Author Topic: Isn't it about time we get a better CV killer... how bout a Do217 or He177 w/ Fritz X  (Read 624 times)

Offline DingHao2

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I noticed that when u go to the bombardier's position in a bomber, u can only bank left and right.  I think we can put the other 2 joystick axes to work...they could control a single Fritz X guided bomb @ a time from the bombardier's bombsight.

It doesn't quite have the speed and E retention to be an AA missile.  But it could be used against moving ground targets.  Will 2 per plane be enough alone to kill a CV? No.  What will happen if a fighter shoots down a mothership guiding a bomb down? the bomb becomes a free fall bomb.  And CV drivers will have to be a LOT more careful...just maneuvering the fleet alone wont be enough to stop it...they will have to resort to stealth, speed, surprise and unpredictability.  Which is why, if this guided bomb idea is ever implemented, i recommend adding a flight deck lock as an eaqualizer to keep CV's unseen.

Offline Minotaur

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Not sure, but I am pretty sure that I have seen a single P47 sink a carrier.  I know for sure a single B26 can do it.  It is a suicide mission, but it is only a game.    :)

Offline Staga

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I've killed CVs with one P-47; First rockets and then all three bombs in deck and its gone. Just like that P-47.

If you want to do it more historical way then He-177 with HS294 is the key thought I'm not sure if HTC is willing to spend time to develope guided weapons like Fritz-X, X-4 or different HS missiles. Anyway it could be possible to use one of gunner-sites to steer missile.

Offline Effdub

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yeah, good idea ding... let future generations figure out what to do with the end-product of our "clean, cheap, and efficient energy source": radioactive waste.

Humans may not yet be able to construct planes that never fall down, computers that never crash... you name it ... but I'm sure they are able to build Nuclear Power Plants that are 100% safe...

dream on brother


Offline DingHao2

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This topic is about my idea for a fritz-X guided bomb--not for discussing my signature.  If u want to debate about nuclear power, do it in the off topic forum.

Offline Staga

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LOL I was wondering wtf is effdub talking about   :D

Offline Effdub

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Ding, you don't mind parading your controversial sig in THIS forum - well, I don't mind telling you what I think about it in THIS forum either.


Offline DingHao2

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Discuss my signature all u like in the off topic forum, effdub.  I dont care what u say about it here.  This forum is about Aces High, and this topic is about adding Fritz-X guided bombs to AH, not about what effdub thinks about Ding's signature.  If it offends you, then talk about it elsewhere.  And if u r going to get angry, then for god's sake, get angry about something worthwhile.

Offline Effdub

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Ding Hao, this forum indeed it about Aces High, and this topic should be about the Fritz-X. But this forum should not be misused to advertise Nuclear Power, or any other political issues that may offend others.

"... for god's sake, get angry about something worthwhile".

I was in Germany in 1986. A good friend from russia was over to visit me - his father was not so lucky, as he was part of the team that were called in for help after the Nuclear Power Plant in Tchernobyl ceased to be a "clean, cheap, and efficient energy source".

Maybe you would think twice about posting your signature here if you would have attended my friends fathers funeral like I did back then, maybe you would find it hard to reply to something as "trivial" as a virtual Fritz-X guided bomb, compared to a signature that brings up all those memories...

Well, I cannot do more than to ask you to use another signature in the forums that we both attend - we both share a common interest in Aces high and it would be nice to keep it at that level, leaving our real world issues at the door step (or in the OT-forum as you had suggested).


Offline DingHao2

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IF u dont like my signature, ignore it or discuss it elswhere...its as easy as that...

Offline Pongo

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Was there  a better CV killer ever made then the Lanc in AH? I doubt it.

Offline Staga

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CopyPasted from E.Gustin's site:

Fritz-X, also known as FX-1400, was the first successful guided bomb. It consisted of a 1400kg armour-piercing bomb, fitted with four wings in a cruciform arrangement, and a tail ring with spoilers for control. It was usually carried by specially equipped Do 217 or He 177 bombers. In the launch aircraft, an operator steered the bomb to its target using a radio command link. Two hits with Fritz-X sank the Italian battleship Roma. Others seriously damaged the Italia and the British battleship Warspite, sank the cruiser Spartan, and damaged the cruisers Savannah and Uganda. Production of Fritz-X was limited to about 1400.

Henschel Hs 293
This was the first guided missile that entered service in large numbers. The Hs 293 was a glide bomb of aeroplane configuration, with an underslung rocket engine. It was carried by bombers like the He 111, He 177, Do 217 or Fw 200. A radio command link was standard, and a flare in the tail burned to help the operator sighting. There were also versions with wire guidance, and the experimental Hs 293D had TV guidance. The sloop HMS Egret, on 27 August 1943, had the dubious honour of being the first ship sunk by a guided missile. Many other victims followed, including five destroyers. Over 2300 Hs 293 missiles were fired.

Offline Staga

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From Danshistory:

18 Dornier Do 217 E-5 from the experimental unit II/KG 100 attacked an Allied naval formation with the Hs 293 on August 1943, sinking the sloop "Egret" and seriously damaging the "Athabascan" in the waters of Biscay Bay. They were used a little afterwards in the Atlantic by the III/KG 40, who usually flew the He 177 A-5 and Fw 200 C-4 against merchant convoys. They damaged several of these merchants and the destroyer "Jervis". In the Mediterranean they operated with the II/KG 40 (He 177 A-5), sinking the destroyers "Inglefield", "Boadicea", "Intrepid", "Culverton", and "Vasilissa Olga", as well as the battleship "Valiant". Some transports were also seriously damaged. This success eased the way to the development of the heavy versions, Hs 294 and Hs 295.

Offline DingHao2

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Hs 293 would be likely to be abused by dweebs as an A2A missile.  I'd say a fritz would be the most viable and the easiest to add.

Offline Staga

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