Author Topic: Why AH won't make it, Damnit  (Read 4164 times)


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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2000, 05:11:00 PM »
Simple, I post in the hope that they will see the replies, more than my post, and realize that they need to do something other than recreate WB to make this work.

If any foolish post is going to make or break the game/community then they do not have much in the first place do they?


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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2000, 05:13:00 PM »
Originally posted by Morbid:
Pasquale, One thing.... Please. Why do you think it is good to post this junk?

Do you think that your speculation will cause all involved to light the light and realize "Christ I can't make any money at this - Pasquale said so!" and close up shop? Do you think your speculation will cause everyone to realize the doors will close and therefore decide to drop accounts now - because Pasquale said so?

It is just a waste of time and totally counterproductive. Why do you (and other posters like you) keep trying to drag them (the royal "them") down?

If they are going to fail, then they will fail. If they are going to thrive then they will thrive.

Morbid,good post.
My thoughts exactly  


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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #17 on: January 29, 2000, 05:20:00 PM »
Pasquale - your initial post merely speculated that they would fail. That they wouldn't be covering expenses in 6 months, etc.

What responses did you expect to get? Why did you post in a public forum instead of sharing your great wisdom directly with them in an e-mail?

Your modus operandi is not in any way shape or form helpful. Please enlighten me how you think this stuff can help them or anyone? What do you really hope to accomplish?

Do you really think they didn't think this through? That HTC didn't see everything that happened at ICI/IMOL/iEN and learn from it? Do you think that these people wish to just spend all their money, wherever they got it, to be a flash in the pan?

If you are so concerned with their expenses, I would like to suggest you contact them directly and offer your obviously vast accounting services.

Offline Fatty

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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #18 on: January 29, 2000, 05:25:00 PM »
I would honestly be suprised if even their initial signup isn't a bit more than the guestimated minimum, I'd expect more along the lines of 1k, on initial startup.  Also take into account that they obviously are prepared to function without full income stream (see free beta period), and I have no doubt this game will be very successful.

(one a them FDBs)


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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2000, 06:58:00 PM »
Morbid-How do you know I didn't(I would not presume to, actually)?

Let's not stray too far from the topic:

Will HTC pull in enough paying customers to break even?

It is obvious that HTC thinks one of 2 things:

1.  The game is ready for pay-to-play(Not!)

2.  They need money(A given).

WB, in what, 5 years, only managed about 3000 paying accounts, most at minimum rate, and that as the only game in it's league.

HTC needs some good reasons for people to pay.  As is, it has none, except for a very small percentage of the total amount of hardcore simmers who fly immense amounts of time.

This small percentage, plus the small percentage of persons who just plain Hate iEN and/or cannot get a good connect do not equal the requisite breakeven point, in my own, uninformed opinion.

I want them to do something different, to build on what they have, to offer something that will make people stand up and say: Damn!  Take my money, instead of:  Well, this is pretty good, maybe I will wait and see.


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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #20 on: January 29, 2000, 07:16:00 PM »
Pasquale, I did not say that you didn't offer your amazing insights. I only suggested that you do.

I do not plan to comment in any way on HTC, iEN, or any of the other's chances, finances, or anything of the sort.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - there is absolutely nothing wrong with discussing pros, cons, and features people would like to see. Your sort of drivel does nothing to help anything and I will no longer post in response to this crap as all it does is keep the mesages at the top of the board.

Actually, maybe that is the best policy - let these dorks wank themselves silly and not respond to their posts. That way they will just drop off the map early. It is quite obvious that you don't get it Pasquale and nothing is going to change that.



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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2000, 07:18:00 PM »
Actually, Morbid, if there were nothing to my post, it would have dropped off with no responses, eh?

Offline AKDejaVu

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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2000, 07:45:00 PM »
Actually Pasquale, most of the responses stem from a total lack of insight on your behalf.

HT and Pyro have been here before.  They are well aware of the risks involved and somewhat knowledgeable on the expenses.  They know that the chances of this working are completely dependant on the product they offer and the reception it gets in the community.

As much as I flown flight sims (since 1988), I feel I have a pretty good grasp of things when it comes to development.  What I think I know pales in comparison to what the HTC crew have experienced first hand.

So, what I think most are trying to get at here is the fact that you really don't know what you are talking about.  I'm not saying that they are going to make tons of money, but I am saying that they are well aware of what it takes to make it whereas you are not.


