Author Topic: What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"  (Read 1234 times)

Offline Ripsnort

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« on: April 26, 2002, 02:43:11 PM »
What does a CO/XO do behind the scenes?[/b]
Written by Brian "Ripsnort" Nelson VMF-323 ~Death Rattlers~

Disclaimer: I did not write this to highlight me as an active CO, but to appreciate my past CO's such as =AC= in Warbirds.

Being a Commanding Officer of an online sim squadron is a little like navigating fjords strewn with icebergs, while the ship itself is self-propelled, you must do manual steering!  I personally have a lot more respect for CO's that I have generally taken for granted in the past.

Personnel and personal relationships:
A Squadron CO doesn't have to be the best pilot in his outfit, but he must be the best leader. He is constantly in a position of decision from the INBOX of his email to the millisecond decisions in the battlefield… "If I make this decision, what effect would that have on me personally if I were not a CO in this squadron but just a pilot?"  A wrong decision in the battlefield can cost you respect!  Admitting ones error can GAIN you respect.  Being up front is number 1.

We sometimes find ourselves in an awkward position of playing the middleman in an inter-squad squabble or an intra-squad squabble.  A good squadron has a clear and concise "Rules and regulations" that are relaxed enough so that people can still have fun online, but strict enough so squabbles don't turn into all out war.  My philosophy is basically a modified version of what =AC= in the sim called Warbirds, in short they read like this: PARTICIPATE AND SUPPORT OUR SQUADRON IN A MANNER THAT PROMOTES THE INTERESTS OF VMF-323, AND ITS MEMBERS. In short, that means "Don't be a butthead with all seriousness, hazing is encouraged, but never let it get personal, have fun"   This is not our only rule, but sums it up best.

The downside of CO'ing is when you have a troublemaker.  Let's say you have a pilot who's obviously very good, however he's a mouth.  He can't get enough of himself.  Your squadron "reputation" if you care about it might be damaged.  Do you want 20-30 guys with low moral because of one "mouth"?  CO's have tough decisions to make, some personal decisions are a no brainer, and others take time and psychology to work through.

Ah, then you have the ambitious types! Usually they're new to online sims.  You have to treat these fellows with TLC but defined as "Tough Loving Care", not tender!  Show them the ropes, if they get a case of "Maverick", get them back in line without allowing them to lose face. You want the enthusiasm present in your squad mates, but you don't want them to ruin the fun for others either.  I once found myself in an awkward position of "second guessing" a decision by my CO, back in the Warbirds days (=AC=)  I had complained to a squad mate while online of a recent decision the CO had made regarding the squadron movement from "Gold" to "Red" to help balance the arena (Something I choose not to do in my own squadron due to the conflicts)..well, I made the mistake of telling the squaddie while AC was online!  I did not know he was online!  He immediately sent out an all-points bulletin to the squadron without naming names basically saying "If you have a problem with something I am doing, TALK TO ME ABOUT IT!"…. I highly respected AC for that position and learned my lesson!

In summary, personal decisions that affect the whole squadron is probably the most difficult position a CO must make calls on.  He must take multiple personalities, nationalities, and political viewpoints, and mesh them into a fighting machine regardless of their differences.  The best way one can accomplish this is "lead by example".

I've learned to dread email, but like a trip to the dentist, you must do it and be in constant communication with your squadron and available with an open door policy.  Unlike the dentist, you must do it DAILY!  Some squadron CO's have their XO's (Executive Officers) "do all the dirty work" and that works out fine as long as you and your XO are "on the same wavelength and you probably are, after all, he wouldn't be your XO if you didn't think alike?  Personally, I take on more than I should but that's only because I really do enjoy my squadron and have grown very close with many of its members.  Personally, I try not to let my inbox go for longer than a couple days.  I personally don't answer all email unless its critical.  Some squaddies just want to say what they're doing lately and communicate intentions of attendance for practice or upcoming events.  Either way, email communication is the catalyst of a squadron.  It's a necessary evil the CO or XO must face week in and week out.

Simply posting on a bulletin board is not enough for recruitment.  A good CO or XO will always have his eye open online for a potential pilot.  Speaking with someone on a private channel gives more meaning and sincerity to the recruitment process than posting on a bulletin board that "we have openings". Using a combination of both to get the word out is good.  If your squadron becomes that sharpened sword that we try to hone them into, recruitment can be a non-factor.  Pretty soon you are graciously turning folks away!  That's a good sign of squadron successfulness that everyone in the squadron has participated in.

When recruiting, a CO must try to differentiate "Talent" from "Potential Talent/Team player".  Personally, you can keep your high scoring Ace with a mouth that runs longer than the Mississippi river and is always making up excuses why he gets shot down…I'd rather have a newbie!  Give me a guy I can mold. Give me a guy that enjoys learning, training as a team, someone with a sense of humor.  He's the guy that's going to listen, to promote best interests of the squadron.  He's the guy that quietly creeps up in the ranks, he's the guy that gets verbally abused by an Ace 6 months down the road because he's started out with a dull sword, learned from using it, and sharpened it into a weapon of force and now HE's the threat!

This article is just a small example of what CO's and XO's do behind the scenes, things you do not see are the lists we update constantly with squad mates coming and going, the training documents we create, and painfully detail…the hours we spend trying to formulate "the ultimate attack" in an upcoming Scenario, it just goes on and on.  There is no doubt in my mind that the squadron CO turnover rate is very high.  Some folks just get plain "burned out"…a lot depends on how well you've formed your squadron.  Some squadrons need no maintenance and others need constant maintenance.  The bottom line is to ensure that everyone is having fun.  After all, that's why we're pissing our girlfriends and wives off right?  Log on, fly and have fun!
« Last Edit: April 26, 2002, 05:52:04 PM by Ripsnort »

Offline Revvin

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2002, 03:20:35 PM »
Good article Rip agree on all points

Offline Ripsnort

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2002, 03:23:22 PM »
Thank you Revvin, that means alot to me coming from a highly respected individual like yourself. Back!

