Author Topic: Alternative to Perk System?  (Read 714 times)

Offline Tac

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Alternative to Perk System?
« on: December 18, 2001, 11:06:00 AM »
How about:

Get rid of the "kill planes to get perk points" system.

Instead, give each person 500 perk points each tour. At end of tour, any unused perks dissapear. So its use them or lose them.

Instead of using the already in place ENY/OBJ system to calculate perkies, put the points gathered by the eny/obj system into:

This rank system could be called "Career System" instead of perk system.

10 perks: 1st rank (cadet?)
20 perks: 2nd rank (Pilot Officer?)
40 perks: 3rd rank (Colonel?)
50 perks: 4th rank (Capt?)
60 perks: 5th rank (General?)
80+ perks: 6th rank (Air Marshall?)

Rank points RESET when you die or are captured. What is the use of getting rank points? at rank 1 you get a small discount on the perk rides (and subsequent upping in rank gets further discount), at rank 2 you get free use of C-Hog, at rank 3 you get free use of ta152 and arado, rank 4 get f4u4 and tempest, rank 5 reduces perk cost of jets at half ,  at rank 6 you get free use of all perk planes. EDITED: However, the "FREE" perk planes will only be avaliable to those flying CAREER sorties, otherwise a person could reach a certain rank and not fly career sorties & fly perk planes the whole time without risk of losing his priviledge. (thnx nifty for pointing it out).

Since if you die or are captured you lose your rank and start from 0, it will limit the amount of people flying free perk rides. If you cant get the rank, you still have 500 perk points to get the perk rides, EACH month.

The cost of some perk planes would have to be altered to make this work im sure. Maybe make the lowest perk ride cost 20 perks (chog), 152, tempest and f4u4 cost 40 perks, arado cost 50, and 262 cost 150 perks.

That would allow for..
25 chogs OR
12 152/temp/f4u4 OR
4 arados OR
3 262's
a month for each player.

Not to mention that as you up in rank, you get discount on the perk rides.. so at rank 1 a Tempest wouldnt cost 40 perks, but 35. Rank2 would cost 30, rank 3 would cost 25.

However, it would be unfair to make a person have to fly "Career" all the time, so instead of that, REPLACE the "Attack" and "Fighter" options with a box asking you if you want to fly that sortie for CAREER points.. a simple "Yes" or "No" option will do. So if you die in a non-career sortie, your rank will not be reset.

What ye think?

[ 12-20-2001: Message edited by: Tac ]

Offline AKSWulfe

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2001, 11:08:00 AM »
Combat Theater.

Sounds "not fun", so sounds like it'd fit in the Combat Theater.

Offline Kieran

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2001, 11:10:00 AM »
Actually, this is pretty equitable. Sure, the first of the month may be terrible for some, but by the end of the first week things will settle in. You will see perk planes used more, but excessive and frivolous usage will eliminate them from the arena. You are rewarded for staying alive by keeping your ride, and newbies entering the game have just as much a chance of getting the perk rides as anyone else.

I like it.

Offline popeye

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2001, 11:10:00 AM »
"dozens of chogs"

Answered your own question.   :)

Where is Major Kong?!?

Offline Kieran

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2001, 11:13:00 AM »
Adjust the point level, then. Give 200 perks, reduce the cost of max perk ride to 50, and let people go.

Offline Tac

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2001, 11:20:00 AM »
added what was here to 1st post.

[ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: Tac ]

Offline Maverick

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2001, 11:25:00 AM »

I like it. It means that even the low time pilots (game play) wil have a chance at erk rides. It also allows new pilots to experiance them as well and doesn't soley reward those pilots who really don't NEED perk planes to be "successful" in this game.

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Offline Tac

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2001, 11:34:00 AM »
Edited first post to contain modifications.

