Last night about 30 or 45 mins in we engaged nmy fighters on our buffs. The fight dragged down into the clouds. Sevral times I entered clouds and climbed back out. The last time I entered clouds and tried to climb back out all terrain features where gone
only grey sky like inside of clouds. As I formed back on our buffs they indicated that they where in clear sky I was at 28k still in ping pong ball. I just installed new vid card radeon 128meg 8500
so I thought it was card bug. So cursed the thing and kept on flying. Not long after I tried to in on a bog and lost it flat spin
After spining down and crashing I got back to tower and same thing tower was there but nothing else just grey. I ended out and game crashed I got a dl error but I didnt write it down.
After rebooting and going back to main bug is gone. As the rest of the squad came in sevral squaddies reported same bug. The only buffs to make it to target couldent see the target just grey in bombsight. The other guys had differnt cards than me so its not just my card. Did anyone else have this bug?