Author Topic: Alternative to Perk System?  (Read 716 times)

Offline Vorc

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #30 on: December 20, 2001, 03:55:00 PM »
Sure does seem to be a lot of creative ideas out there.  

I am:
1)Relatively new person to AH (3 months)
2)Not particularly skilled (less than 1 kill per sortie).
3)An occasional flyer (50-100 sorties a month).

Despite the above, I have managed to accumulate well over 600 fighter perks points.  I've taken out the TA152 and the 262 out for a few rides and it was pretty easy to bring them back home in one piece.  I fit the profile TAC seems to be describing and yet I have the ability to fly and die 3 times in 262s right now if I wanted too (or 75 Chogs). I just don't see any need for "welfare" perks.

I think that adding a significant number of perk sorties would ruin some of the game's "flavor" for me.  262s, TA152s and the rest were extremely rare aircraft even in 1945.  I'd prefer not to be seeing multiple 262s on every sortie I fly.

In summary, if a dweeb like me can earn perks so easily why would we need "free" perks?

Salute all,


Offline Blue Mako

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2001, 11:40:00 PM »
Originally posted by lazs1:
I think anyone (99%)who flys a perk plane is a sissy jerk.

Tour 23: lazs has 3 kills and has been killed 0 times in the F4U-1C
Tour 22: lazs has 2 kills and has been killed 0 times in the F4U-1C
Tour 21: lazs has 9 kills and has been killed 2 times in the F4U-4
Tour 20: lazs has 26 kills and has been killed 9 times in the F4U-1C
Tour 19: lazs has 68 kills and has been killed 17 times in the F4U-1C

Lazs, YOU are a perk flying sissy jerk.

Get off your high horse.  Labelling people who don't fly the way you want them to as sissies and wusses is getting really old.  Now you come into this thread spouting hypocritical, insulting rubbish.  Try adding to the conversation, not just hurling insults.  Time to lay off the caffeine Lazs, it isn't doing you any good...

P.S. I think Tac's idea has some merit.  A "welfare system" for perks is a reasonable idea IMO.  Maybe credit them on a weekly basis and have them valid for one month, that way you wouldn't have a flood of perk planes in the first few days of a tour...

Offline lazs1

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2001, 08:30:00 AM »
Hmm.. well the -4 was not perked when I flew it.. nothing was it was free.  the C hog is nothing but a cannon -1 that is very cheap... almost a non perk..and I have allready said numerous times that I use it only when I get frustrated at GV's.  I have probly 3000 perk points.. I think that would qualify me for 1% status eh?

Welfare? LOL friggin socialists..  Any system that assures that a P40 or Spit one ends up fighting -4 corsairs and tempests and even late war  A group of people will allways be flying em all tour long.... even more than we have now.

The only good thing about the perk system is that it stigmatizes erk plane use and they are expensive... You son't see many of em..  The more of em u see the worse it is for the arena and for early war planes.... tac's system adds more perk planes to the arena and takes away the shame of flying em.. Both bad things.

bottom line...anything that adds to the number or frequency of perk planes in the arena is a bad idea.   Anything that lessens the frequency or seperates them is a good idea.

Offline AKSWulfe

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #33 on: December 21, 2001, 08:37:00 AM »
I think Lazs is referring to the late war birds that are basically untouchable if flown properly that are perked. He's referring to planes that were introduced as perks.

The F4U-1C is actually slower (isn't Lazs?) than the -1D, and on top of that it started out as a non-perk. Unfortunately though, more than half the arena was a BFG monger and flew that plane until enough people complained about it that it got perked.

Offline Tac

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #34 on: December 21, 2001, 11:54:00 AM »
"Welfare? LOL friggin socialists.. Any system that assures that a P40 or Spit one ends up fighting -4 corsairs and tempests and even late war A group of people will allways be flying em all tour long.... even more than we have now."

Just like the la7 and its ilk? Again I ask, whats the difference with what we have NOW? If you think they will add a P-40 or a spit 1 without perking or dealing with the unperked late war planes, you're sadly mistaken.In fact, I believe they havent added them because they dont want to deal with that issue YET.

"Maybe credit them on a weekly basis and have them valid for one month, that way you wouldn't have a flood of perk planes in the first few days of a tour... "

The number of perks per month and price of perk planes must be changed yes, my numbers were from what I think would be fair. HTC in their infinite wisdom (read:inebriation  ;) ) will make it fair for all.

