After posting a mssg about switching sides everyother day I dont
mind now giving away "secrects" cause they arnt really secrets they are in the help sections - just gatta know what they mean.
I had a prob. with hitting anything from the big ships with the big guns for a long time, until going to the help files and picking through the posts....
For land targets best way I have found is to go to one of the big guns on the lead ship and hit "Q or W" one of those is for land
mode- it will indicate this below your headings indicator. once it says "land" click on the arrow on your map screen and drag it till
the base being attacked is under the "X" sighting from the cannon
then hit "Z" to zoom in on the target and then use the " [ ]"
brackets to make that base larger than life.....finally with your
mouse pointer click on an area of the base or city you want to
fire on -the guns will aquire that heading you clicked on and then
pull the trigger. To get an accurate hit check out the base maps to get an idea where the hangers are positioned and then click for that spot and fire away....
Think all this is correct .........
Brown The Four horsemen