During the move last month, I didnt even have stinking phone service for 3 weeks...
But I'm not playing as often as I used to. I used to spend a lot of my evening time, weekends, etc playing...I'm slowly prying myself away from the computer. My ex gf said I was on the computer way too much and to a degree she is right. (But she aint coming back! Mu ha ha ha)
I've loved Aces High because it plays well and despite not having the gee-whiz graphics of the boxed sims, it does have the immersion factor I like a lot. I've played all these various Quake-3 Engine'd games lately...*boring*. The Flight Sim games are just as bad. Too arcadey, or little, if any, online play.
[Kinda reminds me of Novalogic's F-22 games...good game, good online play. There were some arena's where it was guns only, so the dweebery of 10 year olds, lifting off and firing 8 AMRAAMs at you, augering, then repeating the process was eliminated. (Ooooh I used to hate that...I'm up there jinking 16 missiles, one gets me, and the kid screams what an Ace he is. Nevermind he couldnt land the thing....) ]
I haven't bothered with too many sims as of late. Aces High fills the ACM fix I have, even though I do miss those F22 days with guns only