Author Topic: The creamo HA...  (Read 295 times)

Offline lazs1

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The creamo HA...
« on: August 09, 2001, 08:13:00 AM »
From another thread...
                     Give these reality freaks the HA already.

                     Real ground distance to targets (7-8 hour missions), no icons, no autopilot unless a
                     plane was so equipped, no talking to other planes unless tuned directly to that
                     flight,(no check 6 calls accordingly) no zoom, no ammo counters, no moving your head
                     under G unless you pass a physical prior to enrolling in the HA, with the medical papers
                     sent in and approved by HTC (your head movment and durability will be calculated and
                     downloaded as a special patch from that) no radar in flight, you will have to rely on
                     country chat or for updates (heh, yeah right), no autotrim, no auto takeoff, no combat
                     trim, YOU WILL have Supreme Commanders that choose your missions, no reupping,
                     limited planeset and your aircraft decided by your commander, no open channel chat
                     period for fun, meeting new people, friendly banter or baiting the NME, your country
                     plane will only have updates in that specific language and all radio chat will be in that
                     language, (ex. 109's only see German writing on maps and on the radio), your country is
                     alotted X amount of planes, when they are used up, you cant fly anymore, you man a
                     radar station and fall asleep, no HOOPTY TWISTY STICKS!, you have to have proof of
                     puchase of a CH PRO or equivalent rudder set, and seperate throttle and stick with
                     picture to enroll, no film option enabled to learn your mistakes in combat, no stats after
                     you get killed, you can't "Spawn" anywhere, you must have a country mate hook up the
                     tug and tractor bar and tow you to the flight line, no ALT TABing and posting nonsense
                     roadkill like this while flying 20 minutes in autopilot grabbing, no pinpoint bombing, you
                     will need 50-150 B17's to knock out factories, no perk points, you can fly the planes in
                     a rotating fashion, the HA starting in next tour being 1939, 6 real years later you get
                     the ME262, did I say NO HOOPTY TWISTY STICKS!?, chute kills blow off chunks of meat
                     and spray red, no running off a runway and your gear not blowing off and plowing a
                     ditch, no reasonably solution to views, they will all be difficult and on your 2D monitor,
                     once you sit down, you can't leave your chair (cockpit) for any reason (new beer, door,
                     crap, nap, a pull, or a samich) or you will be disconnected from the game, and for Gods
                     Sakes, no whoopee Hoopty Twisty Sticks!

                     I like AH like it is, trust HTC, yet no it's not perfect. Why guys spend weeks, and
                     months, telling Hitech how to make it cater to small groups is a bit silly."

I would like to hear the "realism" crowds take on each and every item mentioned.

Offline Cobra

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The creamo HA...
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2001, 08:29:00 AM »
Here's a thought.....Why sweat it?

Seriously, what's the problem with having the MA and the CA?

Why be a jerk about the CA (or MA for that matter)?

Why not have both and have each arena live and let live?

These are serious questions.  Why not just let both arenas exist and quit trying to pull the hair of the gurly-men that like the other arena (be it MA or CA)?

Basically, why act like children about this?  

(Just as an FYI, I like both Arenas.  I don't have a preference, but I do like the idea of more choices at the buffet table).

[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: Cobra ]


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The creamo HA...
« Reply #2 on: August 09, 2001, 08:30:00 AM »
Creamo cant help but be an amazinhunk.

Offline Thunder

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The creamo HA...
« Reply #3 on: August 09, 2001, 08:32:00 AM »
Cobra has summed it up!  :D
Aces High DickweedHBG:

Offline Thunder

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« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2001, 08:35:00 AM »
Hehehe...GRUNHERZ has summed it up too! LOL  :p

J/K Creamo!!!  :D

Aces High DickweedHBG:

Offline Creamo

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« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2001, 08:35:00 AM »
Oh boy...

What part of "Hoopty Twisty Sticks" and "ALT TABing to post roadkill like this" made it such a serious post? This was all before the Xanadu "Combat Arena" was announced.

I just goof on anal people at times cuz they get so caught up in all the whatever, get all offended, call people amazinhunks, and what-not. Fools.



[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: Creamo ]

Offline Cobra

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« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2001, 08:40:00 AM »
It was directed at your post Creamo, I know it was a goof.  :)


Offline lazs1

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The creamo HA...
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2001, 08:42:00 AM »
I should have clarified... The post was about anal dweebs in general (IMO) but apparently it struck a nerve so....

save the above posts when we start getting the "elite" posts.. Or the really good pile-its all fly in....

