Author Topic: P-38 Dive/Manauvere Flaps  (Read 341 times)

Offline Mikepb42

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P-38 Dive/Manauvere Flaps
« on: September 04, 2002, 08:01:35 PM »
I'm looking for help on use of the flaps specifically in the 38.  When is the dive flap best used?  At what point in a furball should I dump the normal flaps out?  How much flap?  Thanks!

Offline jonnyb

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P-38 Dive/Manauvere Flaps
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2002, 07:50:27 AM »
I'm by no means the expert authority in the fork tail.  For that you'll need to speak to some of the Twin Engined Devils.

However, here are some basic pointers:

Dive flaps are essential in the P38 when you are doing JABO work.  The P38 compresses quite easily, and the dive flaps help to curb that.  Make sure to extend those flaps when you begin your initial dive onto the target.

As far as furballing, if you get low and slow in a 38, you're going to need all the help you can get.  Proper use of flaps can  surprise the heck out of an enemy when you bring that big bird around in his face quick.  The P38 is good in the vertical, and I'll drop a notch or two of flaps to help swing the plane over the top of a turn to reverse quickly.  At around 250, I'll drop 1 225 it's 2.  Any slower than that, and you'd better hope you've got a bunch of friendlies around because you're in a world of hurt.

Offline Spout

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P-38 Dive/Manauvere Flaps
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2002, 06:58:46 PM »
When i played i did pretty well in 38... on a good day, so heres a few tips i got for you.  Don't use flaps unless your planning on having a long slow dog fight, or and unplanned, slow dogfight will happen ;)  Best move when you have someone sniffing your bellybutton is to scissors or do some decent size rolls with elevator and aileron.  As far as dive flaps or whatever you nerds like to call them the only thing that works is the yellow light that pops up when you hit the key, and on my computer, that doesn't even work, it turns black;) ;) .  Be sure your cutting throttle in a dive, and if you start to compress, turn power to engines off, it seems to compress about 30mph later than usual. I suggest sticking with high speed fighting for awhile, kinda like B&Z, and when you get the feel for the plane, then worry about flaps.  If you ever see some guys like DblTrubl/Fester/Kappa, ask them for a few pointers too, they own me in it.:p :p

Offline akak

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Re: P-38 Dive/Manauvere Flaps
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2002, 09:51:19 PM »
Originally posted by Mikepb42
I'm looking for help on use of the flaps specifically in the 38.  When is the dive flap best used?  At what point in a furball should I dump the normal flaps out?  How much flap?  Thanks!

Dive flaps in the P-38 are meant to help you pull out of a high speed dive and will give you a 4 degree nose up angle when you activate them.  They only work at high speeds, so trying to use them in a low energy fight will not work but if you do accidently deploy them, it won't penalize you.  The dive flaps are also best employed at the beginning of your dive.  One trick with the dive flaps is that while it can't help you in low speed turning, it can help you in high speed turns.  If you are over 300mph and need to turn tight while keeping your speed, just hit the dive flaps when starting the turn.

To keep from compressing, don't start your high speed dives above 20,000ft.  The P-38 will only enters compressability above the 20,000ft level.  Below that, all you'll see is some serious buffeting but that's not a danger unless you let it become one.

As for the normal flaps, the P-38 has 4 flap settings (see diagram).  The 1st notch of flaps are knows as "combat maneuvering flaps", or "Fowler Flaps" and the other three settings are normal flap settings.

The little formula I use to know what flap setting to use is a really simple one.

1 notch -   250mph
2 notches - 200-175mph
3 notches - 150-100mph
4 notches - 100mph or slower

As you gain energy, just reverse.  Don't rely on the auto-retracter to raise your flaps as you gain energy, it can throw you in a very nasty spin if you do.

I also "walk" my flaps up and down, depending on the situation like in loop fights or stall fights (another area where the P-38 is fantastic in).  In E type fighting, I rarely use my flaps since in those situations, I rarely keep my speed below 300mph.  I usually only use flaps in angle and stall fights.  Below is a link to a film that was made by Leviathn to show how well the flaps work on the P-38L.  In the film he just uses the flaps to make the P-38L loop endlessly.  

P-38 Flaps film

Hope this helps some.  The P-38L is a fantastic plane in Aces High and a real joy to fly.  If you have anymore questions or want some more help with the P-38, my game ID is AKAK.  If I'm on the next time you log on, just holler and I'll let you join my plane for a hop or two, so you can see how a P-38 dweeb flies :D

479th FG - Riddle's Raiders

Offline Spout

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P-38 Dive/Manauvere Flaps
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2002, 04:45:21 PM »
in the game?

Offline akak

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P-38 Dive/Manauvere Flaps
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2002, 06:51:30 PM »
Originally posted by Spout
in the game?

What part are you asking about 'in the game'?


Offline akak

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P-38 Dive/Manauvere Flaps
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2002, 12:25:49 PM »
Originally posted by Oedipus
" Below is a link to a film that was made by Leviathn..."

 :(  Not getting a reply from that server. Is the file still valid or do I need to wait til llater when I can connect with that host to get the file?

Try again later on in morning.  I'm currently updating a website on that server at the moment and access will be down for about another half hour.
