Author Topic: Hey Nuttz  (Read 511 times)

Offline Hawk52

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Hey Nuttz
« on: May 21, 2002, 08:00:52 AM »
Do you know if there are issues with Map maker and trying to do a map, say 256x256 or 128x128.

I've made several attemps. It seems to make the .elv and .typ files, but won't start in the TE.

Changed the format in Map Maker per the instructions.

IE: Elv.
rows: 512

Rows: 256

for a 256 mile map

Works great on a 512x512

Offline NUTTZ

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Hey Nuttz
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2002, 12:12:50 PM »
I do things COMPLETELY different than most people. I start with a grey scale map in Corel Paint.

Lets say you want a 512x512 map start with your greyscale I think the .BMP has to be 1024x1024? I forget the dementions but Wabbits help file tells you the size.

Once I do this greyscale create another blank .BMP in CorelPaint Open the original greyscale and reduce it to half it's size, cut and paste it into the center of this new .BMP and you now have the same greyscale but yet 256x256 now reduce this half its size and place this into the center of another 1024x1024 greyscale .bmp and now you have a 128x128 map.  Now you have the SAME greyscale .bmp but 3 different sizes to use for putting threw Wabbits program.

i try naming these different size .bmp's like  TARA512,TARA256,TARA128, so you can change the size of the map at anytime you want ( of course the fields won't move) but you at least don't have to start from scratch if you want to change the map size.

I leave Wabbits mapmaker to all defaults I just change the Mapname and elevation.
Having a good art program really helps.