Offline Wotan

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2001, 01:27:00 PM »
welfare perks again   :rolleyes:

Offline Wotan

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2001, 01:32:00 PM »
thats 25 chogs x 75 folks that will fly it almost exclusively out 350 or so average in the main at peak times.

plus all the other perk rides.

I dont know why it is folks think that not being able to fly a perk ride is problem.

And if your gonna give a perk points away just give each perk ride its own free day that would be better the 2 weeks of perk mania at the start of evey tour.

Perk system is about right if you really wanna fly one get in a plane with a hi eny value and kill planes with a lo eny.

It don't get any simplier then that.

Offline Tac

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2001, 02:17:00 PM »
Originally posted by Wotan:
welfare perks again     :rolleyes:

LOL!   :) Indeed it is.. of sort.

[ 12-18-2001: Message edited by: Tac ]

Offline AKDejaVu

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2001, 02:40:00 PM »
Rank points RESET when you die or are captured. What is the use of getting rank points? at rank 1 you get a small discount on the perk rides (and subsequent upping in rank gets further discount), at rank 2 you get free use of C-Hog, at rank 3 you get free use of ta152 and arado, rank 4 get f4u4 and tempest, rank 5 reduces perk cost of jets at half , at rank 6 you get free use of all perk planes.

  • How would this make the MA a better place?
  • What type of flying would this promote?
  • What type of plane usage would this promote?
  • What type of community interaction would this promote (think about people's reactions to being shot down right now when things such as rank are not in place)[/list=a]

    The whole idea of establishing a "rank" system in the MA promotes elitism.  This isn't something that anyone can attain... it takes a certain level of patience and skill.  No need to reward that with free perk planes... or else lazs "only the best pilots will be flying the best planes" anti-perk whine completely valid.

    It smacks of something that someone who is pretty good in the arena would come up with while completely thumbing their nose at everyone else.


Offline Tac

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2001, 07:24:00 PM »
"The whole idea of establishing a "rank" system in the MA promotes elitism. This isn't something that anyone can attain... it takes a certain level of patience and skill. No need to reward that with free perk planes... or else lazs "only the best pilots will be flying the best planes" anti-perk whine completely valid."

Eh? Those who want the rank will have to stay alive in their "Career" sorties, as I said above, its selectable.

How is this elitism? Mr. Rank 4 can get HO'd or shot down by Mr. Rank0 flying the SAME plane (perk on non-perked).

How would this make the MA a better place?

All have access to perk planes on equal basis at the start of each month.

What type of flying would this promote?

Would be the same flying for those not flying a career sortie, those flying a career sortie would have to fly and survive. Something that will be quite hard on an arena where everyone has access to the same planes he has. Thus, the reward for someone with rank is either reduced cost of perk rides or free use of it. Now, remember, the ENY/OBJ values are what determines the rank points, so using a perk plane to rack up points for the career will be QUITE slow.

What type of plane usage would this promote?

Those with rank would use the perk rides more often, specially when they become free for them. Yet again, a rank0 flying the same OR a better perk plane could swat him outta the sky. Also, its not until rank 4 that you get perk planes for free that can actually fight below 25k (chog notwithstanding.. but go and get perk points in THAT!)  

What type of community interaction would this promote (think about people's reactions to being shot down right now when things such as rank are not in place)

You think it will be any different?

"It smacks of something that someone who is pretty good in the arena would come up with while completely thumbing their nose at everyone else."

How can that be when everyone has access to the same planes at the same rate unless they manage to stay alive in their career missions? The horror of it, we who are "pretty good in the arena" will have to face those  "not pretty good in the arena" in the same planes AND fight to live in them when flying a career sortie or we lose what we've gained. If someone ever reaches rank 6 he will get Ho'd by someone flying another 262 eventually.. remember, those not flying for career dont give a damn about losing rank and would just be losing their 200 perks. And then again, this non-rank flyer will not know that the other 262 he's facing is a player on a career sortie.

Any more Q's?

