Q#1: For some reason the ends of the runway dissappear when I get to close too them (ie. When I'm taking off sometimes the runway/rearm pads will dissappear and reappear when I get further back) and same way when I am landing, which can make landing and reloading quit a challange lol.
Q#2: Anyone know where I can down load some terrains, I wanna do a map of the solomans for all of our pacific aircraft but I need palm trees and some mountain terrain like on Mindonaio (I dont know if I spelled that right) map.
...BTW thanks Pokie for tellin me how to save a map under another name I'm already on my 3rd version of the same map in 1 day LOL

[Edit]: 1 more thing I forgot to mention, why do some bases have shooting hangars??? last map I made London and paris had Hangars that moved and shot LOL.