Author Topic: We need more perked planes!  (Read 407 times)


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We need more perked planes!
« on: April 26, 2001, 02:09:00 PM »
 Ok heres a old argument from a new angle (or at least I think its new, I havent seen it mentioned here yet)

 I like the perk point system! I only wish they would implement it more extensively. I would like to see the Chogs (F4u-C), Spit IX, N1K2,P47D-30 & P51D perked. The point level should be low. Say around 10-15pts.
 The reason I feel that way is lets face it, they the badest rides in the game. Consequently guys get up in them (especially with the Chog & Niki) with the sole purpose of making a suicide run. They run straight at someone with the sole intention of making a HO attack. If they die its no biggy, they just grab another & do it again.
 Lets face it, in WWII they didn't give the hottest rides to the new guys, they also didn't use them for suicide missions aka kamikaze. Why should we let these dweebs do it here? By making the points low anyone
can fly them semi regularly but it will add a important element. They will do there damnedest to stay alive.
 When I take out a Arado or Tempest I WILL NOT commit myself to a engagement unless IM fairly sure I can win it (much as our boys in WWII did). If it doesn't look good I will run for my life when in those planes.

 I also feel more buffs should be perked. Once again keep the points low so that people can fly them semi regularly. In addition to the Arado, the Lanc & B17 should be perked. That will once again eliminate the kamikaze runs at low alt with the sole intent of maybe porking something.

 I know the argument that people are paying for it & they should be able to fly anything they want. Sure they can fly what ever they want after they have earned it. For those of you monitoring WWIIOL (as IM sure many are) they will have a identical system. You will only be able to get the good stuff after you have reached a level compitancy. Well the perk points give us that level of compitancy... I say lets use it!

 What ya'll think?


Offline AcId

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We need more perked planes!
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2001, 02:13:00 PM »
Perk A1!!

Offline fd ski

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We need more perked planes!
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2001, 02:18:00 PM »
Originally posted by Flashpan:
Spit IX, ... ,P47D-30 & P51D perked.

I think any allied aircraft build after 1920 should be perked cause i'm not superior enough in my 190D9  

Bartlomiej Rajewski
aka. Wing Commander fd-ski
Northolt Wing
1st Polish Fighter Wing
303 (Polish) Squadron "Kosciuszko" RAF
308 (Polish) Squadron "City of Cracow" RAF
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Turning 109s and 190s into scrap metal since 1998

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Offline Soulyss

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We need more perked planes!
« Reply #4 on: April 26, 2001, 02:21:00 PM »
don't let any of those P47 jocks hear ya sayin the P47 is too uber and needs to be perked. You'll get an earfull  
80th FS "Headhunters"
I blame mir.

Offline Nash

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We need more perked planes!
« Reply #5 on: April 26, 2001, 03:06:00 PM »
Well said Deja!


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We need more perked planes!
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2001, 03:17:00 PM »
D-30 perked?  LOL ok now I have heard it all.

Offline BigGun

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We need more perked planes!
« Reply #7 on: April 26, 2001, 03:23:00 PM »
Originally posted by Flashpan:
Lets face it, in WWII they didn't give the hottest rides to the new guys, they also didn't use them for suicide missions aka kamikaze. Why should we let these dweebs do it here?

This isn't WWII or do I think it is intended to be. About the HO, if you see CHog coming at ya...practice evasive manuvers to avoid the HO. Also, just curious, in what situation would you ever engage another plane while flying the Arado? So far I think the Perk system has worked ok & I am sure it will get better with time. I don't agree though in perking rides cuz of how often flown, even if by HO dweebs. Heck, I fly a commonly refered to dweeb plane cuz I have fun in it. However, I try to avoid HO most of time cuz I found I always am at the losing end.


Offline sling322

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We need more perked planes!
« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2001, 03:27:00 PM »
Originally posted by Flashpan:
...If they die its no biggy, they just grab another & do it again....
  ....They will do there damnedest to stay alive.....

Ummm....its the MA.  Its a fantasy world.  If you want limited spawn and guys flying to stay alive then check out the special events.  

