Author Topic: Sat TOD moving to Sunday for a tour....  (Read 1289 times)

Offline Flossy

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Sat TOD moving to Sunday for a tour....
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2002, 02:07:56 AM »
Originally posted by skernsk
The reason is that the last Saturday TOD was not well attended.  In Sling's poll to the CO's there was considerable interest in moving it to Sunday.

Now that we announce Sunday...we are hearing a similar amount of disappointment.:confused:
No matter what day and time it is moved to, it is impossible to please everybody.  I think 3 pm is a good compromise for the majority of participants.

Saturday was not good for Europeans, as many of us like to have a bit of a social life outside of AH (yes, there is a world out there!  :D ) on Saturday evening.  Friday would be OK for Europeans, but we would be pretty much alone and I think numbers would suffer tremendously without being buffered by US players.

That leaves Sunday as the only other viable day, and that is when quite a few of us are used to flying in special events over the past few years....  :)
Flossy {The Few}
Female Flying For Fun

Offline Kronos

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Sat TOD moving to Sunday for a tour....
« Reply #16 on: May 13, 2002, 09:12:02 AM »
My 2 concerns are these.

1.  the former post stated that only CO's were to post their preference.  Ok, well that was good, but I wasn't a CO so I didn't post.  I personally will try to make Sundays, but there is a much less chance of making it then if it stayed on Saturdays.

2.   Is moving the scenario from Saturday to sunday going to fix the numbers?  The only way to find out for sure is to try it, so I have no problem with it.  But if you take the numbers for the MA during Saturday/Sunday 1500 est... I doubt that you are going to have better attendance, and probably less so.  I think what you will find, is that you still have the numbers problem, just different people playing.

56th FG is going to attend no matter what, as they actively support the TOD scenarios.  Therefore, I will try to support my squad as much as possible.

Really, you guys have another tough problem on your hands.  If you move days, keep same time, then probably still a numbers problem, you might gain a few people, but you lose a few people too.  If you move time, and stay the same day, then in order to increase numbers you would have to move the TOD to a later time frame.  But then that again presents problems for european players, and I know that the weekend TOD is to help us, and am grateful.

Again, obviously there is no way to please everybody.

So one last question :

How's it feel to be between a rock and a hard place?

:D j/k.

Offline sling322

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Sat TOD moving to Sunday for a tour....
« Reply #17 on: May 13, 2002, 10:17:12 AM »
Originally posted by Kronos

So one last question :

How's it feel to be between a rock and a hard place?

:D j/k.

Heh when are you applying to join us?  :p

 One other quick thing....when I made the post asking the COs to reply, I figured that was the easiest way to get  a response without it degenerating into a flame war between guys that preferred one day over the other.  I figured the COs would discuss it with their guys and then post in my thread and let me know what they wanted.  I hope that is what happened in most cases.

Offline Kronos

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Sat TOD moving to Sunday for a tour....
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2002, 10:44:36 AM »
hehe.... I made the offer a long time ago m8 :) ... was never taken up though.  Now, my time is consumed by work, college, and soon, with getting my A&P license.  I am finding it hard to find time to fly now, though I do still manage a few hours a week. :D

Offline Rompa

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Sat TOD moving to Sunday for a tour....
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2002, 03:58:10 PM »
1.  the former post stated that only CO's were to post their preference.  Ok, well that was good, but I wasn't a CO so I didn't post.  I personally will try to make Sundays, but there is a much less chance of making it then if it stayed on Saturdays.
exactly the same goes for me
2.   Is moving the scenario from Saturday to sunday going to fix the numbers?  The only way to find out for sure is to try it, so I have no problem with it.
yes, if thats the case I can live with sundays for sure
I figured the COs would discuss it with their guys and then post in my thread and let me know what they wanted.
Thats not what happend (hope im not getting kicked out of squad now:p  )my CO just figured sundays is a good day for some in squad(and maybe it is for the majorority of pilots I dont know), but I did not diskuss it with hole squad thats why im expressing my thouts in this post.(this is just my personal oppinion not the hole squads oppinion)
Anyway lets try the sundays and se if numbers go up.

But all CM´s should have a big for trying to please everyone to have the numbers up on both TOD´s