Author Topic: A different view on captures n' stuff  (Read 86 times)

Offline Joc

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A different view on captures n' stuff
« on: June 14, 2002, 04:09:15 AM »
Bigger maps on the way.....lately Ive seen that many folks like Gvs, wouldnt it be good if we had targets that ONLY Gvs could capture? targets like Vhs,Ammo/fuel/Troop/train/repair depots? wouldnt this increase co-operation between the flyboys and tankboys? and finally kick off a ground war,with the bigger maps we'll have the terrain to do it.Be nice for them to have more towns scattered round the maps for them to capture and spawn closer to more important targets.
 Anyone know if we will be seeing bridges etc on the new maps? be great to have bridges to blow,they could stay down for say 30 mins,good for stopping suplies getting somewhere,or for stopping an attack by Gvs.
 Convoys of ships otw to supply ports or shore bases,ai controlled, escorted by a couple of destroyers,would make nice juicy targets for Pts and aircraft,guess Im getting at is that with these larger terrains coming,it would be nice of all fans of aircraft,Gvs and aircraft could have their own targets to take,to intergrate properly all 3 forces,only then could we have one hell of a war! :D