Author Topic: Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?  (Read 2438 times)

Offline LePaul

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2001, 02:59:00 PM »
Originally posted by lazs1:
LP.. Yes... if they can't/won't be fixed they may as well remove the buffs so far as a lot of us are concerned...   As a fighter only guy I find buffs extremely frustrating.   A lone buff is capable of ruining the game for a dozen or 2 fighters...  They have WAY to much affect on the game...   A single player should not be able to ruin so many other players fun so easily...and how do they do such a thing?   Well....

See, you are stuck with that argument.  Sure, one buff and his ordinance can mire a field, but Laz, THATS HOW THE GAME IS!  I enjoy a rational discussion with you or anyone, but you continue to act as though this game is a "furball", when by definition, its largely a game of strategy.  Otherwise, we wouldn't have bombers or vehicles like the M3, LVT or C-47, would we?

It's partly the fault of the way things are set up and partly the way bombers are modeled.

the fields are set up pretty far apart with all but a few being useless at any one time so far as practical fighter sortie is concerned....  this is bad enough but.. It is coupled with the fact that the bases don't get captured 9 times out of ten... they simply become useless to either side... A lone buff hits the fuel or hangers... the field is closed but not captured...  Anyone wishing to find a fite takes of from a far back base and flys over all the useless fields for several sectors and a totally boring game experiance.

The lone buff, for example, the Lancaster, has 14 1,000 pound bombs.  At best, he can down 4 hangars (12 bombs) with 2 1ks left.  Even on the small bases, he could only knock down, say, all the FHs, but not the BHs or VH.  The B-17, largely the evil we have been discussing of late, carries even less, only able to drop 2 hangars.  In a porking role, both could hit radar, barracks and fuels, bringing the base down to 25% fuel.

So you see, one buff can not do all that you claim, in downing all the hangars.  He can smoke your resources and cripple you, but not entirely wipe you out.

It is allso a fault of the buffers attitude and the bomber itself.   The attitude part is the attention starved... "look at me, I dropped all the fighter hangers' but the main thing is that they are able to!   The accuracy of their bombs is simply wrong.  I don't believe that a lone bomber could hit more than one strat target from alt even if he were very lucky.   He certainly should not be able to hit a ship.

You are adding atitude, rather, injecting attitude to back your argument.  As a long buff driver a majority of the time, I'm not throwing any such attitude...if I'm bombing, Im bombing for a cause.  I certainly cant speak for others.  

As for the sights and accuracy, I'll simply remind you guys of the dispersion on the guns in your various fighter aircraft. Tit for tat.

You make it clear, Laz, you have no love of buffs at any level.  With that known prejudice, I wont even try to explain beyond that.

What's the result?   Well.... animosity.   Nobody who enjoys a good fite will sit and cap a field  so that everyone else can have fun fiting down below... even if he spots a bomber he is faced with an unrealistic and unfun fite that will probly not stop the suicide buff from closing the field to fighters in any case.   A waste of time.

Sigh.  You brought a knife to a gun fight  :)
You want to play the victim, that's fine.  

If the fields stayed open to fighters till they were closed completely or even if they were a lot easier to capture things would be better.   If the accuracy of bombs were not quite so ridiculous things would be better.   Till then..

Surely ye jest?
If that were the case, you couldnt capture a field.  You are smarter than that.  You simply want unlimited abilities for fighters to spawn despite their hangars being destroyed.  

Let's see, you want buff guns weaker, easier to kill, plus you hate buffs anyways, oh, and you want unlimited fighter spawns even if the fighter hangar is down.  What else, Laz?  Maybe some invincibility option as you roll down the runway so you arent vulched by enemy fighters?   :D  Didn't they make a dueling area to appease your wants?

A lot of guys just ignore buffs and hope they don't ruin things too badly or, if they do, that there will be some other place to fite.  That don't make for a lot of good feelings whenever a buff flies over.

I think your data is flawed, from what I've read.  You are assuming everyone around you agrees with you, and Im not so sure that is the case.  We all agree there are some issues to the bombers, but you are to the extremes in how much you despise them.

I think you know all this to be true but are simply pretending that you don't get it.

Nope, you are wrong again.  You assume that what you are saying is an absolute truth and I'll be happy to debate you on it.  You allude to others, but they do not seem to share your [narrow-minded] opinion on the role of the buffs.

Basically, you're peeved that this game has a strategic play rolled into it, and God forbid it intrude in your furball style of play. If the game wasnt about capturing bases and resets, I'd agree with you that its a fighter-vs-fighter game.  But it isn't, and once again, you despise the bombers because, well, they exist.

Offline Sunchaser

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2001, 03:03:00 PM »
Don't get what?

Dammit LePaul, how'd ya get one with a bathroom?

There is one in the C47 but we got none in the B17, we just snag some fighter jocks coffee mug and have the GC put them back when we get home.

Glad to hear that Bombers are now also responsible for wrecking the fun of "STRAT" guys who believe all "STRAT" evolves around ground attack planes.

Lesse, "furballin' fiter" guys hate us, "ground poundin' fiter-bomber" guys hate us, Lazs REALLY hates us, who is left?

Look, why not just take the ability to destroy ANYTHING in the arena that is not a fighter out of AH and the 2 bomber pilots left will just be on their way and peace will return to Candyland.

The good arguments pro and con have been going on here for well over a year now.

HTC, any comment??

