Author Topic: Final Tribute To Air Warrior.  (Read 8084 times)

Offline Ratbo

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Final Tribute To Air Warrior.
« on: November 07, 2001, 09:22:00 AM »
Last night the former Executive Producer and guiding force behind AW in it's glory days came onto our BBS with a statement. His insight into online game communities is legendary in the industry. I note that he makes reference to Hi-Tech makes note of a fact that should give us all hope for a LONG life for AH. Dale has already been burned (with Warbirds) by corporate idiots ruining his vision and has the chance here to not suffer that fate again. GOOD!

I feel honored that he saw fit to even *mention* my name when listing people that gave AW some life. I hope my name will be as good here in your world.  :)

Nothing I can further say - I'll let BB talk.


Message follows..

_____________________________ ________

I have to agree with DD on this one.

It would indeed be sad if they've already shut it down, thus denying us the
ability to say goodbye to as we did with the old so-called DOS host - a very
emotional night for all who attended.

This was hardly a shock, as DD mentioned earlier.  Plus most all of us who
attended the last Con in Seattle pretty much felt it was indeed the last.
Sadness is my reaction.  I got past anger years ago.

To hell with palliatives such as "Well, it was a 15 year run," and crap like
that.  That product could have had legs, and several of us fought what had
to become, at times, a covert war to attach those limbs only to have them
blown away by endless assaults of cluelessness, as successive waves of
misguided management thought they were taking Air Warrior, and
online gaming, into their wretched embrace.  HT endured this once and had
the opportunity to not suffer it again.

While competition began to relegate Air Warrior to ancient history all we
could do was fix a tire here and there and slap on a paint job.  Yes, great
work was done by so many dedicated people at Kesmai but we were not allowed
to advance the game itself, and the steps we took in the direction were not

Most of us know what it's like to watch your online community leave.  I
don't think anyone can get used to it.  At least we had Big Week - perhaps
the most important event in online gaming that nobody, except the folks who
participated in it - ever noticed.  This forum is proof that the community
it sparked exists still.

Relieved of my command by a thick skulled, burned out man more suited to
creating rules for miniatures than for understanding the dynamics of online
groups - a fellow who could not help but view everything through his self
interest filter when he wasn't dozing off at meetings - I had to sit by and
watch....until I couldn't any longer.  Moggs stood watch in my stead.

Others still tried to help.  Kelton kept at work with flight models,
Quarters and Matt Shaw, the latter a pioneer as most of you know in the air
combat sim, and others I did not know, kept the faith, as did others such as
Mage, and many of you here
in your own way.

I salute you all, along with the folks who flew who truly gave the game
meaning  this is by no means a comprehensive list of everyone who stands out
in my mind....simply the folks who come to mind at the moment.  Group
Captain Biggles (though we was before my time).  The pilots who later became
Kesmai folks: Ridge Runner, Quarters, Kato, Centurion, Anvil, Mage, and
Moggy.  The pilots who were fortunate never to become one: Scav, Volstag,
Fencer, Stilleto (the real one), Dutch, Waxer, BMan, Bushwacker, DoK, Leon,
Mullah, Hitech, Heater, Vermin, Garos, Vossman, GE, Grey Bear, Cal,
Airmigan, Grok, Seadog (later Gypsy Baron) Rocketman, Lady in Red, Sloth,
Subbie, Twist, Vmc, Brooke, Chump Change, you - of course, DD, Killer,
Ghostrider, Etiolle, Buffalo, Ho, Shakes, Ketch, Tiff, Shep, Culero, Cookie,
Nick Bigrod, Nobaddy, Duke, GMan, Grog, Wolverine, Assassin, Bug, Stimpy,
Lady Jenny of Fubar, Bebop and Shebop, Sturmer, SB, Sniff, Mig, Kken, Tex,
B-17 (you, Wayne - not that other B-17), Wedge, Pyro, Frying Tiger, Gunsmoke
(Mark Jacobs - the guy who runs Mythic today), and, yes, even Snail.

The squads...Fubars, Warhawks, Jv44, Muskies, Damned, 4Q, Death from Above,
Snafu, Don Quixotes, Turkey Hams, Angels of Destruction, NME, the Aggies (in
their own way), and so many others.  Please - each of you - add the names of
the pilots and squads who meant the most to you.

Regrets,  recriminations, and recollections aside, the most important fellow
in all of this was a guy with the handle Lord Kalvin.  This is Kelton Flinn.
Without him, Air Warrior, and all of its successors would either not exist
or not have had the magic that made them what they are.  Air Warrior is
something that could never be made today: an original online game design.
Though not his best effort, it was his bravest.  The very notion of a fully
graphical online game (there were none at the time), involving real time air
combat running at 1200 baud over the GEIS network....well, that took both
confidence and vision.  The sad thing is that no one at the major online
game companies today knows who the diddly Kelton is.   Actually, that's not
true.  I recently took a job at Microsoft as their executive producer for
Xbox online.  I'll make sure that lots of people there know who Kelton Flinn
is before I'm through.

Not sure how to close.  Kesmai is gone, so many Air Warrior communities have
come and gone, and soon - if not now - the game itself will be gone.  I
recall how Mullah used to change the name of his squad (the NME) on the last
night of a camp to something rude so that it would appear in the opening
page 870 screen scoring banner.  Usually it was something like "Warhawks
suck."  My favorite of his is a suitable epitaph for Air Warrior: Jesus


Offline Arlo

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Final Tribute To Air Warrior.
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2001, 09:56:00 AM »
< S > BB

[ 11-07-2001: Message edited by: Arlo ]

Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2001, 09:58:00 AM »
My roots to online sims from 1989. <S> to AW and whatever in transgressed into over the last 13 years.

