Now why can't we spice up bombing a little by adding a couple of dams, a 5,000pound bouncing bomb, curtousy of Barnes Wallis, and some slightly modified lancasters from 617 Dam Buster sqaudron? Then all we need is a couple of buff pilots who enjoy charging along in four engined bombers at 40 feet above the ground at 275mph at night and we're away. Very unlikely to happen, but I thought I'd mention in and hope for the best.
A WW1 inventor was sent to Major Arthur Harris to discuss his knew anti zeppelin bombs which were dangled under the plane by a length of cord. "Why not dispense with the clothes-line and just drop the grenade?" Harris asked. To which the inventor agreed. "Just a minute," Harris said, "If you're going to drop it by itself wouldn't it be better to streamline it so it'll fall faster and more accurately?" Once again the inventor agreed. "Just a minute," said Harris as he pointed to his plane nearby. "What the hell d'you think those are under the wings?"
"those" were little anti zeppelin bombs.