Author Topic: AH Needs a Better T&B Plane  (Read 1923 times)


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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« on: November 04, 1999, 09:05:00 PM »
The current AH seems to be more geared to E fighting which is how I play.  The current crop of planes seem to burn off E pretty quick in sustained turns.  It seems too easy to kill low fighters.  I just stay above them until they bleed their E on a turn or two and then go in for the kill.  How about a Zeke, P38, or Spit V soon for those who know they won't have an alt advantage?  It would give them a fighting chance against an oppenent with alt.  It may also bring the altitude of fights lower.  Sometimes I have to climb to 15k just to engage.  I want my FW190 first though.  



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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 1999, 09:15:00 PM »

First, one doesn't have to start with alt disadvantage... don't roll from a capped field.

Next, the planes we have include some pretty fair TnB planes.

Finally, climbing to 15K for a fight is both realistic and offers more options. Why would you want all the fights to be low?

To each his own, but I want to learn and use realistic ACM in 3-5 ton hunks of metal whirling in the sky. Holding the stick to my gut on the deck can be exciting, but I would hope that is more the exception than the rule...    


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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 1999, 03:08:00 AM »
KI84 I repeat KI84


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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 1999, 03:25:00 AM »
Better T&B planes? IMHO the "George" fits into this category. The Zeke is turning tighter for sure, but it is a late war planeset now. And at that time the "George" is a good T&B.

JG 301 "Heimatverteidigung"


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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 1999, 07:37:00 AM »
what do you mean if they know they will have an alt disavange?
bringing the fights lower will only serve to make this more of a free for all.
GET alt.stop diving 10k to engage .try to live through your sortie and land it.there really is more here than an instant nose bleed.


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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 1999, 08:24:00 AM »
Hey TT,
What the heck do we need with another butcherbird for? Ain't getting the FW enuff worries!
I hate KI's, I don't want to see no stinking KI's!

Pony Diver


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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 1999, 08:29:00 AM »
Oh yeah, on the T&B thing, Geez guys I start each and every sortie from 20-25K. I didn't know there were folks that liked flying down below 15K, that explains why I'm diving me poor pony to death in here.

327th P.S./1st A.C.G.

Offline Mark Luper

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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 1999, 12:05:00 PM »
I personaly agree with Kier, why fight low? Alt gives you so many more oportunities to either kill or run. I like the 51 myself and spend more time in it than any other and like others, I don't like to engage much below 20k.

I have wished for a sim that would get the fight up high and now we have it :-)


Keep the shiny side up!


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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 1999, 01:28:00 PM »
Maybe....Gloster Gladiator vs Fiat CR42 Falco? Or Polikarpov I-15 Vs CR32?

Maybe too extreme? Ok, Ok was just a joke :-)

Ok, but Fairey Swordfish against Fieseler Storch?

BTW I love early war planeset, when you can hold your own even in a 109E against early Spits and Hurrys. I agree on the need of more T&B fighters, at whatever altitude.

In WB I suicide... mostly on KI43 and i love it to catch a Spit inside his turn, coming on less than d2 and empty my guns on it (before to die "boomed" by the first FW190 in the area).BTW, who says 2X12,7 aren't enough? if used properly they last for two Spit and an half Zerorigami.

My 0.002€ words

Luigi "falco" Pacetti


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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 1999, 01:41:00 PM »
Both the George and our current Spit are great T&B planes for the time-frame of this planeset.  Perhaps what Herc really want's is early-war rides. And I'm sure they'll come along, eventually (ain't competition a wonderful thing?).

While I'm primarily a 109 driver in "the other sim," I've been flying mostly Stangs in AH, lately. That is, until ol' George dropped in. What a great plane! I've never felt so instantly at home in a sim-plane before.  And it's the only Jap plane where going H2H isn't a forgone disaster.  Thanks, HtC.

I can certainly understand why the the A/C produced so far are all from roughly the same time-period.  With the current bunch, a Zero or a Hurricane would be so far outclassed (no slam intended on either of those legendary fighters, of course), few would bother flying them. In fact, I'm surprised they're bothering with the Maachi C.205 right now. While a decent plane early in the war, wasn't it hopelessly overmatched in the mid/late-war timeframe?  Early war planes will need to be introduced in a batch, with scenario's or a RPS in mind. Otherwise, they won't see much use.

Rojo (S-2, The Buccaneers)

[This message has been edited by Rojo (edited 11-05-1999).]


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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 1999, 05:22:00 PM »
They are bothering with the 205 because nobody has ever modeled one before and because the trend here it seems is to model the best fighter of each warring nation first, then start adding to each stable of planes equally.


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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 1999, 07:04:00 PM »
Good answer, Hans. I guess I hadn't thought about it that way.

Rojo (a.k.a. Sabre)


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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 1999, 08:15:00 PM »
So please a plane for the poor frenchies ;-)
the dewoitine d520..

never seen it in a simulator..

Offline Wardog

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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 1999, 09:23:00 PM »
Well,i consistanly take on Spits in my lttle F4F & FM2 in WB..

I entered a furball on my own in my f4f, 2 Spitz & a Zeke.. Kilt the zeke 1st then the 2 spitz.. i was close te there field & low when another Spit & F4U came up after me,took the spit out 1st & played tag with F4U for 5 mins,he finally augered i got the kill,at this point my flaps where gone & i was leakin fuel so i was RTB.. Ran into an FW190 on the rtb,stay low used all remaining ammo on him,after that i just kept turning,he augered  6 hard fought kills  

The above was done in the FM2  it carries 4 .50s but is a little faster & hold E better than the F4F..

I didnt make it back to base,fuel leaked out but i did manage to ditch..

You want to out turn a Spit,ask for the F4F..and boy can the beer barrel take hits  

--wd-- Jagdgeschwader 26 "Schlageter"
            "The Abbeville Boys"

Offline gatt

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AH Needs a Better T&B Plane
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 1999, 01:08:00 AM »
Rojo, Hans

they are bothering with the Macchi C.205 "Veltro" becouse she was one of the best 1943 a/c of the war. Yes, like the La-5FN she's a mid-war baby. The early war Macchi's are the C.200 and C.202 "Folgore".

yes I'd like to see the excellent D-520. Actually she's an early war fighters, good to fight a 1940-41 scenario, like the Blitzkrieg or something in North Africa. WB really lacks the D-520 and the C.202.

4°Stormo CT

"In the afternoon we again did this (strafing) and what I have dreamt of happened ... A single CR42 biplane took off and climbed up to engage me. We had a dogfight below the clouds and immediately over the aerodrome. It lasted a long time, about ten minutes. He was very good and much above the average italian. We believe he was a famous italian ace who had a crack squadron of CR42's. I'm very glad to say that he managed to bail out successfully when I finally finished him off."
P/O Talbot
274 Hurricane Sqdn

[This message has been edited by gatt (edited 11-06-1999).]
"And one of the finest aircraft I ever flew was the Macchi C.205. Oh, beautiful. And here you had the perfect combination of italian styling and german engineering .... it really was a delight to fly ... and we did tests on it and were most impressed." - Captain Eric Brown