I can honestly say I've seen this from both buff driver and fighter pilot.
One several occasions, flying a Buff, it does seem like those fellas can slice you up hard n fast in one pass. But, 190s are the ones that seem to do that to me, and with a 20 or 30mm cannon in their armament, I'm not suprised. However several of the P-51s/P47s and such are also attacking *smartly*...honing in on the wingtip of my Lanc...a handful of rounds to the wingtip and you're in a unrecoverable spin. But, thankfully there are still those morons who line up on your six so you can blast them to bits and listen to them whine about overmodeled guns on channel one. Its all tactics.
From the fighter perspective, I can see why there is such animoisity. I've had Lancasters out turn me at 20k, or all out outrun me in a 109G10. Buffs are intriguing creatures. And B-17s still make these incredible 1-shot-high-deflection-kill-anything-German-engine marvels. If 109s/190s are armored, with what? Blessings?
So its an interesting debate. If you are dying in one pass, try those steep turns and banks that fighters just can't keep pace with