks still hitting 2-4 bases and keeping him pinned in.

Perks are awarded for victorys to encourage countrys to "win" wars and finish the job.  Its the goal of the game,win, win the war. I love the idea.

Would like to see reset stats and a base counter on the knee board to keep up with base numbers.  I personally hate having to hand count these mothers.