Offline Dawggus

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #3 on: April 26, 2002, 04:36:42 PM »
Yeah Rip, the Nightmares have rolled through five CO's in our seven-year history, and every word you say is true.  The hazard pay is high, but the lasting rewards of developing an excellent Squad are worth every headache ... and you should know, youv'e accomplished this with the Death Rattlers .  Well done Sir, and thanks to you and all CO's for making this much more than 'just a game'!

Cya Up!

Offline Esme

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2002, 05:29:19 PM »
Excellent post, Ripsnort!

Esme (esmers in AH, -esme- in WB)
CO, Kampfgeschwader 2 "Holzhammer"

PS: KG2 is recruiting :-)

Offline Roscoroo

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2002, 02:52:46 AM »
Great post Ripsnort,

You did forget to mention the many many hours helping the younger/new pilots (Aka teaching them how to use a PC )

One of my Greatest rewards was from a parent of a 13 yo Australian lad I took into my Squad and spent alot of time with teaching, One night  his Dad came on roger wilco .. And we chatted about his son (he has a reading/writing problem ) and he noticed I made his son type alot on some nights vs just talking on RW .
The Thanks I received from Him made me feel great about all the work ive done , And that Xmas He took the time to send me a Aircraft encycopidia on CD and  card all the way from Australia to Seattle . So being an CO/XO has its rewards too .(the little woman of mine also forgave me for all the time i spent playing online)

Having fun ,learning,teaching,and enjoying the game should always be the top priority .. When this perspective is lost is when alot of CO's XO's should step down.

 Roscoroo (Maj_MXO_242nd) < From Fighter ace 2  and  XO of the 242nd Squadron in FA 2 for the last 6 months . now the Sim there is coming to a close on May 20    R.I.P.
Roscoroo ,
"Of course at Uncle Teds restaurant , you have the option to shoot them yourself"  Ted Nugent
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Offline bikekil

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2002, 07:09:52 AM »
Good lecture Rip :)
thank you!!!

Offline daddog

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2002, 11:47:16 AM »
Good post rip. :)
CM CO daddog
332nd Flying Mongrels
Noses in the wind since 1997.

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Offline 8ball

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2002, 03:49:54 PM »
This also can be easily extended to other gaming clans, squads, or groups.  I am the CO of a Day of Defeat clan, as well as the DerStuhl clan here but we are not very active as a clan here, and almost everything Rip said is the same thing that goes on with my DoD clan.  Good article Rip!

Offline GA

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2002, 05:09:16 AM »

Offline NHMadmax

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2002, 07:33:51 AM »
good post rip

Offline fuzeman

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2002, 09:49:01 AM »
Rip, another good one!
I started out as the Leason Officer and was the guy sending out the spam.. er e-mail to the squad. Moved all the way up to CO of The *SPECIALISTS* and still haven't found a 'volunteer' to take over the e-mail list.

Far too many, if not most, people on this Board post just to say something opposed to posting when they have something to say.

"Masters of the Air" Scenario - JG54

Offline Rapid

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2003, 05:08:51 PM »
And a fine job you are doing :D Glad I was able to Drop err get you to take over the mail. :cool:

aka RTS
RTS Member of the "Specialist" Squadron since 1996

Offline Swager

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2003, 08:34:56 PM »
Nice reading Rip!  A CO's job can be rewarding as you see your squad perform well and watch it grow.  But it can be brutal during the "rough" times.  

Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline bizket

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What does a CO/XO do "behind the scenes?"
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2003, 11:19:19 PM »
Excellent post Rip!!!

Everything single point you've made I have had to learn for myself or deal with at some point.  Starting this Fighter Group is the most rewarding and most difficult thing I've done in my almost four years of online simming.

I never really considered myself CO material. In my squads in Warbirds I never really wanted to be anything but a pilot. I enjoyed taking orders and sticking with my winglead. The only reason I even started this group was because of the frustration I had with the lack of historical P51 squadrons. So one day on a whim I decided to start my own group based on the 339th, and I'm very happy I did.

I'm thankful for two things that I think have helped make this group a success

1. I sat and kept my mouth shut in Warbirds and learned how it was done from COs like =mjrp= from the 1st ACG. And the guys that commanded the 352nd FG when I was with them ==yt==, dune and =rhino. These gentlemen where very good at keeping the group loose enough that we had fun. But they also knew how to get us to kick as when it was time. They also installed the knowledge in us that we repreasent the real life 352nd online and we should always remember that before we say or do something stupid.  Thats something I take very serouisly with the 339th. We have a great group of guys and I'm not concerned about it becoming a problem. But I always let a new recruit that the real life vets gave us their blessing to take their name, dont do anything to dishoner that.

2. I have a great XO in dracon, I'm so happy he came on as group XO. Sometimes I find the ammount of work that a CO has do overwhelming. He's been great help in decision making processes when my head starts spinning. I dont think of him as the XO in my fighter group, I think of him as a partner in this venture. I'm very grateful for his help and guidance.  

Basicly starting my own fighter group has been the most rewarding thing I've ever done since I started playing Warbirds. We have a great bunch of guys, 14 to be exact,  and we are growing all the time. We have a few "vets" from Warbirds and AW but for the most part everybody is fairly new. I cant wait to get us involved in some events so they can see just how intense these silly little games can become.

Ohh BTW The 339th Fighter Group is recruiting ;)

Once again
Great Post!!!