"bottom line...anything that adds to the number or frequency of perk planes in the arena is a bad idea. Anything that lessens the frequency or seperates them is a good idea"

*opens "LazSpeak for Dummies"*

bottom line... anything that gives all players an equal chance at flying uberplanes, albeit at set&fixed limited amounts per person each month is a bad idea. Anything that keeps the uber planes in the hands of a few players and thus keeps them away from my furballing is a good idea.

*closes book*

Right?  :rolleyes:

Correct swulfe. Because it was avaliable in unlimited numbers with no con to losing one. This way however, you can either fly 25 chogs a month (barely 1 a day) or not and use those perks for something else.

Think on it this way, those 500 perks would allow each player to fly something like,4X Chogs (each chog costing 20 perks), 3X temps(or)f4u4(or)ta152 (each costing 40 perks) and 2X 262 (each costing 150 perks) every month.

2 hogs=1 152/f4u4/tempest
3.75 152's/f4u4's/tempest's=1 me262

Now, how is this worse than having high skill/high flying time players be able to fly much more perk rides a month than those with low skill/low flying time? Each player has his FIXED set of perks to use, how he burns them is his problem. Those getting rank will ONLY get to fly their free perk planes as long as they fly in CAREER sortie AND as long as they dont die/get captured in them.

So even Laz, who doesnt give a damn about rank can still HO and take away the ability of mr. rank 2 to fly his free chog and smack him down to rank0 again. And since there is NO indication in the icon of rank, he wont know who's who.

It would be nice to show rank on the roster only, but that can also be debatable.

Offline hitech

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #35 on: December 21, 2001, 01:58:00 PM »
Tac, what type of flying do you think your system would promote?

How would it changes the day to day dynamics of the arena?

Would the thrill of flying the 262 be increased or decreased?


Offline lazs1

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #36 on: December 21, 2001, 02:04:00 PM »
ok tac... let me put it even more simply.. if we see less or the same amount of perk planes per tour then it is a good idea.  If we see more then it is a bad idea.

I certainly would not be adverse to being able to give my perk points to another player or.... use my perk points to cancel a like amount of another players perks.   For instance... "lazs gives 300 perk points to tac" or...lazs uses 300 perk points to remove 300 perk points from tac"  

since I do not use them myself they would then be "useful" to me.   As it is they are useless to me but they can harm my enjoyment of the game.

Offline Tac

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #37 on: December 21, 2001, 02:14:00 PM »
"Tac, what type of flying do you think your system would promote?"

Not much different than it is now. With the exception of those few flying their career sorties doing their best to not get shot down. In fact, we may even see organized flights of career pilots winging together vs. other career flights.
"How would it changes the day to day dynamics of the arena?"

Furballs will still be there. Strat will still be there. Only difference would be that you may see perk rides more often.

"Would the thrill of flying the 262 be increased or decreased"

I'd say increased. You'd have other 262's to smack down (and to smack you down when in career sorties..eep!), as well as the usual, slower targets.

Losing a 262 as it is now hurts. As it should. But the rate at which vet pilots or those with high flying times recover them seems a bit unfair to me. But, if everyone would has the same perk points a month, and the choice of how to burn them, it will make flying the good ol' jet much more interesting. Losing it will mean losing it until the end of the month.

Thats what I think it would be like. I'd love to hear your opinion too.  :)

Offline xHaMmeRx

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #38 on: December 21, 2001, 04:20:00 PM »
Greetings all,

After more thought on the subject, it occurs to me we are looking at the wrong thing.  We are discussing at great length whether or not it would be fair to give perk points to people who have not "earned" them.  I think what we really should be discussing is a way to allow people who haven't yet "earned" their points to still fly a perk-plane every once in a while.

Why not let everybody fly whatever they want a couple of sorties per month.  That's not overly significant.  It would allow new and low-time players the ability to fly some of those "exciting" perks.  This would help hold the interest of some I suspect.  While there is no way it would not result in an increase of perks flying around, it would not necessarily be a bad thing... you get more perkies for killin perkies in non-perkies! I would, thouhgh, require tracking free sorties used and this would be a coding issue.

That's about as far as my thoughts go on that one!


Offline lazs1

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #39 on: December 21, 2001, 04:27:00 PM »
hammer... I would much rather have a "free" day or two every tour where all planes were free.  Everyone could fly em till their butt went numb.