Author Topic: You log in - Press "Online" and select Main Arena - what do you want to see ??  (Read 295 times)

Offline Awulf

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If this was the fight at field 108 that was a hoot even though I died repeatedly defending the base :D
I was trying on the Spit V for the first time so was giving it full rundown in what I consider the worst pressure cookers available - a base capped by nme bogies.

As for what I look for, I look for squaddies first to join up with then look to see where the nme is putting pressure and will move there to support the base or up in a buff to hit an nme base that is supporting the assault.

Like most others I'm anxiously waiting for the MIA.

Offline Sparks

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Well a good variety - thanks so far.

It seems there is polaristaion which I percieve (thats only MY opinion) as being stronger than the early versions - say 1.04. A lot of people seem to want to just go fighter group to fighter group but I wonder why then the dueling arena isn't full ??

Obviuosly for those of us that like the mission based flying (NOT base capture - mission based as in organised with a specific task) It's frustrating seeing a huge resource of people in the arena who aren't interested in what we're doing but I suppose thats the variety we have.  It does however create the conflicts we've seen on the BBS with ideas to use the new bomber model.

Originally quoted by Lazs
I'm not british so i like a little excitement

Lazs I really must get over to the con and bring you some warm beer and teach you how to play darts ;) - we know how to live ya know.

But to the point - Lazs - do you think the your and my differing wants from the game are best served in one MA or two separate ones ??

 No-one has yet mentioned  perks - for those that like to dogfight without regard to a "war" do the perks play a part or are they just incidental ?? Toad ?


Offline lazs2

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"But to the point - Lazs - do you think the your and my differing wants from the game are best served in one MA or two separate ones ?? "

That is a very good question.   I have a partial answer.   As an MA...I don't think it good to have one arena that is all airstart uncapturable fields where it is one big furball from the same three fields...  I also don't think it is good to have an arena where the only way to suceed is in an organized "missun" that has very little or no air combat worth mentioning and the "war" is a thing that takes forever to "win".

I like a mix.. believe it or not.   I like what we have but I would like more of the fields, say half, as close as the closest ones.   I would like large cities or "area targets" that were the focus of heavy fluffs and escort..  This might work as an "all in one" arena.

the 'missun arena" may give a certain group what they want so far as "organized follow the leader" and "immersion".    fighting another plane is all the immersion I want tho.     The DA certainly doesn't work for the furball set.  

unless it is a difference in skill requirements..... I don't think seperate arenas work.   limp wristed realism and full... that works cause they are..... seperate flight models.   Sooner or later tho... the guys that have seperate arenas but the same fM's... want to go to  where the players are to test their metal.

Oh... I'm not toad (think of me as an ugly, meaner, less bright version) but... I don't like perks.  I like an early war area in the arena.  and a mid one also... let the uber planes have a "free" day or two at the end of the tour.

I guess it's the difference between somebody liking 'darts" and someone else likeing  5lbs per horsepower.