Author Topic: Gunsight ???? Why ???  (Read 565 times)

Offline garrido

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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« on: September 04, 2000, 03:08:00 AM »
I want before beginning to excuse me by my badly ingles.
I see, that many pilots request sights, and others, are bothered in doing stops them AH. and I ask myself, why? in AH, the sights are not worse the original ones of the game that those that we make, so that?
because we did not need to know to that it distances is the enemy airplane, the distance us gives the icon it that appears underneath nick that we see in screen.
 I know very few cases in that the real pilots of 2ª WW shot to 600 yards, and less to 1,000, and even less if the firing is with deflection.
 The reasons are many, among them:
1º- To shoot to so long distance supposes to warn the enemy of ours is present at, not even with American sight MK14.
2º- They could not allow to spend the ammunition that distance, without having the security to find to the target, and but, if soon they could  need those shot bullets.
3º- they didn´t know the distance of the enemy airplane, for that they used the sight and its graduation.

There are many but reasons to make firings to less than 300 yards than those that there are to do them to but distance, then, that happens in AH? All the pilots are exceptional gunners? Everybody converges the arms to 600 yards or but? or, helps us too much knowledge to that it distances is the enemy airplane thanks to the distance icon?

 For that reason, I propose that something is made on the matter, because this system of successes destroy's an excellent game like AH.
 That to them that seems the distance in the icons does not see between the 1,000 and the 400 yards? then perhaps those that are bothered in making sights for the players see their compensated efforts and we pruned to say of AH that is a game a little but real.


Offline hblair

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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2000, 03:57:00 AM »
No offense ol buddy, but your english needs some work. I've read the post twice and can't make heads nor tails of it...

Offline Macchi

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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2000, 05:40:00 AM »
What an arrogant answer Hblair. I really like to see you posting in foreign languages.
Or should i comment the "german phrases" in many signatures here.
Even me non english natural speake understands what he says.
Gunsights will have a more important role in the game if you remove the range numbers on the icons.


LJK Raubvogel

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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2000, 05:49:00 AM »
I think he is trying to say that the distance tags allow people to take longer shots than they could take in WW2.

Garrido, don't worry. Your English is better than my Spanish  

Luftjäger I-13

[This message has been edited by LJK Raubvogel (edited 09-04-2000).]

Offline StSanta

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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2000, 07:39:00 AM »
I sorta find such English charming.

Yeh reduce or remove range information below 2k. Would be cool

JG54 "Grünherz"
"If you died a stones throw from your wingie; you did no wrong". - Hangtime

Offline RAM

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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2000, 07:54:00 AM »
Jejeje, hola supongo  

bueno, tendre que decir esto en guiri que si no no se nos enteran  

Lets see I understand what you say, supong. For me now gunsights are a VERY useful thing, I have one in my 190 that makes me sharp shoot now compared with what it used to be my shooting 2 tours ago  

Sights are not only for range measure, but for deflection shooting too. And there are some (mine in 190) that is higly accurate in predicting the path the bullets will follow at a given convergence, so making point-blank firing very effective, much more than with the normal default sight.

About your icon range thing, I cant support it. Ranges are there not only for give us shooting accuracy, remember that a computer screen is not the same as a real life Mk1 eyesight. In real life you can measure the closure rate quite accurately ,while here is a real pain because the lack of in-depth vision. Range icons give us closure rate info that we wont have without icos, but we'd have in real life.

So I say ,keep the range icons, but make them accurate them only for hundreds, not yards, under 1K until 200yards. That way long range shooting would be more difficult but we will still have closure rate info that would be lacking otherwise  

Y tu ingles no es tan malo, melon  

Offline Udie

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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #6 on: September 04, 2000, 08:20:00 AM »
 I'm with Garrido on this one. I think gunnery is way to easy.  I got out my old Thrustmaster stick yesterday, the new one was just WAY too spikey.  Well with the new system I'm never under 30fps in a HUGE furball so everything is finaly nice and stable.  