Offline hazed-

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2001, 03:14:00 PM »
wow heres a shock i agree with what you said there laz concerning the poor cap pilot and the proposiion of an unfun fightt,not the rest of your babling   ;), but we should remember that the ju88 and il2 and tbm are certainly not as dangerous as the b17,B26 and lanc.In that situation you describe if it was a ju88 approaching you'd lick your lips    :) .To be honest, I dont fear the lancs or B26 quite as much as the b17 as i still cant find a blind spot on a b17 with even an average pilot in control of it.
The b17 with its mass of perfectly converging guns is just too deadly.Having said that i have shot a lot down in my time and like i said i could live with them how they are for MA.In CT it is a major problem for me though as its always in my head that the b17s werent as deadly as the ones we have to contend with.
I think the answer may even be to make more of the hits cause SEPERATE turret damage.So that if you hit those guns they are knocked out and cannot fire.I rarely lose gunners myself even though im sure the turret has been hit.just how many seperate 'hit' areas are there on a b17?

eg tail,fuselage,innerwing, engines, outer wing,fuel tanks,turrets etc?

sunchaser: calm man, i fly fighter, ground attack, bombers and goons. whats all this grouping of buffs vs furballers vs ground attackers crap?
Its just another issue that is deemed wrong by some and spoils their enjoyment, not an attack on bomber pilots, at least not from me as i fly them as well.

[ 09-20-2001: Message edited by: hazed- ]

Offline eskimo2

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2001, 03:33:00 PM »
If I had to summarize the roles of military warplanes in a nut shell, I would say:

Buffs were created to destroy strategic targets.
Fighters were created to either destroy buffs, or escort them.

Take buffs out of the picture and, strategically, you don't have much.  In AH we have a skewed view at the role of the fighter (compared to RL) because we tend to use them as bombers, often.  Mostly we jabo in AH because it is more fun than driving a bomber that takes you 2 to 4 times as long to get to a target, only to then get shot down before you can u drop your load.


Offline Voss

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #19 on: September 20, 2001, 03:49:00 PM »
Currently ranked #2 in buffs.

Buffs are overmodelled in their ability to manuever at high altitude.

Contrary to Lazs' post I agree that buffs should have accurate bomb drops. Else, we would be forced to field 100 buffs/sortie, and that would never happen.

Offline DanielMcIntyre

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2001, 04:25:00 PM »
True about buffs being used as fighters, I've upped from fields many times and found a b17 on my 6 closing and then shooting me down b4 I get enough speed to get away.  I once upped from a field and one b17 had capped it, shot me down (kill # 21) and continued to loop and kill those trying to up until his friends arrived.  This type of thing sucks otherwise I like buffs both to fly and to attack.


Offline eskimo2

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2001, 04:37:00 PM »
For every time I have been vulched by a bomber, I have been vulched 100 times by a fighter.

Getting vulched by a fighter, GV or buff sucks and is unrealistic and is over-represented in AH.

Vulching with a fighter, GV or buff is a blast and is unrealistic and is over-represented in AH.

So what?


Offline Voss

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2001, 05:16:00 PM »
Base captures, as represented in AH, are unrealistic and over-represented....

So what?!?  :D

Offline ET

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #23 on: September 20, 2001, 05:31:00 PM »
A great post,on the money.But stand by for the flame.
No one has said anything about the B26.What don't they like about what it does.I fly it a lot.

Offline texace

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #24 on: September 20, 2001, 05:32:00 PM »
Fighter pilots make movies...
Bomber pilots make history...


Offline hitech

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #25 on: September 20, 2001, 05:58:00 PM »
One more myth to destroy.

Hazed states perfictly converging guns. There is no covergance on the buff guns, they just all shoot parallel. i.e. if you are shooting to the side, and the tail gun and nose gun are 40 ft appart, they will be each shooting at a point 40 feet apart.

Also each gun position can be detroyed.


Offline Blue Mako

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2001, 07:13:00 PM »
I fly fighters mostly but do enjoy the odd buff sortie.

Please DO fix bugs with the buffs (ones that HTC decide ARE bugs), please DON'T remove the playability of the buffs.  I like seeing them around, more things to shoot down.  :D

Oh, and please DO stop all the whining about buffs...  Learn to kill them or leave them alone...

My $0.02.   ;)

Offline Westy MOL

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2001, 08:24:00 AM »
"See, you are stuck with that argument. Sure, one buff and his ordinance can mire a field, but Laz, THATS HOW THE GAME IS!  I enjoy a rational discussion with you or anyone, but you continue to act as though this game is a "furball", when by definition, its largely a game of strategy."

 Baloney. That's not his point at all. Look at from another angle and maybe some of you will see what he's saying; two opposing teams are having a good ground fight battle with tanks, halftracks and m16's but along comes some lone nitwit who jabos or bombs the VH one side is spawning from. Be it that they having a fight that is vehicle to vehicle or fighter to fighter the point is that even one skilles bastidge can and quite often does ruin the fun being had by a multitude of more.  

  That's not how the game is. That is simply evidence of attention starved self centeredness sitting in front of a computer keyboard.


[ 09-21-2001: Message edited by: Westy MOL ]

Offline bowser

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2001, 08:48:00 AM »
Seems you asked the question LePaul, and refuse to listen to the answers.


Offline DRILL

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Ok, fighter jocks, why is it "pig pile" on the BUFFs?
« Reply #29 on: September 21, 2001, 09:01:00 AM »
Originally posted by bowser:
Seems you asked the question LePaul, and refuse to listen to the answers.


  out of all the replys in this post this is the one that makes no scents gezzzzzzzzz.
 ya think ya know it all ??? i can see you dont .
Drill /384th FA/CH 364th