Author Topic: Westy  (Read 669 times)

Offline Westy MOL

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« Reply #30 on: November 07, 2001, 07:50:00 AM »
No problem there Swamprat. I've said my peice several times now and I have no more desire to keep repeating myself.  Perhaps it will be an issue again should even some of these few become actual AH players instead of AH webboard instigators.

Offline Immel

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« Reply #31 on: November 07, 2001, 07:57:00 AM »



Offline FT_Animal

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« Reply #32 on: November 07, 2001, 08:43:00 AM »
ECHO! Echo! echo echo cho ho o

Attention folks folks olks lks ks.....

This is NOT not ot t,
Big Week big week ig week g week eek ek k

Where the great ones, RUN! run! un! n!

Echo! echo cho co

Are all these your guitars? tars ras as s

Wanna take a bath ?!!?! bath ath th h

Hmmm nice effect effect  ffect fect ect ct

HMMMM hmm hm hm m

A reverb Plate plate late ate te t


BUuuu BYyyEyy!BYYYYYYEEEEeeeeeeee

<scampers off>


Originally posted by Westy MOL:
<snork> Coming from him that doesn't mean a thing. He's a jack ass. Albeit he he can be a volatile skirt wearing mad jack bellybutton as evident from the physical threats towards me last year.  Kind of odd you didn't have the balls to call me that directly.

 Otter you come waltsing in here, reading me the riot act and trying to rip me a new one for not being an appropriate "friend" in your eyes?  You twist and distort completely out of context my clear and to the point posts to make them into an US vs Them debacle, a friend vs not being a friend issue. Baloney. My posts were my own opinion of how tard'd I though those posts from well over a week ago? (And how some are flat out still imbecilic?) and if you or Arlo or Rotor or any BW person doesn't like my opinion then plain cram it where the AW "never-set" sun doesn't shine.

 The problem is that not one of you has ever admitted, answered or deal with my point (and the same one made by many others) of just how fediddleing idiotic some of you were and remain in posting here. It's not that anyone here is anal or humourless, it's just that we're not sitting at the "circle table" in Romper Room gigling over crossed eyes and silly faces. You keep perpetuating this drivel.  Feel free to keep plugging away. Bottom line is don't poke me as I am definately going to poke back. and if you can't stand that sh&t then don't spew it yourself. Sooner or later you'll try and actually get along with the rest of the AH community or leave. I'm not going anywhere as this has been my flight sim "home" for two years - less of course Pyro or HiTech press the eject-Westy-button.


 p.s. Otter. After rereading your first post I do admit I did come off fast at the hip. But the cards are where they lay and you did lecture me and eroniously at that. I think you should have known better than to step inbetween quarreling parties. Especially as biased as you did.

[ 11-06-2001: Message edited by: Westy MOL ]