Offline Rude

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« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2001, 11:09:00 AM »


Offline Lephturn

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« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2001, 11:16:00 AM »
<S> to AW and the community it spawned.  We are all here because of AW in one way or another.  Sad to see it go.

Oh, and welcome to all those from AW who choose AH as their new home.

Offline Citabria

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« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2001, 11:45:00 AM »
I just think it kicks bellybutton that Aces High is doing well.

when i think of the online flightsims interworkings and business model I think of the old movie "Kelly's Heroes"(i bought the dvd   :p  )

where the design team and people directly working on the project are kelly's small squad and the suits are those bridge building guys with their mostrous number of people, logistics, advertising, overhead and slow mobility and limited ability for rapid advance. and they are all racing towards this nazi bank behind enemy lines thats full of gold with everyone making it there getting a share of the profit.

basically Kelly's small band of "heroes" leaves the huge army of suits behind and never looks back, takes the bank through much clever strategy and planning and makes a nice profit  :)

the bridge builders get a nice medal from the general though  but no profit or gold  :)
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline Citabria

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« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2001, 11:50:00 AM »

HiTech Creations KICKS ASS!
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline Staga

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« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2001, 11:50:00 AM »
Do NOT read T his translation if you can't handle uhmm... dirty words.

[ 11-07-2001: Message edited by: Staga ]

Offline Gypsy Baron

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« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2001, 12:23:00 PM »
Originally posted by Staga:
Do NOT read T  his translation if you can't handle uhmm... dirty words.

[ 11-07-2001: Message edited by: Staga ]

 As someone who knows BlueBaron personally,
 I RESENT you're so call "translation"!

 You obviously think it's some form of humor.
 I can ASSURE you that it will NOT be seen
 in that light.

 I don't know what your background in the
 flightsim community is or if you ever "flew"
 Air Warrior but NO ONE with any actual knowledge
 of the AW community would stoop so low or
 would ever think of BB "talking" like that.

 Words can not adequately describe the disgust
 I feel for the likes of you, Staga.
Gypsy Baron  AW CPID 4580
B-17G 447th Bomb Group, 709th Bomb Squadron, Serial#42-31225

Scheherazade - Lt.Phillip P. Zanoya, Pilot

M/Sgt Kenneth N. Johnson, Crew Chief
126 missions without a single mechanical abort[/b

Offline Gypsy Baron

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« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2001, 12:25:00 PM »
Originally posted by Citabria:

HiTech Creations KICKS ASS!

You seem to be missing the point here, by
a very wide margin...
Gypsy Baron  AW CPID 4580
B-17G 447th Bomb Group, 709th Bomb Squadron, Serial#42-31225

Scheherazade - Lt.Phillip P. Zanoya, Pilot

M/Sgt Kenneth N. Johnson, Crew Chief
126 missions without a single mechanical abort[/b

Offline Dinger

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« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2001, 12:33:00 PM »
LOL Staga and Gypsy "Airing the Orchid" Baron!  What's it like to "gamahuch" BlueBaron personally, anyway?
Man I wish I'd been around for "Big Buttplug Week"

<S> Air Warrior.  It is sad to see an institution go.

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2001, 12:44:00 PM »
It's a website that changes words around for humor Gypsy Baron.

You can do it to any thread, and it's been done many many times before.

You should of paid attention to the prefix that was part of the link Staga provided rather than jumping on him.

It's not his fault someone made a website that can make web pages or UBBs a little more funny.

Offline Gypsy Baron

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« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2001, 12:44:00 PM »
Originally posted by Dinger:
[QB]LOL Staga and Gypsy "Airing the Orchid" Baron!  What's it like to "gamahuch" BlueBaron personally, anyway?
Man I wish I'd been around for "Big Buttplug Week"

 I'm sorry, but I don't believe I know you, and I
must say I'm rather happy for that! What hole did
scumbags such as yourself and Staga crawl out of anyhow?

 This thread was started with a much higher
 moral intent than either of you seem to be
 capable of aspiring to or even comprehending.
Gypsy Baron  AW CPID 4580
B-17G 447th Bomb Group, 709th Bomb Squadron, Serial#42-31225

Scheherazade - Lt.Phillip P. Zanoya, Pilot

M/Sgt Kenneth N. Johnson, Crew Chief
126 missions without a single mechanical abort[/b

Offline Gypsy Baron

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« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2001, 12:50:00 PM »
Originally posted by SWulfe:
It's a website that changes words around for humor Gypsy Baron.

You can do it to any thread, and it's been done many many times before.

You should of paid attention to the prefix that was part of the link Staga provided rather than jumping on him.

It's not his fault someone made a website that can make web pages or UBBs a little more funny.

 I realize the aspects of the website "translation".
However, it was Staga who CHOSE to post
 that like in THIS topic with BB's message
 as the "input". THAT is what I find repulsive
and in VERY bad taste. He inserted his
 message and the link here full well
 knowing what would/did come "out" of
 the "translator" so I absolutely won't
 buy " it's not his fault!" It is INDEED
 his fault and I fail to see how you can't
 see this.
Gypsy Baron  AW CPID 4580
B-17G 447th Bomb Group, 709th Bomb Squadron, Serial#42-31225

Scheherazade - Lt.Phillip P. Zanoya, Pilot

M/Sgt Kenneth N. Johnson, Crew Chief
126 missions without a single mechanical abort[/b

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2001, 12:56:00 PM »
Lighten up, it was just intended to be funny.

It's not like he was making fun of someone who died, it was a game and it's days were numbered since AW3.