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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #23 on: January 29, 2000, 07:46:00 PM »
I think that there is more than enough market for AH to succeed. Lets continue to give them positive feedback that improves AH and makes it not only succeed but excel, for the good of all concerned , including those of us who love to fly and fight. The same goes for Warbirds and any other truly good sim. that cares to compete for our dollars. In the meantime, keep flying and enjoying !!!


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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #24 on: January 29, 2000, 08:10:00 PM »
Originally posted by pasquale:
Simple, I post in the hope that they will see the replies, more than my post, and realize that they need to do something other than recreate WB to make this work.

If any foolish post is going to make or break the game/community then they do not have much in the first place do they?

I agree.. I care for the game and I appreciate the work HTC and crew do. Thats the reason I make the comments that I do so they can make $$$ and have a really superb flying sim for years to come. Of course if we wanted to be apathetic and sit on our lorals we could just say nothing and pretend like we don't forsee any problems, same kind of people who would let you walk around with your fly down all day   .. your comments might be a little too harsh tho but its got the right point across...

Personally I think HTC and crew aren't in it for the money right now, that'll come later. I just hope that later they'll have something which makes them rich and us happy ;0

[This message has been edited by HaHa (edited 01-29-2000).]

Offline Lance

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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #25 on: January 29, 2000, 08:48:00 PM »
Damn!  Take my money, HTC!


Offline Minotaur

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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #26 on: January 29, 2000, 08:52:00 PM »
I can only imagine how large the player base would be today if WB had gone to a monthly flat rate charge years ago.



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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #27 on: January 29, 2000, 08:56:00 PM »
Against my better judgement, both you pasquale and haha just don't get it. There is nothing wrong with discussing pros and cons. Nothing wrong with posting suggestions for improvement. But crap like pasquale's out-of-his-ass calculations and forecasts of doom serve no purpose. What good will come of it? Why post that stuff here? So others -also without a clue - who care to comment can do so? (added in edit - I don't mean those arguing for reason - I mean other dimwits who keep posting their own financial doom guesses)

Do you honestly think that HT and crew have not considered such a simple thing as a feature list and a timetable to deliver them? Do you really think they don't know that the best sim will attract the lion's share of players? Do you really think that you have any idea of what their bottom line or business plan really is?

I know this is a waste of time. If you guys had any real understanding of this issue, you would never have posted the junk you posted. I think what is really the issue is that mommy isn't going to cough up the $30 for you to keep flying and you are ticked because it is back to Jennicam and Mr. Hand.

[This message has been edited by Morbid (edited 01-29-2000).]

Offline dracon

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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #28 on: January 30, 2000, 12:31:00 AM »
Hey, YO!  This is a BBS and also there is a Constitutional right here in the good ol' USA called Freedom of Speech.  Just ask any Newsman.  They are adept at shoving it up our ahhh you know, every day.  The make us think that they know all when instead they just cause indecision and confuse most issues and put the slant they want on it.
Point here is; don't mock someone for his/her opinnion.  Debate it fairly and make your points.  Saying someone shouldn't say something because it just might happen is BS!  IMHO, nothing is being discussed here that isn't in/on everyones mind including and especially HTC's.  If it bothers you and you can't refute it with facts, ignore the thread!  It takes two sides to argue and many posts.  If only people with the same opinnion post the thread dies quickly.  We all know there is plenty of "trolling" done on these boards.  I think that pasquale and the others, including myself, are genuinely concerned for the health and longevity of AH.  As I said above I think it's Too Little, Too Soon, for Too much.  God, I hope I'm wrong!


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Why AH won't make it, Damnit
« Reply #29 on: January 30, 2000, 01:29:00 AM »
Not too get too deep into the personal, Mordi, et al, but I do have an inkling of what it takes, and as I said originally, my numbers are wag's and on the very low end of what the actual monthy expenses are.

Back to the original question:

Will HTC get enough paying customers to stay alive?  I hope so, but with the feature list they have now, I don't see it.  How many accounts did they have when it was FREE, for Christ's sake?  Barely enough while free, much less for 3 times what the closest sim is charging(AWIII).

You guys who say that since they have done it once, they can do it again are simplifying it way too much.

WB, when they did it the first time, stood alone, far above the crowd.  This game does not.

As far as Mommy and Daddy paying for my hobbies, they quit that 30 years ago.  Money for me isn't the object, I want something new and advanced over what is available, and this ain't it(yet).