Can someone define for me what a fair fight is?
That's a valid question. Depending on how you fly, you may never put your self in a situation of a fair fight. If you fly to live, it would be silly to put yourself in any position that would be considered fair.
Fair fights are a no-no to getting home alive. Getting all off by ones self when a pack of Ponies comes in high ruins the day. Where you fly is a prerequisite for living.
A fair fight is different depending on your skill level. The most basic being co-alt both a/c up to speed. I HAVE to take that fight. I've never turned one down.
Depending, you may feel a fair fight is any 1 on 1 one regardless of your opponents superior altitude. A "lets see what he's got" kinda thing. I'll take them, not all of them. If I'm alone, he's alone, come on down lets play. I ain't getting away anyway
If I have countrymen that I can slide over too, I'll do that.
The scary ones take a 1 on 2 or 3 with all of them with the altitude. That's another planet type stuff, seen in done, amazing to watch. That is a "dangerous" pilot.
Win or lose, it's the fight. Amazing the people on channel 1 that have NEVER been flat bellybutton beat in a fight. There's always a reason.
You get beat, you get beat. But was it a good fight ?? Win or lose there ain't nuthin better than a good fight.
I probably lose more than I win. But even if I lose, I have that great fight to remember. A great fight is not dependent on outcome. I've lost some GREAT fights.
But when I do win them, I have an automated system that moves that persons posterior to the "butt wall" while playing "Hail to the Chief" at the same time....LOUD
...after it has played I give a speech to the assembled masses..