Offline AKSWulfe

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2001, 07:37:00 PM »
Here's what this system seems like to me: A way to get more perk planes in the arena.

Why in the hell do you all want MORE of those damn things when you all cry about La7s, N1K2s(pre-fix), SpitIXs, SpitVs, whatever else that is a none perked plane.

Hell you all cried half way around the world about the Chog before it was perked, no you propose something to give everyone atleast a guaranteed 75 flights in one EACH month?

You cried the Chog into perkdom, you pissed 'n moaned about N1K2s, Spits or whatever the hot ride of the week was and now, you want to go back on all of that and just make it essentially 2 weeks full of Chogs or whatever other perk planes everyone wants to fly?

No way, that's just retarded!

Here's a better system: Each new account gets 200 perk points, just enough for 1 Me262, enough for a couple of other lower costing perk planes. You blow it right off the gun, tough. If you can't keep 'em, you don't deserve to keep getting 'em for no reason what-so-ever.

I could of very well blown all of my perk points I spent months building up, but I only wasted 600 and built back up 400 of those in a few months.

What incentive is there to keep your perk planes in tact each month if you KNOW you will be getting more next month for doing not a damn thing?

There is no incentive to do anything with this system!

Offline Tac

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Alternative to Perk System?
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2001, 08:08:00 PM »
"Here's what this system seems like to me: A way to get more perk planes in the arena."

you will see them more often, yes. Then again, any perk ride 'xcept the 262 has a good chance of falling to the late war rides, particularly when there's a LOT of them around (sound like the MA to you?)

"Why in the hell do you all want MORE of those damn things when you all cry about La7s, N1K2s(pre-fix), SpitIXs, SpitVs, whatever else that is a none perked plane."

"Hell you all cried half way around the world about the Chog before it was perked, no you propose something to give everyone atleast a guaranteed 75 flights in one EACH month?"

Read again, carefully this time. You'd only have enuf for barely 1 perk plane A DAY with this system.

"You cried the Chog into perkdom, you pissed 'n moaned about N1K2s, Spits or whatever the hot ride of the week was and now, you want to go back on all of that and just make it essentially 2 weeks full of Chogs or whatever other perk planes everyone wants to fly?"

And whats the difference with having the full month of seeing said n1ks, spits, la7's in the MA right now when compared to this? This way the perk rides would endanger the almightyness of the late war rides.. AND they'd be in limited amount to EVERYONE.

"No way, that's just retarded!"

Dont worry, I still love you.  :rolleyes:

"Here's a better system: Each new account gets 200 perk points, just enough for 1 Me262, enough for a couple of other lower costing perk planes. You blow it right off the gun, tough. If you can't keep 'em, you don't deserve to keep getting 'em for no reason what-so-ever."

Thats basically my system. You really think you will be able to keep a rank for long in the MA when everyone has access to the same planes you have?

"I could of very well blown all of my perk points I spent months building up, but I only wasted 600 and built back up 400 of those in a few months.

What incentive is there to keep your perk planes intact each month if you KNOW you will be getting more next month for doing not a damn thing?

There is no incentive to do anything with this system!"

Really? If you didnt read the first post, let me tell you again: to get rank so that you can get more perk rides a month than others can. If you die in a career sortie, you're back to square 1. The incentive? What is the incentive in the CURRENT perk system? To fly perk planes. What is the incentive on this system? to Fly perk planes. To have easier or free access to them to be more precise.

As stated in 1st post, the numbers would need tweaking, perhaps instead of 500 perks, having 400 perks. The idea is to give EVERYONE a perk ride at least every 2nd day. I said 500 'cause it gives access to either 25 chogs a month OR 3 me262's a month. Thats it. If you want to have more than 3 262's you'd better up in rank, by rank 2 you may squeeze and extra 262 because of the cost reduction. But that 262 will last you only as long as you survive on a career flight. If you want to blast your perks in non-career flights, you can do it, but only career flights get you rank perks.