Offline Creamo

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« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2001, 08:51:00 AM »
Rgr Cobra, your right Thunder   ;), I realize the intent laz, and I know poor Grunterdz is serious too.

The goof is I'd like to have a HA as much as the next guy, but the way the fanatics sidestep the gameplay concessions in place for his own particular wants is laughable. No dar, but no mention of zoom mode or combat trim?!! SHRINK the map for flight times?!!!! Now that's funny, and not a goof.

What’s worse is I’ve already been invited “NOT” to play there?

 Fellas, this thing is a bust with less than 40 participants, that’s not the way to fill it up.


[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: Creamo ]

Offline AKSWulfe

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The creamo HA...
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2001, 09:07:00 AM »
I for one whole-heartedly support Creamo's idea.

To take it even further and make it absolutely realistic: When your pilot gets shot in the game, you get zapped with 100watts from your power supply. If you catch on fire, you get electricuded until YOU catch fire.

When your control surfaces get shot off your plane, a HTC employee or friend comes to your house and breaks your joystick.

When you bail out and get strafed by a FDB, YOU will get raped by a sheep and then beat to death by one of Animal's sex toys.

You need a full cockpit rendering of your "favorite" plane, and can only fly one plane. If you lose your plane, you need to pay fourty bucks and wait two weeks until you get a new plane.

AND most importantly: In order to make the gunnery more true-to-life, you will now get your head pounded repeatedly until you have gluacoma and can't see past the cataracks in your eyes, let alone shoot!

Until then, you are all wannabe dweebs!

Offline Creamo

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« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2001, 09:08:00 AM »
lol, oh no. This is going to be a long thread!

Offline AKSWulfe

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« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2001, 09:46:00 AM »
You're right Swamp... I think that also, should you have a smooth landing and live... that a HTC employee should come to your house accompanied by Animal and allow Animal to have relations with the particular player.

This will simulate how the country-folk in the real war had their way with shot down pilots.

Oxygen systems: Should you oxygen system fail or get damaged at high altitudes, a large canister containing "Whip-Its" will begin to seep it's chemicals into your game room and you will gradually get higher and have the "wha wha wha" sensation until you pass out from lack of oxygen. Upon which time a HTC employee will kick you in the head until you wake up again.

Offline Cobra

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« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2001, 10:27:00 AM »
Originally posted by lazs1:
I should have clarified... The post was about anal dweebs in general (IMO) but apparently it struck a nerve so....

save the above posts when we start getting the "elite" posts.. Or the really good pile-its all fly in....

I agree lazs, that's why my post is really directed to both sides.  

Funny thing is, everyone now has another choice at the buffet table.  Let's celebrate the fact that HTC has given us that choice and let each individual make the most of the choices they're given, be it MA or CA (or even baaaaa'aaa)<====that's the sheep arena==


[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: Cobra ]

Offline Cobra

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« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2001, 10:39:00 AM »
doh...double post

[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: Cobra ]

Offline 10Bears

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The creamo HA...
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2001, 03:32:00 PM »
Nexus made a hysterical list for TRUE realism... too funny
Mav starts it out

1. You log on for the first time and are assigned a country at random to be
"born" in.

2. You start MANDATORY flight training and do not progress until you

3. You go to advanced training and demonstrate your ability to handle an
aircraft. Based on your skills after a predetermined time you are sent to a
particular squadron that flies a specific plane. You may not get your
prefered plane type such as a fighter.

4. You go to combat traiing at the front with your squad and try to develop
SA that will allow you to survive which is very important for the next

5. You fly and live to fly again flying the missions you are ASSIGNED, not
necessarily what you want to do.

6. If you die, you are done and at the very least (in a concession to GAME
PLAY) have to be "reborn" and start all over again.

That takes in the minutia of the aircraft management, simulates real combat
environments, ensures total immersion in the product. No half measures, just
a realistic simulation of the real thing.

I won't get into the "flight modeling" thing here. It would drag this on way
too much.

Now if this is what the "realist advocate" has in mind, then I agree it
would be a SIM. If not, then all it is is a game based on the "rules" they
want to satisfy themselves.

