Originally posted by myelo
Errr, no offense, but did you read the site you linked?
heh, yeah, but not I guess not well enough! It conflicted with this:
"The Smithsonian's enormous database, called the Registry of Tumors in Lower Animals, catalogs tissues suspected of being tumorous, including cancers, from all possible sources throughout the world. Of the thousands of tissues in the Registry, most of them are from fish but only a handful (fewer than 25) are from sharks or rays. Most of these are classified as fibrous responses to wounds, parasites, or goiters (enlarged thyroid glands sometimes developed by sharks in captivity), leaving only 8 to 10 legitimate tumors among all the shark and ray tissues examined."
So it was "almost never" get cancerous tumors--
I'm still staying away from anymore of them dried Tiger dicks lemme tell ya!