Author Topic: question for you, the players of AH  (Read 368 times)

Offline SOUP

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question for you, the players of AH
« Reply #15 on: June 27, 2002, 08:43:02 AM »
Originally posted by Blank
I'd like a fuel dump on planes, and optional up fireing cannons for 110's like the radar night fighting versions had (I think I'm correct about the 110?) so you can get those annoying space corp buffs :)

You refer to the "Schrage Musik"  (Jazz Music is the most common term but I think it also translates like Funny Music or Strange Music)

Vertically mounted at an angle cannon.. along the dorsal spine of the aircraft.. angled forward.. ( I forget the number of degrees)

It was tried in a little bit of everything... 262, 190, 110, and Ju-88.  They even had a photo electric cell for use during the day so when the shadow of the bomber fell across the interceptor the cannon fired.

A Schrage Musik arrangment would devastate the Lancs particularly and would be bothersome to fighters.

Offline zipity

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question for you, the players of AH
« Reply #16 on: June 28, 2002, 08:04:53 PM »
I'd like to see a representation of the number of kills someone has painted on their plane.  The same way allies in europe used to paint a nazi cross or in the pacific a japanese flag for each kill.  I realize that where some players have 100s of kills per tour that might be difficult but maybe 1 enemy icon for every 5 or 8 kills.

That way you could tell the skill (assuming you could get into a position to see it) of the pilot your trying to kill.  Also, it would look real cool.

Offline Blank

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question for you, the players of AH
« Reply #17 on: June 30, 2002, 11:05:38 AM »
thanks soup, yep thats what I meant,  :D

Offline cajun

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question for you, the players of AH
« Reply #18 on: June 30, 2002, 01:19:04 PM »
Meant to post in here earlier but forgot :),
What I would like to see are:

Triggers in the editor,

More realistic ship damadge (ei the ship is not just dead or alive, you can take out guns, engines etc),

Find some way to make torpedoes more usefull, (Right now its easier just to suicide attack, or bomb from high alts),

Bomb creaters on runway make it harder to take off (not impossible, just harder),

I like the Idea about pasting kill flags on your cockpit every time you shoot someone down, but I don't think HTC will be able to add this anytime soon,

Be able to repair your plane at the rearm pad (if I manage to take a plane home with engine oil or radiator out and land it at the rearm pad I have to discountinue my kill streak, where as in real life you could just have your plain repaired?)

(Edit) Oh yeah, and some one had the idea of being able to move ammo clips from 1 gun to another in bombers if the guns are the same caliber with .commands, with a delay (say 1 sec per round?) so it would take a min to move 60 rounds, and while ammo is being moved both guns are disabled.

Thats about all I can think of right now :D
« Last Edit: June 30, 2002, 01:22:39 PM by cajun »

Offline NOD2000

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question for you, the players of AH
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2002, 03:53:46 PM »
how about a invinsability code that only i know.........

Offline SOUP

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question for you, the players of AH
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2002, 08:04:34 PM »
"NO bomber ever whent down in one pass NEVER did it do that no matter what plane attacked...unless it killed both pilot and the copilot" so y does that happen in AH...........

Ah.. NOD...  I spoke with a B17 pilot one day at a graduation ceremony for the United States Army Survival, Escape, Resistance and Evasion Course, Fort Bragg North Carolina.  The pilot had been a "guest" of the  Germans during World War II.  When I asked him how he managed to "drop in" on the Germans he said..

"We were shot down by an FW-190.  Headon pass, hit us in the wing, started a fire in the feed lines or Tokyo tanks (fuel tanks way out neat the tips of the wings).  Not positive as we only had about two minutes to get out.  Plane blew up in mid air"

Sure sounds like a one pass to me.

He further went on to explain that his ball turret gunner lived thru a quirk of fate.  That standard procedure for a ball turret gunner was not to wear their parachute (which was a chest pack style) while sitting in the ball.  (too cramped)  They would wear the harness but if needing to bail, they clambered back up into the plane and clipped the pack onto the harness before jumping.  The pilot during training had sat in each gunner's position (while the plane was over the Gulf of Mexico no less).  He asked to have the parachute handed down to him while he was in the ball.  He relayed that he was much bigger than his ball turret gunner and could fit with the chute.  His gunner agreed and from that point on wore the parachute complete while in the ball.  It saved his life over Germany as the attack, fire and explosion were so rapid that he wouldn't have had time to get out of the ball.  The gunner, in fact, doesn't even remember the explosion, he never exited the ball.  He remembers the bail out bell, then remembers being under canopy.  His back side filled with shrapnel from the plane.  The pilot indicated they believed the explosion blew the gunner out of the plane, ball, et al.

Offline Epsilon 5

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question for you, the players of AH
« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2002, 03:34:56 AM »
  • Being able to target in your view for land modes of ship guns (click on a hangar, etc)
  • thougher ships. I once saw a me262 kill the battleship I was on in one pass.
  • better damage modeling. VERY IMPORTANT small things never die, big things die quickly. Small guns rip anything away, and big guns waste your time.
  • possibility of enabling AI turret manning on planes (mostly for h2h'ers)
  • voice assisted carrier landing. Ever played fighter anthology? I always got "Higher! Higher! Higher! Higher! Higher! Lower! Left! Right! CRASH!" :D
  • Automatic turret position. When you targeted a plane, you could activate something which would change your position around a bomber as that enemy flies around you. Reduce number confusion.
  • Improved FP, GV, and spip parts.
  • being able to man ALL of the ships gun. including the destroyer main gun.
  • Another auto mode for maximal climb rate
  • Blast radius from bombs. Bigger bombs should require less targeting precision
  • Blast radius from ship guns (see above)
  • GV / PC troops carriers : would be fun and usefull to be able to carry non-air players elsewhere quickly.
  • Map room capture or defense by player - launch in foot from map room, or walk in to reduce capture counter. That would necessitate FP weapons and such.

That's all I can think of now.

Offline SuperD

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question for you, the players of AH
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2002, 03:59:47 AM »
I would like to see some more assisting for torpedo attacks.  I have been trying to perfect a torpedo attack run for a long time and usually never really know if I was successful because I was shot down.  It is suicide for torpedo bombers to get close to a carrier fleet yet they have to get close to be able to try and figure out how to lead the carrier.

a lead computing sight for torpedo planes would help in determining the direction needed to drop and being able to do it from a farther distance from the AA guns and certain death.  Small variables can be added to make sure it is not 100 percent accurate.  A turning and meneuvering carrier fleet would throw this off anyways but would let the pilot at least get his fish somewhere in the right direction for interception.