Author Topic: Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?  (Read 362 times)

Offline BotaBing

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« on: April 29, 2002, 05:03:07 PM »
I love how an ENTIRE field of ACK can be up, and some guy can still pull off a vulch when he is alone.

I really dont get why field ack is so incredibly easy to defeat/avoid. Seems to me its because people want to be able to take out entire bases single-handedly.

Offline Don

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2002, 05:12:45 PM »

Ohh I dunno ;) The manneable field acks are kind of okay:D
If the lag conditions aren't too bad in the MA, they can be pretty deadly. They can be pretty devastating to nme GVz as well:D
The AI acks are pretty pathetic though, they continue shooting at an nme even after he has bailed over a field. The nme will stay in his chute long enough for a countryman to gun the dumb AI acks because they are focusing on the chute and not the other nme a/c over the field.

Offline SKurj

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2002, 05:16:27 PM »
Lag .. Ack?  Ack is on your FE....

Try it Botabing... see how many times in a row you can deack each size field...


Offline BotaBing

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« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2002, 06:39:04 PM »
Im not just talking about deacking an entire field. Im talking about people flying within 500-2000 yards from a field not even caring or worrying about ack damage at all. You know it happens constantly.

As I remember, ack used to be a bit more dangerous, and it should be.

Offline AmRaaM

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2002, 08:35:17 PM »
It wasnt more dangerous, you're just better. Its always been pathetically easy to kill all the aa at even a large base with just mgs and most any plane.

Offline Weave

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2002, 08:52:53 PM »
Lol, in my case it depends on whose ack. If it's mine, an enemy can fly unscathed through a whole field's worth of it without a ping. If it's the enemy's and I'm in range I will lose the minimum of a radiator, and the maximum of my life.:confused:

I have found that the slower you fly through it, the better your chances of not being hit. Go figure. :eek:

Offline Hortlund

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2002, 01:15:26 AM »
There must be some weird law of AH-physics involved here. Because as soon as I get within D3.0 from an enemy field of any size I get shot down without mercy. CV task groups are even worse, there the rule of thumb is: If you see it, you are probably already hit.

On the other hand, last night I saw a rook spit fly straight through our CV task force and shoot me down. I was watching it too...too fascinated to be able to pull any evasives on that brave spit. There were litterary hundreds of tracers going for that spit, and he just kept coming for me without any visible damage. It felt like some B horror movie..."Night of the living spit", or "the Spit that could not die".

And our own field ack seems to be unable to hit anything at all. Being a true dweeb, I often run to ack when someone chases me. Unfortunately that never gets me off the hook, as the enemy La7 or N1K or Spit (because they always are La7s or N1Ks or Spits) always dive through our ack and shoot me down.



I think your observation on acks and their lethality might have something to do with the fact that all field ack always shoot at the first enemy plane to get within range. If you are plane nr 2, you can do pretty much whatever you want as long as plane nr 1 stays within range of the field ack. <-- I think that is how it works.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2002, 01:21:21 AM by Hortlund »

Offline RatPenat

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2002, 04:56:40 AM »
Yes rooks acks really sucks :D

I saw people cross ack fire from small fields 3 or 4 times in la7, spits, and nikis usually (easy 50% or more planes up).
I saw a F6f cross 6 times ack fire from carrier group :eek: .

I can't cross ack fire more 1 time (usually with first pass i got a big hole somewhere) :mad:

Offline BOOT

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2002, 07:49:24 AM »
I wonder if Lag has anything to do with the lethality of the Ack.

When I have a good connection which is rare since I live in
"Roosterpoot Missouri"  :(

But when I do have a good connect... I can dodge Ack pretty well with slight evasive manuevers...  When I don't have a good connect I am toast...

Best approach to de-acking or even diving into a base is to wait till there are some friendlies to help draw fire.


Offline popeye

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2002, 07:56:07 AM »
There was a time when AH ack was so deadly, vultching was suicidal.  Players screamed for a change.  Let's face it....we're all vultch sluts at heart.

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline AcId

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2002, 08:07:43 AM »
Dunno bout the rest of ya, but this pile-it fears the ACK.

It's a blue moon if I fly through the ACK umbrella and it misses me.

Offline robsan

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2002, 09:04:46 AM »
The Ship Gunner has 18653 kills and has been killed 53 times.

Offline Don

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2002, 11:41:07 AM »
Lag  and acks? Acks are on my FE? Hmmm well then, Lag is no problem for me...moosecookies.  If I see an nme a/c come swooping down at me, and I'm in a manneable ack; I draw a bead on him and fire when he is still D3.0 away, and he passes by at D-450 without so much as a nick on his a/c, then I see him warp away I'd say that aint my problem.
Other circumstances defy what I'm supposed to be seeing on my FE; I check Net Status and I see Host queue readings like a broken toothed comb; then that aint a problem with my FE either.

When I get 12 kills in a manneable ack against nme jabos, and I check my Netstatus, and the Host queue readings are steady, I'm thanking the Internet/Server gods.
I spent a lot of time on another sim a couple years ago, and there were a buttload of connection problems. Everytime I asked or complained about em, I would get the same answer: "it's a problem on your end" . Turns out, that was all BS ;) There are enough posts in here about problems that too many are having to have it be  a problem on 'everyone's' end/FE.

Offline Apache

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2002, 11:50:15 AM »
Originally posted by Don
Lag  and acks? Acks are on my FE? Hmmm well then, Lag is no problem for me...moosecookies.  If I see an nme a/c come swooping down at me, and I'm in a manneable ack; I draw a bead on him and fire when he is still D3.0 away, and he passes by at D-450 without so much as a nick on his a/c, then I see him warp away I'd say that aint my problem.
Other circumstances defy what I'm supposed to be seeing on my FE; I check Net Status and I see Host queue readings like a broken toothed comb; then that aint a problem with my FE either.

When I get 12 kills in a manneable ack against nme jabos, and I check my Netstatus, and the Host queue readings are steady, I'm thanking the Internet/Server gods.
I spent a lot of time on another sim a couple years ago, and there were a buttload of connection problems. Everytime I asked or complained about em, I would get the same answer: "it's a problem on your end" . Turns out, that was all BS ;) There are enough posts in here about problems that too many are having to have it be  a problem on 'everyone's' end/FE.

I think you are misunderstanding. AI ack, not mannable, is on your FE. You flying thru any AI ack is occurring on your system, thus lag has nothing to do with it hitting or missing you. Net comes in to relay the damage you may have received from the AI ack to everyone else's FE.

Naturally you may see someone warp thru ack. Thats thier FE, not yours. They most probably saw themselves flying smoothly thru.

Offline Tac

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Why are field ACKS so incredibly pathetic?
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2002, 12:46:21 PM »
I'll make a deal with ya... if they make the acks be indiscriminate (aka, they will kill friendly just as enemy if they hit him) , then you can make the acks tougher.

But as of now, the acks can fire through a friendly plane and hit you... and so, the answer to your thread's title : BECAUSE THE PLAYERS ARE JUST AS PATHETIC.

$#$@#$@# ack running weenies.