Author Topic: Having a cr@p day in AH.  (Read 167 times)

Offline beet1e

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Having a cr@p day in AH.
« on: September 02, 2002, 12:52:19 PM »
Funny thing, these flight sims. Every now and then I'll have a day when I'm walking on water - can't do anything wrong. Then there are days when nothing goes right. Guess which today is :(

Can't move without running into LA7s! Go to 20K - there'll be a P51 and Tiffy at 23K. Go to assist friends? They are all gone by the time I get there, and the welcome committee is a bunch of high 109s. :(

One problem is that I never understand how AH radar works. It seems that it can be bombed at the field, but at HQ as well. I keep running into hordes of cons unexpectedly. Then I took the attached pic. It clearly states "radar enabled". But how many enemy dots do you see in the sector where my plane is parked? Another time I was deep in enemy territory, but could still see green dots on the map near where I was. :confused: I know that AH radar is "selective" - cons can be made invisible. :mad:

But look at this pic - am I or am I not losing my marbles? Radar is enabled, and bar-dar is at max deflection. I should see a swarm of enemy dots. Are you suggesting they are all below 500 feet?

Offline Rebel

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« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2002, 12:59:35 PM »
I think the bar dar is merely a measurement of the realitive number of cons/friendlies in the area.  Looking at that pic, I see one con coming out of the airbase to the south which *is* in the same sector.

Now you, otoh, seem to be the only friendly in that sector.

Now say there are 4 wingmen along with said con leaving the airbase, or there's a mission in which there are a lot of enemies involved, just getting off the runway.

Now even with 4 guys, the bar would be 4 times bigger then your friendly bar because you're the only guy there.

Have a nice day :)
"You rebel scum"

Offline Wotan

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« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2002, 01:06:23 PM »
you need to check the clip board under map.

on the the bottom it will say

HQ Status


Enemy CNT = Bar Radar

Enemy Radar = Dot Radar

Friendly CNT = Bar Radar

Friendly Radar = Dot Radar

if it says

Enemy Radar = Disabled then no matter what you have no Dot radar.

You can knock any of the 4 types depending upon the amiount of damage enflicted upon an HQ.

You could end up with just friendly DOT dar or in the case you sight above most likely ENEMY DOT DAR is out at your HQ.

You lost your SA that quick? Coming from wbs I wouldnt have thought you had relied on that crutch :)

If radar at a field is down it only effects that field. Dar damage at hq effects your whole side.

Offline poopster

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« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2002, 01:53:20 PM » days...

There ARE those days when you would have been better off washing the car.

No matter what you do, there's 4 cons higher. No matter what you do, you can't hit squat, even if it fills your gunsite.

Find a lone con, commence with a great fight, finally turn the tables as you both fight to the deck, and get swacked by a 110 that just dropped from 37,000 feet with no other reason then to get the single "low" guy...

Cash in your chips and take a Tempest up. Enter a "multi-con" enviroment and suddenly realize EVERY badguy in the group is intent on killing YOU. Hair on fire, kill a Pony and narrowly escape the 275 guys on your tail only to disco on final and loose your chips.........

Finally put together a good sortie, got a few in the bag, start feeling a little better about yourself....

On final, full flaps, the gears down, flying a buck ten, just about to kiss the runway and a 190 pops the hill and......

Out of the 15 or so friendlies hovering about the field.....


And a muffled gunshot is heard at the rear of the poop's household..
« Last Edit: September 02, 2002, 02:00:36 PM by poopster »

Offline Yeager

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« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2002, 07:27:46 PM »
Way too many variables for the average human being to have any sort of extended duplication of achievements in an environment like this.
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline Blue Mako

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« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2002, 07:30:11 PM »
Originally posted by poopster
And a muffled gunshot is heard at the rear of the poop's household..

Poop to the kids:

I'm sorry kids but the dog had to go away to heaven.

Kids to Poop:

Daddy, why do our dogs go to heaven every time you have a bad AH day?

I know the feeling though beetle, had a bad AH night last night myself.  Every time I took off there was someone waiting to shoot me down.  Even spun in and augered during a low alt dogfight... haven't done that in ages...  Shoulda just gone to bed.

Offline Gryffin

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« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2002, 07:33:31 PM »
Beet1e, bring up the radar range circles. You will never see any dots outside these circles. Also, you will never see any dots who are below 500' AGL, no matter where on the map they are.

For me to feel safe I do the following:

1. Check that HQ radar is still up.
2. Make sure I am inside a friendly radar circle.
3. Make sure the local radar for the circle I am in is still up
4. Make sure I am high enough that any cons hidden below 500' altitude can't zoom up and get me without warning.

I then fly with the map open.

The only time I don't fly with the map open is when I am outside a friendly radar circle, or if the radar for the circle that I am in is down. Then I look out the window, but when I see a dot, I open the map again and check the direction to see if it could be a friendly.

Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #7 on: September 03, 2002, 02:50:14 AM »
Stop complaining... I'm having a bad month. Missing targets at 100yds with bullets, but usualy hit them with my plane right after that, hehehe

3 Years, and I still stink big time :D
Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline Innominate

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« Reply #8 on: September 03, 2002, 03:00:30 AM »
Why is it that when there are a dozen friendlies flying together, that lone high p51 always targets YOU?

I personally believe that we all live in our own universes.  Everyone sees the same basic thing, except that p51 is diving on them, instead of you.  So no matter who YOU are, that p51 is going to target YOU.

Murphy is an amazinhunk.

Offline hogenbor

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« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2002, 03:35:38 AM »
Fly the FM2.

P51s ignore them, so they target your buddies and lose E in the process. Then kill 'em.

Works for me :-D

Offline beet1e

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« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2002, 04:48:03 AM »
Rebel - I think that yellow dot is the city marker, not a con. Confusing, isn't it? Sometimes that marker flashes, but not the base icon. :confused:

Wotan/Gryffin - useful info - thanks. But now I am more confused. :( Look at my attached picette. The green star is our HQ. Now I know that there's a big building there which, if destroyed, causes loss of radar across the entire map. But lower down, there is a radar symbol. What does that do, and what happens if it is destroyed? (No idea of the significance of the C)

As for realism, it seems ridiculous that a side would have a single target whose destruction affects the entire side. That is something that military units have always guarded against, and is the reason that the Internet was conceived in the first place: To ensure that messages could always be passed, even if a single communications hub were to be destroyed.

All this strat is making my head spin. I should just do a Lazs, and stick to furballing. :D

Hogenbor - I think you're in the wrong thread.

Offline Innominate

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« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2002, 04:50:47 AM »
The radar strat controlls the amount of time it takes for field radars to rebuild.

Thats all strat, except the HQ,does, it makes things take a bit longer to rebuild.