Then Nexus's turn LOL

Additionally to your points of realism.

1. Planes should occasionally suffer from mechanical failure while in

2. Gun jams and misfires should be modeled.

3. Bomb mis fires and mis release should be modeled.

4. Damaged controls don't knock off entire controls at a time, instead,
control cables jam, and control surfaces get stuck in deflected positions
which cause loss of flight control.

5. Excessive damage to wing surfaces should affect lift and control forces.

6. No inflight look down radar - aka clipboard. Instead, a voice GCI
controller will vector pilots to the target - then it's up to the pilots to
establish visual contact.

7. Friendly fire should be on. Occasionally friendly ack should fire on
friendly planes. This happened many times during WWII. An entire paratroop
squadron was killed during the invasion of Sicily as a result of friendly

8. The Brits had strict ROE concerning establishing visual ID before firing,
that required getting close and sometimes loosing the advantage of surprise.

9. In the early part of the BoB, the Brits were employing the Vic, Welded
wing, and Big Wing theory of aerial combat. The LW was employing the finger
four formation, which was a far superior tactic. Therefore to be realistic,
those flying Allies have to employ realistic tactics.

10. In the early war years, the Axis had superior numbers and with many
seasoned vets. So most of the newbies should be flying as Allies.

11. 1 life per account.

(frm 10Bears heheheheheheh)

12. Mission and squadrons are pre-assigned - players must fly the mission
assigned and obey orders or their accounts are deleted (aka court martialed
and shot)

13. Several planes suffered from fuel starvation while inverted - spitfire I
believe is one of them - this should be modeled.

14. After the enigma machine was stolen, the allies knew of all German air
raids - so all German attacks are given to the Allies.

15. When the purple code was broken, all Japanese attacks were known - again
all Japanese attacks will be given to the Allies.

16. Fog, rain, snow, sleet, storms, lightening - all wheather should be
modeled. These have an affect on flight performance.

17. Japanese plane performance should suffer from poorer fuel quality.

18. Get rid of auto climb, auto speed, and combat trim - no such animals in
the real planes.

19. 4 Radios are out

20. Model variable pitch props for those planes which had them.

21. Make the instrumentation correct for each model. Get rid of the digital
ammo counters.

22. Model barametric pressure, thermals, high and low pressure zones, jet
stream, turbulance, down drafts, wind sheer, etc.

23. Turn on friendly mid-air collisions.

24. Model bird strikes too!

25. Model IAS not TGS

26. Model true and magnetic north - as well as magnetic lines. Through in
sun spots on ocassions just to screw everything up.

27. No more mission editor, clibboard map, or waypoint plots... you have to
know where you are by time in flight, speed, compass heading, stars, and
dead reckoning.

28. No more Ctrl-D to check damage - if you can't see it from your cockpit -
hmmm the landing gear may be down, or it may not be. Hopefully, you'll have
a buddy near by who can do a belly check.

Ok let's go play realism.

Don't forget to set your altimeter and compass before take off!

Sounds like lots of fun.


Hehe I'm sure there's a thousand details I did not mention..
ok here are more!

31. No more private, country, and squad radio channels. All channels are
short wave radio and can be heard by all tuned to the same frequency.

32 Radio quality should be degrade to reflect throat and/or oxy mask mics,
ionosphere bounce and solar magnetic interference.

33. Ground stations and ships can triangulate radio signals and figure out
the speakers location, course, and speed. But no doubt many of you will just
simply announce this information over the radio as you chatter with your
squadies. If you do pass this info over radio - you will be court martialed.
If you are in a buff, the senior officer (not commiting the offense) on
board will no doubt shoot you immediately with his colt 45.

34. Breaking radio silence is a court martial offense - punishable by firing

35. B17s and B26s must salvo their entire load (area bombing) when the lead
bomber drops - no more surgical bombing! Surgical bombing was NOT a tactic
used by the Allies in WWII. Except for certain British raids against Damns
and power plants in Germany

36. All non-secure radio communications from American ship and Marine units
operating in the South Pacific will be spoken in Navejo.

(from 10Bears LOLOLOL)

37. Carrier Deck roll and pitch needs to modeled.

38. No bomber will sortie solo (except when the atomic bomb is dropped) - a
full squadron must be mustered before any area bombing can be conducted.

39. A full crew is required to sortie a bomber - that includes a navigator
