Author Topic: Turn stalemates  (Read 265 times)

Offline Fancy

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Turn stalemates
« on: September 17, 2002, 10:03:13 PM »
I was in the TA the other night just looking for some quick fights.  At first I got wasted in my new love the 190A8 because you really need something of a situational advantage to begin with at least.  So I upped in an FM2 ( I was fighting a pair of Spits who were good pilots).  The FM2 and the Spit turn pretty much equivalently at low speeds and I found myself often in a turn fight without myself or the enemy being able to get guns on eachother.  In other words we were pretty much locked in a figure 8 pattern.  Every time I tried to break out of it, I was dead.  How do you break the damn thing without becomming vulnerable or is it just a matter or waiting until your opponent makes a mistake?

Offline Mino

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Turn stalemates
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2002, 12:49:43 AM »
Well, it can get dicey but sometimes I use a special technique.

This technique has its basis in letting your opponent take a shot at you, but of course missing.  Thats dicey part.  Make them burn more E than you do by trying for a shot.  You must appear to them to be trying to do the same exact thing, but actually this is far from the truth.

To get a shot they must fly at you and hold their turn longer.  You have to set it up so that they take shots at you, but indisguise you are only really executing lead turns against them.   You can even fire your guns, to re-inforce their belief if you want to.

This will typically go on for several revs, in which case you can sometimes gain position and get a good shot.

You get a feel for making them miss is all I can tell you.  

Good Luck! :)

Offline humble

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Turn stalemates
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2002, 12:30:33 PM »

It's very hard to disengage from a low speed T&B and survive. Basically your locked in till you win or lose most of the time. I've been to bzy to fly since 1.10 came out so I dont know the FM for the FM2 but from what I've gathered it will out turn the spit IX for sure. I'm not certain that it will out turn the spit V or spit I however so which spitty your facing could be important.

As a general rule however you need to see what strengths you have. As an example will take a spit IX. I'd guess the spit is faster and climbs better than the FM2. I'd also guess it retains E better than the FM2...I'm not certain which plane accelerates better from low speed. Based on other flight models (F6,F4) I'd say the FM2 will hold its own on the Dive and Dive to zoom.

Now I'd also say the FM2 will out turn the spitty at low speed and can out roll the spitty at higher speed...since the spitty holds E so well I'd say the FM2 probably owns it in a scissors fight. So I'd try and convert my "turn fight" with the spitty to a scissors fight as quickly as possible. Thats harder to do if your literally on the deck but if you have a little alt you can try and dive a bit (to build the spitties E up...then break hard while chopping throttle and dumping some flaps He'll be faster and in lag as he his wings synch up to your turn reverse back into should throw him out in front unless he defends the overshoot.

Thats just one possibility...I'd say your best ally is your flaps...the spits dont have "combat flaps" so they get little benifit from using them...even at low speed.

Say hi to KOOL and the guys for me.

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it."-Pres. Thomas Jefferson

Offline TheManx

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Turn stalemates
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2002, 12:33:26 PM »
What I generally do if the fight turns into a stalemate (or disadvantage to me) is to pull the aircraft nose up vertical and lock down the flaps causing the plane to fall over with hard rudder. It's a risky move, but if your opponent isn't used to flaps, or forgets to use them there is little chance of following the move through. There is a chance that you will get busted up in a deflection shot though.

Offline Blank

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Turn stalemates
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2002, 01:02:06 PM »
If your are in a flat scissors and stalemate there are a couple of things I do:

1: You can try Nose above horizon, this will slow your plane give a bit of alt maybe help to get inside your opponent.

2: Nose below horizon you will speed up and gain a little E, though essentially you are still flat turning,

3: Mix the above up while fighting, one turn above, one below this will hopefully stop you from flying through your opponents sight or he will have to manover to get the shot and could possibly burn more e.

4: going really slow, flaps try to get you opponent to stall.

5: last ditch attempt to get a snapshot, after flaps the old put down your landing gear airbrake trick, you WILL get inside him but if you dont get him you are now very slow, and even if you do kill him your a sitting duck for the LA-7 or niki which will dive in and kill you.

6:  the terrain, remember if you are scissoring at low alt you can use the terrain to help you, try to make your opponent fly towards a hill so he has to pull up and burn more e while you can nose low into the valley and gain e. or he will have to break off.

hills save me quite alot these days ;)

most of all know your planes, as its pointless going low and slow with a plane that does it better than you. at which brings me to my last suggestion.

7: hit F12 and ask for help. dont expect it as some guys do actually respect the fact that a good 1v1 is hard to find and will not interfere until asked.