Disagree Toad.
If you have any doubts, look at what happened in our own little community when some bright USAFA cadets ran a "diversionary" NOE raid on the Ruhr. If I recall correctly, the head of the CM corps lamented the decision of those commanders to "game the game".
My point's not to flog this dead horse; but that's the counterargument -- "gaming the game". Yet our buddies in the military don't have the luxury of hiding under the veneer of historicity. Sure, that particular scenario may be "impossible" given the actual circumstances, but without doubt an analogous, perhaps unsimulatable "crease" exists. I'm sorry, you've got to think of those things.
But if these principles are not universally accepted by the AH community, odds are the military won't take them either. (sure, professionals and amateurs; but I suspect with what fellatio's going for in Washington, Baghdad and Moscow, nobody in the world is a professional strategist)