It looks like you're off to a good start. You also are approaching it in the smart manner by starting with a design drawing first. I can't emphasize enough how important this is. This lets HT make change requests early on that cost you nothing more than redrawing a picture. The absolute worst way to approach it is to hand him a finished terrain and expect him just to recognize your brilliance and beg to use your terrain in the MA. Its “possible” to get it right the first time without his input, but highly improbable. Getting HTC involved early in the design process will make everyone’s job a lot easier.
OK. I have a couple of comments since you asked for them. These aren’t even necessarily my opinion, but I’ll try and give you a preview of what HT might say based on our dealings with him.
1. He’ll prolly want you to fill in the corners a little with some more islands. He wants to utilize as much of the terrain real-estate as possible. Our original pizza pie was in the center of a square map with open ocean in the corners. He asked us to fill it in a bit. Our corner islands eventually became an entire ring of land, but for you some islands would suffice. I think you’ll find that you also need that extra land mass to fit in all your 255 fields. You should strive to use all 255 fields so the map has room to grow and support larger customer numbers. You start running out of land quick given the spacing requirements.
2. I notice you are placing a HQ icon on each of the islands. I don’t know if you are representing actual HQ’s or the master field for the zone. However, FYI, There is still only 1 HQ per country. Also, the “zone” (not the fields) in which HQ resides (the “Primary Zone” ) is uncapturable. So take that into account in your design. Also, when you actually are laying them down in the editor, the 3 primary zones must be zone 1,2,3.
3. All the zones for each of your counties are in a contiguous block. HT will prolly prefer you to mix them up a bit more. This will increase the “combat surface area” by giving you more borders with enemy zones. You want to avoid choke points. You want to provide as many fields as possible in direct contact with enemy fields so as to spread the action out around the map.
You’re on the right track though. This is a “doable” task if approached in the right way. It’s also important. Maps this size take a long time to complete. Its is one area that the community could take some load off HTC so they can concentrate on core development. I’d like to see a cadre of MA terrain builders that can provide a finished map every tour. There’s no way HTC could come close to that given their resources, but I think it’d be great for the game to enjoy that kind of variety.
If I can be of further help, please let me know.