Author Topic: hookup  (Read 667 times)

Offline Gol4

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« on: June 28, 2002, 02:15:08 PM »
Hey how do I hook up the sounds?  I downloaded Spit, Pony, and Corsair from the Abbeville Kids webpage, and havent the slightest idea how to hook them up to play correctly.  Ingame I dont have the option of choosing what sounds I want for a specific thing like startup or flight..


Offline gofaster

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« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2002, 04:19:29 PM »
First, create a sub-folder in HTC->Aces High->Sounds.  For example, c://HTC/AcesHigh/Sounds/P51D.  Then, copy the sound into that folder and name it using the names listed in the AH "Help" pages.  For engines running, its "eng.wav".  All "engine running" sounds have the same name, but are differentiated by having them in different folders.  When the sim starts, it looks for the "eng" name in the folder for the plane you are flying.

So, you would have an eng.wav for the P-51D in the P-51D folder, and then you could use a different engine sound called eng.wav in the FW190 folder.

Make sense?

What I usually do is copy the sound directly into my C:/ drive, then open up "My Documents" from the desktop and look for the file on the C:/drive, right-mouse-button click and select "Copy", then open up the C://HTC/AcesHigh/Sounds directory and find the folder for the plane I want to modify, open the folder and paste the new sound in.  Then, I delete or rename the old "eng.wav" file, then rename the new sound as "eng.wav".

The sound volume can be adjusted using Aces High's Clipboard in the game itself.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2002, 04:22:53 PM by gofaster »

Offline snafu

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« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2002, 02:11:13 PM »
By way of another quick tip....
 If you don't know what the sound folder should be called (In the case of new sounds/planes for instance). Modify some head positions for the new plane and then look in the "settings" folder you should see some files ending in ".hps" The bit before the dot ties in with the folder name you should be using in the "sounds folder" :) There are loads of other extensions ".slv" Salvo?? for instance but the head positions is the one I use.
