Author Topic: Older than Geforce3/4 and problems with winXP and det 28.32???  (Read 282 times)

Offline mason22

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anyone have any problems or issues with a geforce card that is older than a geforce 3/4 , running winXP Pro , and the det 28.32 drivers??

please let me know....thks.

Offline Modas

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Older than Geforce3/4 and problems with winXP and det 28.32???
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2002, 07:33:41 AM »
My situation isn't completely the same, but I'm running a GF1 card and found any drivers past 12.xx gives me very funky results.  Lockups/graphics getting hosed.  Det6.31 worked best for me.  Running win98se

Offline SKurj

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Older than Geforce3/4 and problems with winXP and det 28.32???
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2002, 02:23:52 PM »
hmm i didn't actually try 28.32's on my GF2 mx.. i used 27.10's and was very happy with the stability and performance.

I used rivatuner as well to tweak

now using 28.32's with gf4 mx and works lovely

all under xp pro


Offline AKWarp

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Older than Geforce3/4 and problems with winXP and det 28.32???
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2002, 05:30:19 PM »
Well, now that I have my GF4 TI4600 and was immediately disappointed in the performance...I went to tweaking and researching.  (I have post somewhere else in here on this as well).  From what I have been able to find, the 28.32 det drivers have a bad reputation.  I've seen more people complain about them than I have people that like them.  With the 28.32 drivers, I was getting random lockups and general video quirkiness.  Sooo, someone said "get the 29.42's" I went looking.  Oddly, these drivers have not been released yet (even though there is a windows certified version).  I found them available on a Russian website and downloaded them.  I'm here to say, they work far better than the 28.32's did on my system.  Since installation, I have upped my frame rates quite a bit and have not had one single lockup or any other video related weirdness.

You can find them here:

(the site is in Russian, but it isn't hard to find them ...the download link is on the far rigth side)