 Last night I took a p51 up from 14-13 and had a 6 kill flight.  Now granted most of the kills were sudo vulches, all I had to do was pick my target from my 10k perch.  I noticed that all I had to do was put the dot on the plane and at my convergence range give a short burst and poof, they died. Had there been more targets I could have gotten 10 kills easily.
 I realy don't know how they can fix this though, after all it's only a computer game. The target is only 6" in front of my face, not 300 yds. outside of my cockpit.  It may take realy awesome 3d glasses to fix this. Stereoscopic vision does alot.



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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2000, 10:17:00 AM »
  Try eraseing the sight with windows paint and just use the tracers. Works great with deflection shots. Mine got so good I shot myself in the butt.


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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2000, 10:34:00 AM »
Altho I can see the usefulness of the gunsight, I think it's more challenging (and on the long run, more instructive) to use simple ones. Is more like shooting by instinct.

Maybe my gunnery is not the best, and therefore I'm not best qualified to make a statement in this particular matter, but I've been using the standard AH gunsight and, one thing is sure, I'm improving (besides that, opening up closer than 300 yds. always do the trick    ).

My 0.02.


P.S.: BTW, hblair, not everyone is lucky enough to have your perfect English. (or Supong Spanish. Is yours as perfect as his? Are you kind enough to make the effort of making your statement not in your native Language, as he is?). And no offense intended, as well, just what Macchi said.

Offline hblair

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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2000, 04:40:00 PM »
Ya know what? you guys are right, my reply did sound a bit arrogant, my apologies garrido. That is not my nature. I was up way too late last night, 4am here, and couldn't figure out your post. (I was short on sleep and I had my beer goggles on)  

I just rerad it, and yes, it does make sense. As for the icons, they're here for good, HT said in the arena the other night that they would be giving the CM's the option of 2 ranges on the icons settings. The first is what they are now, the second, shorter range I *think* he said about d3.0
 I may be wrong on that range.

Again, my apologies all


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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #10 on: September 05, 2000, 02:03:00 AM »
Garrido I agree 100%.

I'd also like the maximum "icon" range to be decreased to about 3.0k yards.  One should have to get closer than 5 miles(!) to identify one's foe!


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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2000, 02:11:00 AM »
Hblair how about them Bruins?

Offline hblair

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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #12 on: September 05, 2000, 01:02:00 PM »
Originally posted by funked:
Hblair how about them Bruins?


The tide looked pretty bad saturday. So much for pre season rankings huh? You know, ucla had a good year, year before last. They were plagued with injuries, etc., last year. All that coupled with the fact that bama just wasn't ready for that game, for whatever reason. Oh well, theres next week.  

BTW, what team do you pull for?  


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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2000, 08:18:00 PM »
Your point that gunsights were used to judge distance to aircraft is correct.  Often the marks on the sight were calibrated such that the tips of the wings of a certain aircraft would touch certain markers and thus be at a certain range.

With the distance values in the AH arena, customized gunsights used to determine range is totally unnecessary.  I think they're mostly used to aid in deflection shooting and authenticity.

The removal of the icons for long range shooting is an old and long one.

I've read stories about Hellcats and P40s dropping Ki-84s and Zeros at 1000 yards.

I've also read stories about HurricaneIs doing better at 200 yards than at 300 yards.

One thing about the long range shooting in AH and WB is that you can clearly see the hit flashes and correct your aim to get a good firing solution.  If the hit flashes were not visible outside, say 500 yards, then killer 800-1000 yard shots would be more difficult (although with the C-hog and A-8, maybe it doesn't matter). The tracer in AH definitely diverges madly at long ranges, which I always thought was a realistic effect, but most guys at distance extend straight, and once I get a firing solution, I lay into them and take whole wings off at 800 yards because I can see the individual hit flashes.  Without visible hit flashes, I think killing at long range would be more difficult.


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Gunsight ???? Why ???
« Reply #14 on: September 06, 2000, 10:29:00 AM »
Even more than distance removing distance, I would like to see the icon be just that - an icon - and not an aircraft identifier.  I think the pilot should have to close and engage to determine the model they are flying against...  Knowing what the other guy is in changes a lot about how you proceed.

LJK Kratzer
Geschwader Kommodore, LuftJägerKorps