Offline oboe

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We need more perked planes!
« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2001, 03:34:00 PM »
What do I think?  I think its GREAT to see another flyer from Minnesota!  Welcome Flashpan!

Personally I always fly to live anyway, whether what I'm flying is perked or not.  I also like the perk system and think it would benefit from a few of plane additions.  Two come to mind readily.

Offline Sancho

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We need more perked planes!
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2001, 04:13:00 PM »
I would like to see the Chogs (F4u-C), Spit IX, N1K2, P47D-30 & P51D perked...The reason I feel that way is lets face it, they the badest rides in the game.

Perk the jug?  Dangit, I never understood why people spit coke on their monitor until I saw this post!!  You make me laugh Flashpan.  
Aerial combat isn't half of what it is shown to be in the movies... the combat usually takes place at a hell of a speed - the enemy aeroplane is only seen for a few seconds.--Bud Mahurin

[This message has been edited by Sancho (edited 04-26-2001).]

Offline Karnak

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We need more perked planes!
« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2001, 04:19:00 PM »
I agree, there need to be more perk units to make the perk system work.  However none of the aircraft listed in Flashpan's opening post should be perked.  New perk units should be things like these:

Spitfire MkXIV
Panther V
Meteor MkIII
Mosquito B.MkXVI
Konieg Tiger
?P-51K? (version?)

I would like to see each new version add 1 or 2 perk units so that these would slowly appear.

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother

Bring the Spitfire F.MkXIVc to Aces High!!!


[This message has been edited by Karnak (edited 04-26-2001).]
Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-

Offline hazed-

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We need more perked planes!
« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2001, 05:19:00 PM »
if they start putting aircraft in here that never flew some sort of offensive sortie or combat i will leave.Of that i am sure
I have read about the p51K and it didnt see combat as far as i know.Same for the meteor3 if it wasnt flown offensively.
UNLESS of course we get an historical arena and i can choose realistic WW2 or fantasy WW2 then i couldnt complain.
I know p51k and others mentioned are a long ways off but i really would like to see the planes that actually flew rather than those that didnt first.
but great and interesting list karnak.
f8f? lol you yanks crack me up  

Yank: 'we want this plane...ok it was built in 1951 but hey it would kick bellybutton in there!
shoot everything that moves boys!'
<rest of customers> UTTERLY BORED  

[This message has been edited by hazed- (edited 04-26-2001).]

Offline Animal

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We need more perked planes!
« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2001, 05:41:00 PM »
Perk the jug.

yeah, whatever buddy.

Nethawk: Does your squad openly shoot down chutes?
Fatty: At times, but only if they want to.
Nethawk: Theyre scum
Fatty: cc they are scum

Fatty: as am I

Fat DRUNK Bastards

Offline RangerBob

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We need more perked planes!
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2001, 05:42:00 PM »
I agree with Hazed. Don't let this perk thing get out of hand.

The problem with the perk system is that it assumes that good pilots will earn perk points to spend on these planes. Actually, that may not be the case.

Remember that most pilots that like the perk system do so, because they spend a reasonable amount of time flying to enable them to accumulate enough perk points. Remember also that there are quite a number of pilots, paying the same price, that don't have a lot of time to spend flying to allow them to accumulate a lot of perk points. Now both of these pilots could have the same relative skill level, but the pilot with more time available can accumulate more points. As a result the perk system does not really reward only the skilled pilots.

The more planes that are reserved for perks means less planes available to those pilots, paying the same price, that just don't have a lot of time to accumulate perk points.

Eventually this would lead to defections by pilots, paying the same price, that don't always have the same opportunity to fly those perk planes that other pilots are enjoying. Now this type of system might have worked in the old pay by the hour sim, but in a flat rate priced sim it could bring problems.

A better system is really needed. Something like enabling a certain number of perk planes for a country as it starts to loose bases might be an option. I really don't have any good suggestions, but then again I don't really think the perk system is a good idea.

Be carefull what you wish for, because you just might get it.

Ranger Bob