You know its funny that when people get what they ask for its not enough. “I want a P40, I want early war stuff, I want!”, and whamo you get it. Now I’m slowly seeing the “but everything is too fast for me to fight”.
Too friggin bad in my opinion. I think it’s great some are getting their new rides of choice but now sparks of arena changing, perk adjusting, and rolling plane sets are following right behind.
Let’s be sure to change the arena based on the newly formed AVG squadrons.
Yeah lets make it so it’s equal all around and force the community into a set group of aircraft that are acceptable. Rolling plane set, I’m not on often enough to fly the aircraft I want. Got any other ideas that involve players with less than 30 hours of online time?
Perk points you say. Ok, it’s been my opinion all along either perk them all or unperk them. If they’re all going to be perked, who decides how much the late war aircraft will cost? It makes little difference anyway unless the perk value is set high enough to deter from use, and that would be too high. Building perks is easy, thus the “perk” arena would just fill with late war aircraft anyway. It would only take about a week to build the points necessary and at a leisurely pace at that. Not to mention if everything is perked new players should start off with the minimum number of perks to pay for the highest cost aircraft. Maybe even granted this amount at the beginning of every tour.
An area arena? So what happens when 90 percent of the community all try and fly from the same late war area? Or being able to fly late war aircraft into the early war area. High speed winds to make boundaries is just a little to gamy.
Stop trying to fly my game for me. I’m doing just fine without your help. Oh and if I outrun you because I know you have advantage and choose to leave the fight. Work on your aim then and get the shots in before I haul ass.
CT doesn’t work for you, oh well try a TOD or any of the scenarios. Wait, isn’t that the real reason we received all the early war stuff this release anyway? Wasn’t there a call for more early war aircraft to enhance scenarios from the CM team? Seems to me it was.
If it’s your decision to field a Civic at a demolition derby don’t be pissed when the station wagon waxes your ass. Don’t try and force me into something slower because you’re getting frustrated at not catching me.